Saturday, February 12, 2011

Risperidona Getting Off

live love laugh - I'm fine

© Photo: Tristesse

© Song: Leila K., video on set of Anesz1

you have in the last blog I promised to report from my men search.

The now 4 weeks ago.

Tjoar ...

Yes, what happened. I have met some men who NOT suit me.

One asked me after the third mail if I would mind if he hits our children conceived not as a penalty on the not yet conceived, bare bottom.
I then further contact with the observation completed, that I no wickedness of my not yet conceived child could imagine that would justify the death penalty.

The other wanted to with me "rings funny" - I did not even know what "wrestling" is. This is such a good sport duel, where you throw each other on the floor.
Uh .... No?

The next was sixty years old.

Another was eleven years younger and when I saw his photo, I almost fainted. I've never seen such a nice man and why he just spoke to me, I did not understand. We email and chat now regularly and although I do not think that he is "Mr. Right", it flatters my ego, but very little rusty.

And then there were the two who wanted to persuade me after the first response to an "intimate" meeting (and it must be NOW !!!). Although I am a long time alone, but so badly I can not have it to me wild and strange men to throw at the neck.

yes I also search a steady partner and not a One Night Stand

Where eingentlich normal men out?

Somehow, most of those I meet, either disturbed or rightly still single and probably say the same about me.

I've made, do not move here in this blog about these single men and I will stay true to the intent. I'm happy about any query that addressed a single man in me happy and also like (and usually negative) responded, but the one I was looking for was not there.

And so I lived next to the Browse to Courtship my normal everyday life.

I went to work, have kept in my community, the children's hour (I still die a thousand deaths are there and remain little monsters!), Wrote in community hours logs, cleaned my bathroom, feed my cats and I am Saturday evening, gone.

I go dancing so much!

We have a nightclub here in town that my needs at a dance hall end fully satisfied: first
You have the possibility (if you're smart) to come in without paying admission.
second There is no dress code
third There are chilled Diebels
4th There is good music
5th No one stares at you silly if you mid-30s still on the dance floor standing
6th You will not angetatscht of horny late thirties. Since then I've

found some new friends, I go on Saturdays from midnight now always in the "Rilo" (we call the said night club) to dance. Once a month I set out, namely, when I on Sunday after the children's story to tell it. Small children and 3 hours of sleep are not compatible, forget it. I tried it once and I am very cruel to my visible components have been dismantled.

But three times a month you can find me in the Rilo on the dance floor and I rarely come home five clock. Of course I am then three hours later and go to church. Who can dance, can get up. "My" young people from the community already laughing when I come to the door "Well Were You? You dance again?" Because I am plenty tired. Nevertheless, I take out a lot with the services.

Often I have taken one or the other young people the night before on the dance floor and there is a big "hello" the next morning.

"Ca plane pour moi" is French and means "I'm fine" and if so I think my being the last few weeks, I can sign the full.

I'm fine.

When the treatment was over, I realized that it is possible to have fun in life - for over twenty years I have rumgetragen pain and grief with me and now I like my life at once.

Well, I live alone. I am every Saturday alone on the dance floor and go to bed alone, but I'm fine. Of course, I would like a partner, and yes, I'm really overdue, but the fact remains that I like my life as it is currently running. I'll get really good without a man and I feel in any way "needy".

I'm curious to see how it goes with me and my men search and will report. There is something!


your Trissi
© Tristesse


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