Tuesday, December 23, 2008

2004 Suburban Tire Reset

Pimp my life

In October we had a Teensgodi on "Pimp My Life." We have filmed a video that clearly shows that it is important to pimp his life when his car ...
But see for yourself:

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Slogan,fire Prevention

My Day ...

... tends slowly to a close. I enjoy the last few hours on my sofa in my living room and I'm once again glad to have my own four walls. Otherwise it would have I can not enjoy the day today Sun I have used Ta g and am since long time is very long in bed still. Otherwise, I also did not do much more except that I'm gone shopping in between times. My great friend and neighbor, namely, Sigrid has opened in a few days, birthday and so I am to look for a gift.

Since I have not done much, I've also been thinking a lot about God-my life, the world. Yesterday I had the junior leadership training Advanced course (what a word) about my calling of God. Even in preparing me is was very hard and even when I raise it , I am advised that one time or another to a standstill. Not least because my boss was sitting across from me and it went by, too far n pieces about my future. Yes he has also asked me whether I think that I
in the community doing just that, which is my profession, and therefore, if I think I could stay longer here ...
It was therefore to me and my gifts yesterday. Yes and I've just enumerated the gifts that are gifts of the test came out a month ago. After I finished, I was then asked how it looks with the gift of teaching. This was in fact present. I could not give a really good answer, my impression at least).

Yes, and I just about me today so made my mind: Is this really my gift? Me as my colleague correctly? What is before God with my life? Should I stay after the year here in Steinbach? So really I got answers to these questions yet, but God answers also do not like a Colaautoma
t, where I throw money above and below what comes out ... I'll have to wait even further and see what God gives me for answers.

Maybe he used so you too, dear reader, to give me an answer ;-) I think that one or other of you know me for some time and can well ...
I'm on certainly grateful for any suggestions from your side!

So, I greet you from the beautiful Steinbach and wish you a beautiful holiday season!

Welcome Greeting For Church With Flowers

And once again, a funny little stick

again today as I cheer on the blog love Jana 've stopped by, I got this little stick with her questions to read. While reading it I still thought this way: "Please let them not have this baton thrown at me." When I then reached down, I then had "unfortunately" read that she has done just that. Because I do not want to be, I will answer these questions now, times:

1) Grab the book, which is the closest you suggest on page 18, line 4 to quote!
"Nearly a quarter of Uganda is covered with large lakes and rivers."

2) With the exception of the computer, which you can hear right now?
the rain pattering on my roof window

3) What is currently in your fridge. Call max. 5 Things!
pesto, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, sausage

4) What are sheep when they want to sleep?
The other sheep to get around 5th

If you had your own country, what would it mean?
boah-what kind of question ... That reminds me of nothing so spontaneous a

6th What is your favorite and your hate metal?
favorite metal: silver, hate metal: in fact all the others because they remind me too much of the teaching of chemistry ;-)

7th What did you just wallpaper on your screen?
Colorful huts on the beach with Psalm 4.8: "You have given joy to my heart."

8th What is the craziest book, what do you ever read?
I've read so many books in my life, there were certainly some among them who were mad. However, I can say exactly the reason not just what was the weirdest book.

9th In which of your favorite television shows you would want to live?
Without TV you can have bad a favorite TV show, then, in no ...

10th If you were a Pokemon what would you be?
Pokemon? So I can start anything!

So, and since I'm now plagued by the questions, I'll throw the stick now on to Meli, Janine and Bruno .

Friday, November 21, 2008

Cornflower Blue Flip Flops For Weddings

Winter Wonderland

following grad song was sent to me by nem good friend. And since in some parts of Germany, yes the winter is broken, I thought I put it once in here:

