Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I Forget The 3 Digit Combi At My Luugage?

Stonehenge - Bernard Cornwell

they are called the "Amish" or "Amish," a community of faith which limited their life to devote themselves totally to God. The Amish people give up every luxury and every kind of technical progress. No electricity, no sanitation facilities, which belong to us to normal and we do not actually appreciate it. Their religion is based on a disciplined rigor which it has imposed on itself. But even among the conservative Amish people there are liberal groups that adapt, but need to discipline themselves and to their religion and thus express themselves, to remain faithful.

In the U.S. and in Ontario, Canada, the Amish live in 26 states, their family roles are strictly avoid all contact with the outside world is strictly avoided, unless they can avoid it. Mainly originate from the Amish of South-West German and Swiss German, their language is the traditional
Pennsylvannia German. Castilo Linda wrote in her debut novel "The numbers of the dead," a thriller in which shook the small, pacifist faith community of the Amish is. was content
In Painters Mill, a small rural town in Ohio it 16 years ago, a brutal series of murders. The current police chief Kate Burkholder, a former Amish was the victim of the killer who raped and almost killed. Her childhood ended at age 14 and soon after, as young adults, they decide it is not as fully-fledged member of the faith community to join. She broke with the tradition that has been so for a "excommunicated" and left her family to find their own way.
But when a mutilated female corpse on the field of an Amish construction is found, which was apparently tortured and raped, Kate feels catapulted into the past. As yet to be discovered on the corpse of the young woman Roman numbers that someone in their full awareness, has cut to the abdomen, the relentless nightmares to reality for the small community.
Kate secret, the truth about the serial killer of 16 years ago, she carries with her brother and sister are the Amish. No other human soul knows about the events that are happening at that time and Kate is keen that this will remain the same. Is it still that the "butcher" is still alive and continues to murder? Kate Burkholder identified with their colleagues on their own investigations to be carried off by a little, because they actually had to turn to begging for support directly to the FBI / BCI.
Kate fears and thus it is itself involved in the case, can the young officer to make mistakes. When the offender strikes again, leaving this once his bestial torture of the young woman, the situation escalates. Kate gets support from a detective of BCI - John Tomasetti, whose career evolved to an extent that it has issued from Misconduct with the case were sought to be pushed. Kate does not trust their new colleagues and excludes him from the investigation to large are their fears and as the daughter of a celebrity duck politician from Painters Hill the next victim of the "butcher" will remain the manager nothing more to be done, as Kate from the police to dismiss. Kate is now forced to put their past to prevent more murders?

Linda Castillo's debut novel "The numbers of the dead" is a very competent thriller to convince not only the increasing voltage white.
Although not just a thriller is more or less as a thriller, the plot is knitted while using known pattern, but it works at any moment as a cheap copy, or entertaining story that you have read somewhere or something like that before.

The author saves on gruesome details, which developed the horror felt. Alone in the prologue is already the first murder from the clarity of the victim described and strategies to create the tension building as requested. But beware, the author describes only the first appearance of the offender. In case of further finds of the later bodies and the methodological and accurate description of wounds and torture it comes to morbid. Especially when the pathologist has with Kate, who would like to know more about it, as expected, whether the "signature" of the offender the same business card as it was 16 years ago. Kate's panic and fears Linda Castillo reported great because with increasing intensity here go the helplessness and yes, the error the same disastrous path. The panic of the young officer is dramatically sensitive comprehensible for the reader. Gradually, the reader learns more about the past of the young woman, her former life as an Amish, whose happy, sheltered childhood so abruptly ended in a violent crime. Pleasant designed the figure of Kate Burkholder is always, if not always comprehensible. is

also Tomsetti whose character is developed only late relatively well described. Although the author to tell nothing surprising or Varied added. As a "strong" man, he is able to play its role here perfectly. That here the obligatory love story is unfortunately paves such a cliche logical that one that takes in their stride.
The many other characters are nothing more than minor characters, their appearance, are kept short and concise. The pivotal point is and remains the prospect of Kate Burkholder.
The author Linda Castillo developed in "The figures of the dead" a tension that is only to praise, even though they are usually by the cruelty of the "butcher" shows. Kate is always one step too late and the perpetrators enjoy apparently the dance on a knife edge.


"The numbers of the dead" is a real surprise. A very respectable thriller convinced of. Not only by the figure of the very realistic, sometimes arrogant Kate Burkholder, but the reader is taken very quickly by the voltage.

In any case, "The figures of the dead" not for the faint of heart. The description of the torture methods, and the fears of victims and the troubled are in panic Kate, the readers can not breathe.

Although the debut impressed me basically already full of that potential by Linda Castillo is not yet exhausted. In her next novel - Bloody silence, to be published in June 2011, we have the opportunity to continue to see Kate Burkholder in determining the shoulder.

"The numbers of the dead" by Linda Castillo is a tough leg thriller that proves that women can certainly write good thriller, and their cruel imagination seems to have no limits.

can read this thriller in the night, by candlelight, they will be surprised how loud the silence of the night there.

For me a very clear reading recommendation and I'm looking forward to the second part.


Linda Castillo, born in 1960 in Dayton, Ohio, has worked as a financial manager before she began to write. She has published more than twenty romances, which have won numerous awards. "The numbers of the dead" is her first thriller, and the first novel that was translated into German. She lives with her husband, four dogs and a horse on a ranch in Texas. (Publishing information)

Paperback: 430 pages
ISBN-13: 978-3596184408

Original Title: Sworn to Silence
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 Michael Sterzik


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