Sunday, October 18, 2009

Desert Eagle Gold Plated Cost

tortellini battle or why it's just nice for me, young people just to see me

© Photos: Tristesse

Question: What do you do when you run away to his apartment dirty place and has no motivation, finally durchzuputzen you thoroughly?

Answer: you load a somebody. Latest, before a dinner I brush, because it is embarrassing to me than when someone enters my home siffig. Even if it is "only" my parents are!

is in itself it is not difficult to find in my social circle hungry mouths waiting to be filled. Every Sunday, meet at my favorite family from the community (I have them already 2 blogs under the topic "What friends are for?" Dedicated), a diverse group of young people to eat. I am also often there, and love, as you know, this Sunday.

Now it was so that today, the host parents were not there and so I just decided to invited the usual suspects to me. It's not that the kids have to cut down at home one egg in the pan!

Somehow, the then independent. As such, I was the only way to the five people in the eye, but then I remembered one or the other is still a ... I thought "Hm .. but one was always there!" and before I knew myself, I had invited 11 people and a toddler.

As such we think of even at such a planning that determines one or the other call it off, but somehow suddenly said to everyone! Since I had the mess!

Well, okay, 12 people. Hm Where would I put, I do not think now had to this would later time, but what to cook when you have only one stove and two cute cats, marching like to look over the sideboards to see what has put the can opener like that? Human food they eat yes, but she really likes to play football and sometimes with peas paws around on potatoes.

Ha, I had it easy: Tortellini, a great idea, you only need 2 pots and sinks would also briskly.

was the next problem, how much you would have to cook, to get all tired. I really have asked everyone and the data were received from 100 g to 500 g per nose, so I just bought about 3 kg. That was a wise Decision, I have no idea where all the kids trustworthiness! There is not much left.

Stephan simste me Saturday morning, "How come then, my wife wants to make waffles!" Hallelujah! At dessert or cake, I had not even thought of.

Sun Evi drove my colleague and I went shopping first Thursday. Tortellini, cream, cheese, ham, assorted snacks and fruit drinks, a packet of coffee, one gallon of milk ... It piled in the shopping cart. After the refrigerator could be concluded only by engergisches hammering, I went to cleaning.

four weeks I had them sharpened it, and if you have two cats, then you need hours, by almost 80 square again to get clean. I took my time, made little break in between, but I was done more than when I was able to facilitate yesterday evening at 19 clock seufend the vacuum cleaner in the corner. My cats have hated me way. Cleaning means for them to make noise, constantly pushing the Knatterkissen aside and scold.

fell during the night then I siedenheiß one at half past eleven, I had not enough pots. Well, my parents had lent me her big pot, but that would be enough just for the sauce.

Thank God I live in the parish house and so I took today after the service a sizeable Pot up and a few extra spoons and cake forks. The church voted me perfectly to this day. "My" young people made the music, it was wonderful to sing with them and celebrate God. I got it right in the heart warm and I had the feeling that God gave me light a small lamp above my head.

One of the kids said after the service: "Tell me, where should we actually all sit?", But somehow this would be all right. I had already boarded up 25 people over for me.

And then one by one, trickled in, always with an energetic "Make sure that the cat runs off !!!!" welcomed by me. Milo of course went and was promptly donate protesting violently captured from Niklas.

The young people poured on my leather sofas, ever nibbled grapes, each took a glass and I could concentrate on the cooking process. Again and again I looked over the shoulder of a "Hmm .. this smells delicious but full of evil crass!" and from the living room and cheerful laughter penetrated talk.

with spoons and plates, it was armed to the food issue, I felt like the school lunch. Bread was passed around and everyone could be just where he found space down. Greedy silence, interrupted by "Wow. Yummy!" and constant reloading, it was a mess! But a funny!

Thank God were all filled, the first coffee dripped through the machine and then began the talks. Oscar groaned at the serving of sweets and chocolate puffed rice, "Oh, man this is one yes !!!", supplies but I know now times that the road goes to the heart of a young person always about the food!. Feed them and they will love you even if I think that I am "my" kids love so much have.

A cat walked across the room (the other was under the bed and came out all day not), Noemi, just 16 months old and extremely curious admitted from the shelves, trying to counter the Tiger wegzuessen the food ... it was a single chaos, tumult and chatter.

Eventually rang Simon: "Did not someone said something about waffles?" and then were Millie and me in the kitchen and made us familiar with my food processor. I have been a good year, but somehow it was not really used much. We stood enraptured in front of this monster machine and watched as the cream was almost beaten into butter. Cherries were made hot, powdered sugar, I had accidentally went there and it to the wafer destruction. The remaining waffles I have given Melli. The eyes of Stephen, Mellis man who lit up when he saw the plate.

The child was eventually put to bed, a coffee cargo after another went by and then I could finally put this sometimes and relax. We told them we roared with laughter, we enjoyed the community and the feeling with friends at the right time right place to be.

some point were Biggi, Ben and I exchanged in the kitchen, while washing out the latest community we gossip, told of our issues, concerns and wishes, we have for us. I love you so ... the small, quiet talks, culminating in the fact that we have a heart for our little community and they want to make progress.

went Gradually the guests, the hard core remained seated until half past eight. When I then finally to the last hugs the door closed behind me, the other plate placed in the washing basket, I realized that I was still smiling.

I'm almost missing the words to explain how nice it was for me today. The time with "my" kids has made me incredibly rich. Honestly, what can happen to a man already, if you have friends? How can it be dark and sad in my heart when I accompany such a wonderful and precious people?

Each of my friends is something very special. One caution, the other happily noisy, some profound or superficial, but they all have my heart. They are all part of my family and I would not want to miss today.

Jesus has promised us that when come together only two or three of his children, he will always be there. And he was here today. He sat down next to us and mitgelacht. He took care of Naomi, the little princess, so that you do nothing. He has not let us tear just jokes, but also paid deep conversations.

So I close this blog entry with the feeling of having spent a truly wonderful day.

Let us communion with others. Let us not that we stay in our homes alone with ourselves. We just for singles is very important.

And even if it means a day that destroyed the apartment and the kitchen is vollgedreckt that it is worth it!

God bless us!
© Tristesse


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