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Adjust Electrical Outlet

My apartment

As promised, after many attempts, finally photos my apartment

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Golden Star Aromatic Balm

I'VE GOT YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dream apartment!!
sleep since last week Wednesday I was in my own Wohnung.Eine pretty tough answer to prayer! God is just fine! On Monday last week I could see it at last and I fell in love with her: 76m ², three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, store room (which was more of a room, but without a window) And what is full is ingenious, it is a penthouse and I only say Büroräume.Das evenings and on weekends I am alone in the house and it does not bother anyone when I have visitors from the teens or kids from the community on Sunday hab.Und we also like genutzt.Nach Worship, lunch, cleaning up and a short side trip to Mc Donald's are a few come from the teens and my nice colleague to me and we had lots of fun at a joint long walk and Personality-Play!
I'm still quite flat from the fact that I ne house all to myself did. I rent my life is something beautiful, but after three years but then it goes! =)
But besides the fact that I've got a flat, even brilliant, is the fact that so many lovely people prayed for me bzw.für an apartment for me. So many have kept their great and so happy with me, so I on Monday last week the same with my Colleagues, nem teen from the community, my roommate and Steffi until then, the degree was to visit with me, was comfortable drinking wine to celebrate the apartment!

Soon I will of course sometimes images from my apartment, until then I have to unpack the boxes still completely what I had until now not so real time, since I still have to work!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Football Basketball Decorated Cakes

Almost a month ago ...

... here's what I have written. Is probably because I anyway almost every day at the computer sitting in the evening and not have as much desire to write something here inside.

It was a lot going on in the last month and I'll try to be brief:
early October were we shared at the community recreation, which personally for me was very good but stressful time. I had made in advance the allocation of rooms, the schedule for the day considered rude and planned the children's program. Quite a challenge to distribute the room and I've definitely learned something. Next time it will go, hopefully with no complications on the stage, because unfortunately I had forgotten to consider a lot, so that it looked the day of arrival as if we had enough room, but fortunately I was able to this problem fairly quickly . solve During the time I've actually then most of the time spent with the kids, which was really great. For it allowed I do and they know me better and I do not get to the weekend only once by a mom or a dad to hear that I love the kids. I could also notice the fact that the kids wanted to do on Saturday almost all day on loved ones with something to me. I made it very fun and even if it was a bit tiring sometimes, I got the time but enjoyed very much. But I also had time to entertain myself with community members, which was great because I Sundays, so then it does not have much time to talk with the individual people, and I can not because rarely go out with the last of the service areas. All in all, the church camp that is a very successful and valuable time for me that I would want to miss under any circumstances.

addition to the children's ministry in the church I've now also decided to cooperate in the teens. As the teens in the community have welcomed me and accepted very quickly, I somehow had the feeling that I should also bring in as. Of course, my main task will still be the children's area, and then I will certainly not be boring, but it is also worthwhile to get involved in the teens, because they're really cool and I'm already full to my heart!

Jo, the next news would know that I've got a great apartment in view. That is to say, I was told that it ne great apartment. Because I'll see you tomorrow. But the verbal agreement that I've actually already got. Now I hope once that I get tomorrow will really ne commitment, because that would be even a special birthday present. I will definitely report when I know exactly what ....

And now to conclude with a great song that was recommended to me by a good friend

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mario Salieri Football


'm So-on my day today I once again time, leading to write here.

The last few weeks were marked by relocation, work, meet new people, make friends, something unpleasant Discussions ... But by and large, but mostly good times.

now I am apart from my living situation here really arrived. I'm comfortable with my work, my colleagues are great and in my tasks, I think more and more into it. The people in the community are just great! The community here is the community I have been looking in recent years. I was given a very nice and I feel integrated.
The kids and teens are simply full of the hammer. Especially with the teens I have been doing in recent weeks much: swimming in the lake, movie nights, spreading the service areas, visit the Plum Festival in Bühl, followed by common cooking ...
is here shown me that I am loved and valuable! The town is a total blessing for me and I am pleased to be able to bring me next year in this county.

A total ingenious answer to prayer is SUSL. She is also in the community and works with children in worship. She lives directly across from the community and best of all: it is as old as me and we have understood from the beginning to Supergut! It is me in recent weeks become a very important and good friend!

