Sunday, February 13, 2011

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pact of witches - Kelley Armstrong

When we hear the term voodoo, we always interpret black magic and zombies and soul-will-as a servant, slave to serve somebody. Often acts as a symbol called a voodoo doll that is supposed to represent the victim and who is bewitched by dark magic and curses. Here facts are often combined with fiction. Voodoo, there are real and it is a recognized religion that is practiced active in Haiti, Africa and in southern parts of the United States.
came through the slavery of this faith, which includes many magic - black as well as white, West Indian to the islands. Voodoo is not a "wicked" religion, or a fanatical delusion, Voodoo also deals a lot with medicine, trance and alternative, natural therapies. Meanwhile, the voodoo faith in many regions with the religious teachings of Islam is mixed. Often, especially in African countries in addition to the Christian faith is practiced voodoo cult, and many people there believe in God as well as its traditional spirits of the Netherworld.
Like other religions, there are priests and priestesses and bewitch the people, or scare by black magic and rituals, and manipulate. There are many exaggerations by the media, but just as surely it is that here there is also a true core. Of course, there are herbal substances which are treated or in combination can cause different reactions in the human body: for example, possession, trance, hypnosis, suggestion. know as Europeans, we certainly like religions, which are based in ghosts or even more like cults, but this is very strange to us entirely. Voodoo falls into the category of "nature religions". The mere fact We struggle from education for reasons to deal with it or believe in something that at first sight can not be explained or is not visible. The English author Nick Stone in his first Novel "Voodoo", published in 2007 in New American Library, addressed this cult. Now in the Goldmann Verlag "The dead master" was released in which Mingus and Max plays a key role. content
Miami, the sunny city in central Florida in 1980. Ronald Reagan is the 40th President of the United States. Miami, once for many retirees and business people the recreational paradise that has become a dangerous, criminal city. Cuba, the small communist country ruled by Fidel Castro and to reorganize his country, he emptied his "Cuban toilets" and send masses of criminals and psychopaths gene Florida. After teeming short time in the former paradise city by criminal Latin and South Americans and the city is transformed quickly into a hell. In tent camps, the center-less people who have been hoping for a better life to live, crammed tightly together in a confined space. The daily violence and the drugs come from South America, can the police despair, overwhelmed as it is.
But the police adapts to the new threat. New elite units entered the stage of the crime and go just as hard and rough, as we got them even met. Max Mingus and Liston Joe are members of the police unit of the Miami Task Force. If you are a good team and best friends.
As in the zoo of the Miami severely decomposed body of a man is found, this is the beginning of a struggle between Solomon Boukman, the brutal king of the underworld of Miami, who reigns with black magic and fear and intimidation across the city. The victim, who was found dead at the zoo has previously apparent reason shot his entire family, cruelly and in cold blood. Also, his business partners are among the victims. In the post-mortem in the stomach is a rare, mysterious Tarot card is discovered showing the "King of Swords. What symbolism and ritual that is behind this brutal crime? As Mingus and Liston identify all tracks lead to Soloman Boukman and his voodoo witch Eva Desamours who diabolically well versed in black magic rituals, and this also practiced. Max Mingus is an experienced police officer, but the more he identified in this murder case, the tighter the noose used is also his own fears and sins he has committed in the service, too. As a police officer and had he wanted to fight the "evil" with "evil"; evidence and false evidence scatter, use violence and abuse as a last resort to persuasion, and so the list is long and slowly, he realizes that he is in the mill of the law loses. Not
last he met a woman who speaks his conscience and his Methods doubts. What distinguishes him from the wicked, which he fought? Is he just a puppet of his boss, who, as he suspects, does not even legal means? Does he even Soloman Boukman - the king of the swords in person? As Max's girlfriend is kidnapped, blurring its boundaries and desperate, he takes on all weapons at his disposal. criticism on the novel "Voodoo" by Nick Stone was able to be there to see how the story about Max Mingus, the bushes sparkled policemen, ex-prisoner and current private investigator. "Voodoo" played in 1996, the story threw quite a lot of questions, if only the mysterious past of the protagonists was touched on briefly in the dark. are now in "The dead master," whose original title "The King of Swords" is, answers many questions, because this story is about 16 years before the events of "Voodoo".
Nick Stones style is that of a James Ellroy quite close, even the actions of his previously published novels are similarities to Ellroy's work. But Stone is not in the shadow of the younger author. Skillfully develops the story of Max Mingus in a world of voodoo and rituals of gang warfare, of religions and traditions that are often the foundation, the agent of action. The Miami is the scene of the story together with all its dependencies and shadow governments. Organised crime, violence and the social problems of the city during the period of 80s of last century are depicted realistic and frightening. Nick Stone is exaggerating here, when he describes how public agencies and officials with the crime work hand in hand in order to enrich themselves and perhaps in order to fight fire with fire.
Criminal is everyone, including the police, led by Max Mingus and Joe Liston, does not stand pure spotless white vest. Even their chief of police enforces its own policy, and the like, if nothing else works on the back its officials, who do the dirty work for him. And he praises and either supported or destroyed.
Nicks Stones protagonists are complex and psychologically designed interesting. Like a complex engine, each component is important, here each character meets his end, there are not many minor figures or smaller stories that are told in parallel to the main plot. "The dead master" is a thriller not a thriller, and certainly not a novel with horror elements, or supernatural phenomenon. Although this is "voodoo" the base, but with this belief is only the terror reign of Solomon and his priestess Boukman Desamours Eva explained. These two negative characters are the mirror image of Joe Max Mingus and Liston. described complexities and interesting, we learn here, much of their way to the criminal milieu and their rule, which they exercise through bad spells and intimidation, and superstition.
Max Mingus, the eponymous hero, who many know from "Voodoo" is difficult and unapproachable. Desperate, but not intimidated, he is always looking for a solution, even if the trigger a dangerous confrontation. To his own fears REPRESENTATIONS he knows he has a penchant for self-destruction, but far from self-abandonment. With his new love Sandra he looks at an intersection, and directly as this is in danger, he turns as it were through and on. With the fight of the "King of Swords - Soloman Boukman he creates for himself a mortal enemy for life. has followed, "You give me reason to live" is a set of Mingus already in "Voodoo". Here in "The dead master" you can learn how it happened.
"The dead master" is the second novel by Nick Stone, but in order to understand the characters and the plot from the first part of "Voodoo" better, it is recommended only with the novel "The dead master" . begin
is exciting, dark and brutal the depiction of history. Miami is not only bright and heavenly, but also in the shadows dark and diabolical. "The dead master" separates itself favorably to other conventional thrillers. With a lot of room for the development of the protagonists, most notably Max Mingus and Soloman Boukman, creating the author an arena full of excitement, enhanced by a mystical one will look forward to reading the novels already on the third part, entitled "Voodoo Eyes "has been published in English. Nick Stone is not a literary ephemera, and that he understands his exciting and compelling descriptions to breathe life and not to rest on the success of shows with "The dead master" or also known as "The King of Swords.
Nick Stone was born in 1966 in Cambridge. His father is a renowned historian, his mother comes from one of the oldest families in Haiti, the Aubrey. Nick Stone spent his early childhood in Haiti, before returning to England in 1971. A later visit to Haiti finally inspired him to his debut novel "Voodoo". The work of enthusiastic readers and critics and was voted the best thriller of the year with the Steel Dagger Award, as well as with the debut thriller Macativy and received the award for best first novel. "The dead master" Nick Stone's second novel to Max Mingus. He is married and lives in London.
Paperback: 640 pages
title: King of Swords ISBN-13: 978-3442468669

Nick Stone on
book worm. info


Michael Sterzik


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