Sunday, October 25, 2009

Im 38 Weeks Pregnant And My Poo Is Black

Come to Jesus ... and live! Sometimes it just does

© Albert and Andrea Frey,
© Video on by Tina Stephens, 2006

wounded, weak, a sinner, lost
when you die -
oh, raise the head because Love is courting you.
Come to Jesus Come to Jesus Come to Jesus ...
and live!

is now gone, the burden
sunk into the deepest sea.
His death has given you new life.
Now sing to Jesus, Sing to Jesus Sing to Jesus ...
and live!

Do not be afraid to crawl, as
born child.
Do not forget, sometimes we fall down too.
fall to Jesus, fall on Jesus, fall on Jesus
... and live!

Your path is sometimes lonely,
also paved with pain.
your black sky and tearfully your heart. Then
screaming to Jesus, cry cry to Jesus, to Jesus ...
and live! If

Love bubbles over, the night music
reveals the joy of your passion, then
dance for Jesus Dance for Jesus Dance for Jesus ...
and live!

And with the last heartbeat -
say goodbye.
Go in peace, for he is waiting.
Fly home to Jesus, home to Jesus,
home to Jesus ... and live "
© text and melody: Chis Rice, translation if: Albert Frey

In principle, one could 'blog Friday and move in together it today when I got up Saturday morning after a tearful night, I felt much better.. I indulged a relaxing day with a warm bath, I've cooked something delicious, and watching a movie. I dangled my soul and I simply do good.

I have often wondered what it is that I am about my moods as unsettled her.

My therapist has explained to me then that I am now even a person who lives very strong feelings and a melancholic choleric is then starting and exhausting.

But I learn with time to take these nights just as they come, without fear of them have. My world does not break along with me when I'm depressed and I wake up the next morning, still alive and kicking on.

Sometimes I call this loneliness and the grief I also knew a. If the grief is knocking at my door, then I do and say. "Hey, nice that you're here If we want to deal with each other a little bit" and then we see us together, "Titanic" or "to A Walk to Remember," Cook us some tea with rum, the spit Zewatücher full and efficient self-pity us But the next morning I do the door again and say: "So, was nice to you, now you can go, I need my heart for a while, so it's enough for today ".

And so the sadness disappeared on Saturday morning just as quickly as they had come.

But I was still very alert. My heart was still quite softened and a bit hurt. So I have taken time to talk after the service, I went to bed and then it started to Albert and Andrea Frey concert.

It was my first concert with them, and I was mighty curious. The hall was sold out and half the town had come.

Albert announced first in a "profound" first part. In "Between Heaven and Earth", it took exactly 10 seconds and I started to cry.

"Between Heaven and Earth is a crack
and a struggle between light and darkness.
In the meantime, in the meantime.
We are between heaven and earth were
and that what we do not we want to do that.
In the meantime, in the meantime.

Between Heaven and Earth, we suffer from strife
on the way to you.
In the meantime, in the meantime.
Between Heaven and Earth is a web
and you yourself are the bridge and the road.
In the meantime, in the meantime.

Between Heaven and Earth, we are
and we enter into this plan with you.
In the meantime, in the meantime.
You make heaven and earth once again, but
your kingdom is already here and you are faithful.
In the meantime, in the meantime.

midst of this world but not of this world, we
belong to you and yet we are still here.

between heaven and earth you're hanging there,
all alone and abandoned by man and God.
Between sky and earth stretched out on the cross.
Between Heaven and Earth you're hanging there,
cross where the beams intersect, the place
is where heaven and earth meet in you.
on where the cross! "
© Albert Frey

's me but not surprised, it would have surprised me if the emotions were still in me, had not I sought. As described in this song, I felt caught between that which I long and what my Lord promised me. You have to be very hard have become so as not to be touched by these words.

It is a subtle difference, whether you cry because you are injured or if God touched his heart overflowing with love and everything back there takes place where it belongs. Of course it hurt, because pretty much every song of the first part the tears ran down my face. As a healing power that music came directly into my soul and washed me vigorously. But somehow it did me good and that was a very important moment.

I think if Albert Frey first intoned the celebration songs and brought the house down would, I would not come to cope. Somehow that was exactly the right Way for me and I was the deep, quiet songs just beginning to appreciate.

After "Love Song" from the last Albert Frey production ("first love"), I said with a smile to my mom, while I wiped the tears from her cheek, "Now is time well, or nothing left of me !!!".

Well. "Where am I also" definitely gave me the rest

"And I thank you that you know me and still love.
And that you call me by name and forgive me.
Lord, you judge me again and you lift me up to you.
Lord, I thank you that you know and love me anyway. "

The hall was like a man! This was a very precious and absolutely sacred moment, we were able to experience. God was felt in that moment there and we again called out that he loves us, no matter how we are, no matter where we stand. We sometimes forget that is quite happy. When the house lights

the break came on, I was not the only one who fumbled for a handkerchief to be laid to clean their noses.

And then celebrate!

I smile every time I see how refreshing awkwardly trying to celebrate Christians sometimes, especially here in our country Lipper. So there you have times teeters a little, bowing to pressure their hips, clap and carefully padded foot on the ground, not works anymore. As such, we would have to dance to the songs Polonaises through the gears, but then showed the joy subdued, even when the eyes were bright, beaming faces.

Albert Frey and his group left out raged around the stage as one of the song "freedom of the children of God" at one time can lead to 'Uff de Schwabian Eisebahne "and" Pippi Longstocking ", I somehow missed, but I laughed a break! We have discussed this part of the concert later in the car for a long time. Some found it inappropriate to move seamlessly from the child's program and I praise I give, I had also get used to.

But that is precisely what we Christians sometimes so difficult:
to enjoy the freedom to time his "child". Perhaps we have forgotten how to: play the exuberance and a little silliness in our rigid Christian let in?

In the car I said, "God does not live only in our songs and praise for me is to rinse, dishes, or to feed my cats so much I want to do anything with Jesus..." So be it.

Andrea closed the evening with the song "Come to Jesus" and she said: "I think this evening's motto is" Live! Live with Jesus "and the song in the whole hall sang along silently.

For me, today joined a circle that had begun with my despair on Friday. I have cried with Jesus this weekend, mourned, I once again broken, but just as I was allowed to laugh, cry with joy, and begin to live with all that I had complained just in these days so come to my heavenly father and me Align again anew.

That was important, my friends. That was incredibly important to me. Not to stop at the Friday night, but the Sunday evening to experience.

As Albert Frey in the song "Come to Jesus" so aptly says:

"Come to Jesus, sing to Jesus
fall on Jesus, crying
to Jesus,
dance for Jesus,
fly to Jesus ...
... and live! "

I think I've done it all this weekend. I have come to Jesus, was singing, I fell, I screamed, I danced and I flew Jesus. And I realized that I enjoy living.

I did well this weekend, in every respect. It was perfectly fine to remind me that I still need a man by my side, but even better was the experience that God knows precisely this lack. My Heavenly Father has not admitted that I was the only reminder of this weekend was what I was missing, I had to stop not there when I arrived, but I will arise again in order to live.

And I was able to once again relive that God makes me grieve, too, but not holding me in my grief. That was precious, that was incredibly valuable.

and let live and just take everything that has to do with this life together. And grieve if you will, then please do it. But if you want to laugh and rage, then that does too!

My mom said today in a car on the way home, a little wistfully:
"I will someday be with the Lord and I will be made so again, that I finally can even dance!"

wants to see me!

God bless us on our Way, your
© Tristesse


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