The only thing I still lack is a nice cozy little apartment for me near the church. But I am sure that God was at the right Time will take care of them so!

way: If you want to look at pictures of the children's week, could you this: www.sos-ausdemdschungel.magix.net

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Waveguide Fell Out Of My Microwave

SOS from the jungle

That's the motto of the Children's Week (KIWO) here in Steinbach, the community currently performs. Every morning at nine
get 200 kids with great enthusiasm and great expectation on the piston field, the hard place of Steinbach, where the KIWO takes place.
two days are already over and even if I have 11 hours each day a day, I enjoy the daily total! So many kids who are just super! Above all, my small group, the Hippos, is great! The kids are grown to love me totally and It is hard for me fall for sure, me on Saturday to say goodbye to them! But who knows, maybe the one or the other even after the KIWO in the children's services or to road program that I would start after the summer holidays happy here in Steinbach.

each morning plays a theater team her experiences in the jungle, where they are "landed" after a plane crash. Every day they see that it is important to adhere to the rules from the "survival book". And just as important it is for us that we adhere to the commandments of God "survival book". To be is it then that is based on the play, explains two every day for the children in plenary and then again later absorbed in the small groups.
telling side stories, talk to the kids about it and pray, the fun comes with games and not rage too short!
I'm looking forward to any event to the next days and if I have my laptop back, actually even a few pictures to see!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cost Of Laser Treatment For Kidney Stones In Hyd

The 1000.ste visitors on my blog

I do not know who it was, but I'm definitely happy!
My blog is therefore actually read! ;-)

Thank you, come over and over again that their time with me or on my blog!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Almay Clear Complexion Foundation For Rosesa

first week

So now I'm actually still have my first work week behind me ...
goes by so fast time.
I've settled in well and leave it to just about make a little slower. At the moment they made a lot for the Children's Week, from 25 take place until August 30 is. After the children
week I will have my own office and I can fully concentrate on my duties here.
Last week I made arrangements with my first guiding person, which I will in the coming year for tasks, and what I've been thinking for goals and visions for my probationary year.
When I've thought about is the one I have become important that I want to be a model for the children, would like to show them the love of God and they also show want, how beautiful and valuable it is to live according to God's will.
Second, it has become my also important for employees to be there to train them to encourage them to use their gifts accordingly and to make clear the importance of our work in the community for the children ... I will implement
Virtually the whole thing through staff training, regular staff meetings ...
As for the children, I would carry children's services to plan the program for the church camp in early October and conducted jointly with others, carry out (hopefully) are planning a carnival free time next year, and then I would still like something socially missionary start in the community so that the beginnings, which are sown in the children's week can be harvested ...
I am very curious to see how the year is running so and will report here again.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Poster Templates Free Powerpoint

6 hours from home Marburg ...

... I've used yesterday. But unfortunately, because congestion was, but because my little red car has let me down. But first things first: I must
make my room key on Thursday and is still clean and deleted before I'm yesterday so set off around half past six at night to be in Marburg. Here I wanted to meet me at half past nine with friends to spend a great game night.
But unfortunately nothing was out of the ... For short
from Frankfurt, I was traveling with just 130 on the left hand lane, began the speedometer needle to fall further and even though I have given gas. A slight hint of panic arose in me, because finally I was just very far away from the hard shoulder.
A short but meaningful prayer: "Dear Daddy, help me safely get out of here!" before I've tried to come to the emergency lane. And my prayer was answered: I am certainly arrived on the fleeing verges safe there and when I got up, went from the engine and not again!
After I recovered from the initial shock, I then immediately called the ADAC times. After all, I already paid regularly for about five years my review then I can not now time to help!
After the issue was resolved, if I had enough fuel in the tank (I have first before I set off with a full tank!) And I could tell after some back and forth when I'm right (because who cares about the individual exits when he knows where he wants to go), then came the promise: "A Golden Angel is now with them!"

was quickly said "Yellow Angel" found that the ignition coil is broken on my car. He had unfortunately no longer there, but he could ask his colleagues in the area, whether from this one for me in the car had. However, said ignition coil is 100 Euro and I would have to pay immediately. But unfortunately I had no 100 € here and not on my account.
stayed So I have no other choice than to wait for the tow ... This should
me on to the next workshop fahren.Da but it was soon eight in the evening, was also realized that I could not expect as much nowadays. Therefore, I then after brief reflection on Tobi and Heidi called and asked if they could get me. The two were my knight in shining armor! They were actually willing to sacrifice their night for me! A big THANK YOU at this point! With
Friedhelm meantime I had already phoned and he said, he would come today (ie Tuesday) to Marburg and then take me along to the workshop.
Yes and then I could wait almost 1 1 / 2 hours on the

