Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can You Buy Community Service Hours

The numbers of the dead - Linda Castillo

Sancti Apostoli Petrus et Paulus, de quorum potestate et auctoritate confidimus, ipsi intercedant pro nobis ad Dominum.

Precibus et meritis beatæ Mariae semper Virginis, beati Michaelis Archangeli, beati Ioannis Baptistæ et sanctorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli et omnium Sanctorum misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus et dimissis omnibus peccatis vestris, perducat vos Iesus Christus ad vitam æternam.
Indulgentiam, absolutionem et remissionem omnium peccatorum vestrorum, spatium verae et fructuosae penitentiæ, cor semper penitens et emendationem vitae, gratiam et consultationem sancti Spiritus et finalem perseverantiam in bonis operibus, tribuat vobis omnipotens et misericors Dominus.

Et benedictio Dei omnipotentis Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti descendat super vos et maneat semper.

Urbi et Orbi
 - der Stadt und dem Erdkreis: Damit verbindet wohl ein jeder Christ oder zumindest gläubige Katholik den apostolischen Weihnachts- und Ostersegen, den das Oberhaupt der Römisch-katholischen Kirche, the Vicar of Jesus Christ and successor of the apostles, on time each year to send billions of people around the globe.
"Urbi et Orbi" is also the title of a novel by the author Steve Berry. The Lore of groans: Not again a novel that deals with the Vatican, a secret society, conspiracy theories and followers of Christ! Looking at the expenses of the large and small bookshops, then pushed the literary interested people the impression that there are a number of authors who want to move in the sphere of a Dan Brown (Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons ") to show perhaps a similarly promising commercial success to.
have few of them managed to date to arouse my interest and I really positive to be remembered. This novel is recommended and gives the reader much more insight into the Curia of the small church state, as I did at the beginning as possible, because the spine does not promise much really surprising.
author Steve Berry is concerned with ancient prophecies, the "Three Secrets of Fatima", applied as a miracle and therefore for many people of faith as evidence of the existence of God. The "authenticity" was confirmed by the Roman Catholic Church.

The Story

13th July 1917. Cova da Iria in Fatima, Portugal. The three poor shepherd children Lucia dos Santos, Jacinta Marto and Francisco Marto received from the Virgin Mary three messages, three visions, three revelations that are in fact a prophecy. Publish these were "three secrets of Fatima", not the Vatican gave the three children initially no faith. The reason was that the Pope and only the full truth of God proclaimed, and that his words could never be doubted.
until 1927 Lucia dos Santos should have permission directly obtained as a message from God to reveal these secrets and to write down. But here also forbade the church to publish the secrets.
1941st Fourteen years later, she handed over the transcript of the secrets of the Bishop of Leiria. A year later, the first two secrets were published by the Vatican. The three children had several visions, several encounters with the Virgin Mary. played the important and supporting role in Lucia dos Santos, which not only saw the Virgin in the flesh, but also spoke with her as the only one.
The third secret is publicly read by Pope John Paul II in 2000. He sees the prophecy, and interpreted this in the public that the assassination attempt on him directly relate to such. But why
Believers, scientists and even priests, doubting the third secret of Fatima? Withholding by the church something which their existence, their credibility would be called into question, or concern the words of the Virgin Mary, the whole world, whether Christian or not?

Rome, Vatican City, in the present. Colin Michener, the Irish-American private secretary to the ailing Pope Clement XV. takes care of the Vicar of Christ. The Pope takes place more often back in the Secret Archives of the Vatican state and enters a space that is accessible only to the popes. Here, at a place that see very few mortals ever, are the original documents of the secrets of Fátima - the original recordings of Lucia dos Santos. Pope Clemens cares about these dark and difficult to interpret words of a shepherd girl, and sent his private secretary Colin Michener on a mysterious journey to distant Rumania. There lives a very secluded, the last surviving witness, an old priest, who translated the prophecies of Lucia into Italian.
But the fear of the Pope observed, other Supreme Roman Church. These do not worry about the head, but are hungry for the ring of the fisherman, according to the infallibility of the papacy and the sole power.
A potential successor, an Italian cardinal, the pope directly with their fears faced the greatest danger to the secretary Colin Michener, the self innehätte like the cardinal and not through a dark point in his past come across.
In Romania, he can not resolve the mystery of Fatima with the last witness. More questions were raised against him and more and more suspects Colin, that the third secret was not published in full. On the contrary, it has even changed?

He does not know whom he can trust more, the pope sent him again to the shrine of Medjugorje (Bosnia Herzegovina), in which young people since the 80s also had Marian apparitions and this Messages were also sent. The Pope is on an official letter to the visionaries and sends Colin again to the journey in order to bring light into the darkness of mystery.

criticism Neither does Steve Berry everyday topics and scandals of the smallest country in the world. Dogmas such as celibacy, the infallibility of the Pope and even the sexual and homosexual excesses of the Catholic priests to be addressed. And this is neither extravagant nor influenced by prejudice.
Pope Clement XV. Embodying so only a fictional character in the novel, is presented very human, with all faults and fears that a man, be he the head of the world's largest church, participate. has also the second and the actual main character in the person of private secretary Colin Michener Author of the draft given that the protagonists in thematically similar novels, just as "sacrilege" or "Illuminati" can appear pale.

"Urbi et Orbi" lives of the dialogues and brings the reader to follow a tension that is stored differently than most clerical thrillers. The secrets of Fatima, and I'm still at the end of my review will give attention to reading here, so interesting that you like to learn more about it - even if, like me, just such phenomena confronts skepticism.
The hidden world of the Vatican appears here for the laity a little more apparent and brings the reader understand suggests why the church leaders fear overwhelmed by the secular power. Without losing detail due to tension, the novel reads smoothly and contains no logical errors.
A good approach to the success of the work, is that Steve Berry clear effort has taken upon himself to research exactly how other authors without grossly exaggerating. Details have also been taken up as the ritual of excommunication of a priest who is the dogma of celibacy in question and should be justified by a court to cardinals. Only a secondary theme in the story, but incredibly interesting, exciting and formative says. But this is just a jewel of the side stages.

edition: June 2006 Year: 2006 ISBN: 3442364051
Publisher: Del Rey Genre: Crime & Thriller
Michael Sterzik


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