. Meanwhile, it was clock 21:15. Until then my last car at a workshop in Frankfurt rose and Heidrun and Tobi had found me, was half-past eleven and I just wanted to eat home and what. For I had long gone!
Shortly before midnight, I was finally released in Marburg and I will forget this, my last trip in my great room to Marburg, definitely not as fast!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sayings About Super Owl


are now again a few days passed and so I read once, what was going on in the last weeks with me.
After the exams passed, of course, celebrated vigorously.
on Friday after the tests prepared by the lower age groups a hugely fantastic gala evening for us: It was super delicious food, the room was beautifully decorated, a specially assembled for this evening band has accompanied the evening with great music and the program team has a great great program for prepared us. A totally beautiful evening that we have completed three years of full time super.
on Saturday morning was then the final service in which our director has said goodbye with a kind word and a little melancholy after Christine and Toby together Faix preached had. According to the official parties
have enjoyed our third graders as our last time together yet, spent quality time together and reminds us of our time together.
With tears of farewell, but also because of anticipation I went down last week on Monday with a fully loaded car to my parents. Here I now enjoy the days off with nothing, visiting friends and relatives and get ready for my probationary year.
Because that begins on August 4 in Steinbach. I look forward to now and I'm curious what it will bring can do.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wrestlers Breast Cancer Awareness Singlet

Gone !!!!!

Since my last entry is done a lot: I have four wonderful days
enjoyed at home, doing nothing-down time except on Saturday to Steinbach in the community in order to get information for the Children's Week. I received a very warm welcome from the people of the community who have all told me that they are very happy for me! How well this does, to know that you expect! Since I the goodbye is here but the same light.

Yes, speaking of leaving, the moves become closer. Because yesterday I had my oral exam in project and I've done it: I get one! YEAH !!!!!!!! In
and that I'm learning now behind me, I've been looking forward already. But unfortunately this also means, I'll be here much longer. My parents come tomorrow and on Friday my best Meli. On Friday evening, then our graduation party on Saturday and church service. Yes and many will do on Sunday or Monday already on their way to their new home. Bibs are then past three years and see you "only" four times a year for the BP-week. This thought occurs to me just been pretty hard, but I'm looking at my place in the community.
The next day I'll definitely still enjoy the community here!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sound Quality Double Din

test results

Today was the day of truth!

our results we have received the written tests!
Started , the final day with a string in which we had in common with the first-graders, the second unfortunately no longer teaching, the "death of a teacher" had to clear up (of course, the fictional death). A very fun game, especially since the end came out, that no one was the killer. The professor died in a fall in history, no one was involved!

After finishing blow we had last time the project "lessons". Teaching it was not really comfortable because we have eaten ice cream and then over the year project reflects lessons have.

Towards the end of this round of reflection then our dear teacher Judith, so that our nerves were bare. After all, we knew that it holds our notes of the trials in the hand.

Then, when the reflection was over, began the "moment of truth": the alphabet (this time for once from the back). Since I was about in the middle, I had a little exercise in patience. The wait was worth it for sure!

My results:
  1. SGL: 2 - Presentation Note 2
  2. SKS: 2minus - Filing Note 2
  3. project: 1 - Presentation Note 2
have heard as I did, my first thought was: "God has real humor!" I was not ill prior to testing and did the first test in SGL also quite written struck. Until shortly before the test I was not sure if I can really take notes because I really was not feeling well, first and second, I could not really learn a lot!

And yet I was sure that I will not write this test alone, but that God is sitting next to me! And in the test results confirmed God gave me this knowledge: he was there and he has written to me! Now it is

wait until Tuesday then the examination subjects are announced! Let's see what comes out, I confirmed two notes and have even improved!

During this waiting time I'll time here at home enjoy with my parents, attend a seminar for the week of my children's Bible recognition site and look down at my results, that I had not really expected!

BUT: Once again, I could see how good God is and how good he is at his "kids" take care!

He is simply brilliant and it helps!

is the end "only" have to say: PRAISE THE LORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pregnancy And Pain Above The Belly Button

It's done!

And I'm grad just happy to have it behind me!

After testing on Friday, which I still have co-written semi-ill, on Monday was still SKS (social-pedagogical concepts and strategies) of the pedagogy of Maria Montessori (incidentally, a very good concept) and now turn a check in the art project in which I had a fifteen minute performance of a group of an afternoon kindergarten plan in the social focal point. Very challenging and a lot. We all had to struggle with the scope of the examination questions to be completed, but in the end we have managed all!

and now they have announced four days off, at least for those of us who write on Friday no math test in order to still make the highschool diploma. (So there is still an advantage as long pressed the school to have ;-))
These days I'm going to use in order to be healthy and still properly to treat my body the rest that he had not last week because of exams and preparation!

On Monday we will go together to the monastery as a vintage Volkenroda on Quiet Days. I'm excited to be had ...

Friday, May 30, 2008

Creda Integrated Dishwashers

Praise the Lord!

Yeah !!!!!!!!
God is soooooooooooo good! He has given to me yesterday and today so much force that I study for the exam and they could then write down today! It was a long back and forth, and on Wednesday I thought not, I have to check next week writing out because I was far from fit, but God has since thought differently! Thank God! ;-)

So I have the first of Three tests behind me and that's the only thing I can say now to this: I have behind me! Towards the end of my strength and concentration, but has subsided a lot but I could write something to all the tasks. Whether it was what my teacher wanted to know, I learn it in three weeks! ;-)

Thank you for your inquiries, prayer, and fear with me, whether I am now really back as far as encouraging dam that I hold four hours exam! It feels soooo infinitely good to know that someone hopes with me and pray for me!
Thank you also for your encouraging words!
I've just come great friends! * Gg

Thanks also to the teachers, have also demanded again and again and worrying about it did take notes if I can or not. If one or the other of you reading this:
It's great to have you as a teacher! It is so beautiful to know that you makes you worry about us and we will not "just" students are for you!
You guys are great and I am so glad to have spent three years of my life here at this school!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Jcp Styling Salon Prices

Just got back from my GP. The result: By Thursday, I'm first on sick leave. Reason: An ordinary flu infection. Last night was really terrible. Could hardly sleep and everything is easy just tiring. Therefore I will now be back to bed and hope that I am fit again soon to learn for the SGL-examination on Friday and I can take notes and then can. I want them writing out under any circumstances!

Please pray that I will be healthy again and can then place on Friday, a good test!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Salieri Footballstreaming

sick sick ...

... and shortly before the tests.

But first let me begin with something nice.
As there is still a holiday in Hesse "Corpus Christi", we had a long weekend, so Heidi and I went on Wednesday afternoon together in the South. After a good car with good conversation, I'm Heidi "sold" at home and then I quickly drove home, because my cousin has celebrated his 40th birthday. A very nice birthday, though sometimes a bit too loud. ;-)
On Thursday and Friday I got the time then used to learn something, barbecues with my family to sit around the campfire and relax.
Yesterday had my Mum birthday and we celebrated the evening with our relatives in the garden. Despite rain, it was really nice and I was in between with the kids around a campfire roasting sausages. Also it was nice again all my dear relatives in a "bunch" have to, because I quite often see.

However, the day yesterday was the fact clouded that I am already noticed that I am somehow not quite fit. I woke up with neck pain, in the evening I felt my head and then hurt it all. Did it also unfortunately have to find that I had slightly elevated temperature. As I had promised the kids but, grilling sausages with them, I could not withdraw yet. So I sat down with them set the fire and then have enjoyed a little more time with my family. But at ten I then realized that nothing is more real and love me then retracted! Unbelievable: I go to bed at half past ten, when the bottom of the garden to be celebrated!
The night was super stressful, I times have frozen and I was just beastly hot times. I also get no air and I was totally nervous at the end.
was close to tears (and a few have also fought): Why I am now so close to the exams ill? This must surely not be, right?

As I lay in bed as this and have already prayed, I thought, I could even write to my good friend and pastor Matt and ask him, that he prays for me. And it came promptly, despite the late hour, returns a response. This news has touched me so that I now shed a few tears of emotion. Because I could read the SMS that he was already on my SMS prayed for me! I thought: "Wow what is this without knowing that I'm feeling lousy grad goes, he prays for me Unbelievable!??!"
have written out that I was very encouraged by the SMS, but I am still somewhat frustrated because I'm simply no strength grade. His next
SMS was then again very encouraging, and I was able to sleep well. Now I'm

again in Marburg and I feel pretty dam level again ...
But now I know more than yesterday, that my dear Daddy leaves me alone, that he is with me and help me. Even though I also difficult in some moments!
I need this Tests do not write alone, and I have to learn not the only explanation!
And for that I am grateful!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

How Long Does Ear Infection Last

Back in the WG

Yes, the six weeks are really back as early as and when so slowly, the second and sometimes first-graders come to the bibs, I also have packed my things and I'm from the Stresemannstrasse moved out to return to my room in my WG to draw in the Swan Avenue. Even Heidi and Tobi are again returned to Marburg. The two are at noon at three landed in Frankfurt at the airport and I was mad with her car, a Mazda 6 (7-course (including reverse): What a car!) For instance. And since they were pretty tired from the 15-hour flight, I was even chauffeured them to Marburg. ;-)

I have the six weeks "own" apartment very much and miss the great apartment now. I would love to just the next two weeks bzw.drei remained in the apartment to enjoy the tranquility there to study for exams can. There were six wonderful weeks, in which I discovered for myself that I can enjoy it much, to have their own four walls. The time was so enjoyable and I'm now actually wondering about whether I would like to draw in the summer but not only in a small flat or whether I Evi, with which I have during my internship lived together, had a new flat presentation. A now not so easy decision, but maybe I will be the decision taken by the fact that I either have no home for me alone or just find no home for us both. I hope that I'm going to have some time after the tests in order to take care of it.

But now I'm first again in my flat today, I have already found out that it is a great change for me: first, at a time, five others with me in an apartment and then run outside and have children rum. But the few weeks that will still be here, I will also be "rumbekommen.
Okay, now that sounds pretty negative. But it should not be! I like my WG and the children running around the outside, but it's just after six weeks rest but again a great change!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Where To Buy A Skate Sharpener

laaaaaaaaanges A beautiful sunny weekend ...

goes ... in the next few minutes to the end and I enjoyed it very much!
  • apartment cleaning: Who would have thought that it's so much fun to clean an apartment? Is it because it was my "own" apartment? Makes it later just so much fun, then when I actually have my own apartment?
  • lunch with Jana : A very nice time, where we have to talk really well!
  • learning: I've finally decided to to do something for the learning scripts in SGL and SKS (though not much ;-))
  • sun on the Lahn: enjoyed with some nice people from bibs the sun!
  • shopping with Jasmin: After all, are in for a long weekend, is announced at the barbecue!
  • movie night with Connie and Steffi: "The Wedding Singer" a tearjerker, which did not make me sad! * Freu *
  • long sleep: It was good! SKS started to write
  • script
  • Eating out with Jasmine in the Upper Town: spontaneous and did really well, sometimes get out of the apartment between learning
  • "dream wedding" looked: She came again and it was one, though rather unusual distractions. I just got in between just wondering why I actually doing to me!
  • Unsuccessful meeting with Christina on Monday morning: Unfortunately, something unpleasant. Probably had somehow talked past each other. Learning script for this reason alone SGL started.
  • grilling, chilling and volleyball play-Lahn: A very funny discussion with people from my year and the FSJler Lars. The sun was sooooooo beautiful and a break from Freud and Montessori! However, I was perhaps a bit too long in the sun-headache and dizziness could greet!
  • crickets in the second Steffi and Jens: I'm probably really the daughter of my parents and the crickets can not get enough! ;-) Was a really fun round, which also went into the early morning hours to two I lay in bed and knew I must get up at nine again! :-(
  • study group meeting at Christina: script compared, hours draft started
  • chill and do nothing in the apartment
  • lunch and washing in the DGD: I'm going to miss next week, it was so funny with the three guys
  • ! Completing the SGL scripts
  • cinema with Jasmine and Janine: "The Wave"-a very impressive Film, it makes you think!
short: As mentioned above, a very nice weekend, I've really enjoyed and thanks to a teachers' conference was even longer today than yesterday by the holiday anyway!

morning begins the "normal" school life again and that is why I will now go to sleep times fast! ;-)