Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cervix Low And Hard And Open

The soul dealer (Peter Orontes)

dreams we do not always like this, turn back time? We do not often mistakes we have made to qualify or re-made not only to have? If we did not like to witness marked on the building of the pyramids, or the birth or crucifixion, or the odd historical moment that was important and essential humanity.

But if it were possible to travel into the past or the future, what impact would this then travel to our civilization and for us directly. Would we possibly execute itself, because of a stupid chance, how would this affect our present time waves. Probably we would not like a stone which a boy into the water throws, the waves would be higher by a multiple, and combined with so much unknown, we did not calculate the first place.
who lives in Madrid Author Felix J. Palma told in his novel "The Geography of Time," a story in which the meaning of time plays the main role and by the reader on a journey past sent and future.

content London 1896 - The era of industrialization, but also of poverty and social injustices. A time in which a human life in the slums around Whitechapel than three pennies was worth. Andrew Harrington, the son of a great entrepreneur is no point in his life. In the living room of his father's standing, he examined the collection of arms of his father. He still reproaches himself because his love for the prostitute Marie did not even admit to, and now there is no way to confess his love. Marie was killed in a bestial way of Jack the Ripper. By guilt, plagued even eight years after her death, the young man finds no peace and so does the idea, to choose suicide, growing stock of.

Meanwhile, Claire finds Haggerty, a young woman who is bored by life and yearns for the love of her life. Curious about how the young woman, is it can be a time travel to 2000 to do. Adventurous as she is, she does not want to used in a rigid future plans, the traditional way their parents have planned for it by long hand. The Agency for term iron Murray organized with great enthusiasm and even greater promise of these trips in a future where people are just before the destruction. By chance she met in 2000 to know the man who will save the world, and falls in love with him. And that hero happens to them for a journey that takes him in Claire's time of Victorian London.

quite different problems for the Scotland Yard Inspekt Colin Garrett. In a few days in London was found three dead bodies. The Sore point out that no known weapon could have caused this. So stay with only the possibility that someone has murdered these three people from the future. Garett to provide the person or persons responsible in the future by looking at ....


"The Geography of Time" by Palmar is based on the theory that there be parallel worlds and that these can also be visited and changed. Let us remember the many different movies and books so the understanding of the future is always a bit confusing.
is also in this novel is so worse - reading is the joyful expectation that one might read the text of the flap had stopped quickly brutal. Despite all the fantasy, the reader can not follow the narrative. To which the author of the story really getting at, what he would tell us, remains in the dark. Since it does not help the voltage is indeed established, but is scheduled on the following pages immediately.
The idea of time travel into the past or the future is so inclined, in spite of all philosophical thought, then leave it just smoke and mirrors. Palma served, of course, the HG Wells time machine and let the revived and in the second part we meet then maybe the "War of the Worlds"?
The works of both the readers and the filmmakers are fascinated by everything, is unfortunately sad but a fact.
All three strands and the final declaration are contrived by the hair such that one can not speak of the finest storytelling, but rather from arrogance and false self-assessment. A Variety of metaphors is that this was so unstructured hand, the reader, the voltage is no longer performs, but the maddens on the logical errors and ideas is.

fact and fiction may well be siblings, but they live here, light years apart. Only the different conception of the characters has to be mentioned with praise. Their motivation and strive for happiness, love, respect and meaning is to be commended. The reader learns much about the many unspoken words unfold in the respective characters. The reader can identify with one or two protagonists, but also when continue the ideas of the author's drift into the negative.


Although the author has grasped the attention to detail obviously, he is also overshot the target, an entertaining and varied novel to . Leave The style of the author can be justified to describe embellish, but the author gets lost in the trials and tribulations of his own mind, the good he did so last not find a way out.

"The map of Time, "I can not recommend at all. Neither particularly gripping told, nor a sustained tension could captivate me. Instead, a dumb disappointment that might scare me, ever again take a book in the author's hand.

Read prefer HG Wells work - the time machine, because this work is timeless good.


Felix J. Palma was born in 1968 in Sanlucar de Barrameda and now lives in Madrid. He trained as an advertising man in Seville, but received for his first short stories and novels already so many scholarships and awards that he never exercised the learned profession.

"The Geography of Time" was a bestseller in Spain and is translated into over twenty languages. Palma was awarded the Premio Ateneo de Sevilla. (Publishing information)

Michael Sterzik

Félix J. Palma

The map of Time
novel ISBN 978-3-463-40577-3 from English by William Zurbrüggen
bound, 720 pages
€ 24,95 (D) Würzburg 1430: After the assassination of Elizabeth, her amnesia and the time they sold as a prostitute in a "shelter" their body, is the young woman to become formally others. Your entire world view, especially the social position of a woman has clearly shaken. Elizabeth now the deprivation, hunger and the feeling of the shows knows his mercy, now much more understanding of the women she does not look appreciated.
Avoid any tendency to luxury items, beautiful clothing and a carefree life they know as the bishop's daughter and has even learned to love, she now looks like a very different perspective. But time as a "prostitute" has also left other traces, traces the affect her innermost self and do not let them come to rest.

your fiance Albert of home value has not yet been entrusted to Elisa. He would not be able to understand and would probably distance themselves from her in disgust. It seems as if the whole world had conspired against her, because her father is losing power and influence.

Prince Bischoff Johnann II of Brunn is issued and must give up his seat to Marienburg and his office. The city of Würzburg had enough by the lavish lifestyles of its princes of the church and acted accordingly consistent. Too much was the debt burden and the number of pledges, so even in the diocese of criticism.
But appearances are deceptive, because now a ruthless battle breaks out for the power in the region, and Elizabeth is an important game ball between the opponents. In addition to the church the state and more importantly the personal interests they stand between her fiance Albrecht and any successor, and her own father. From his exile in the castle Zabelstein plans once powerful and still very influential bishop his next steps and the Fate of his own daughter in his hand, can be for his political schemers of high value ...

"The face of honor" by Ulrike Schweikert is also published by Del Rey.
The author of the enormously high value on good research work places, particularly in a historical novel is to be commended once again emphasized here. Facts and fiction about the life and probably very mundane and love-starved Bischoff Johann II von Brunn told that they sent here and with much precision in terms of political conflict. And these political intrigues of the major weak point in this novel.
"The face of Honor" is by far not so exciting as with "The girl and the bishop," in which Elizabeth played the lead role and in which the author, a diverse and multifaceted world described . But the conception of the characters is described here only one-dimensional and colorless. Johann II von Brunn stands out here, but clearly from the others. Fact, they are all about politics, for power and influence, the Elizabeth and even her fiance are nothing more than important, but quite interchangeable pieces on a chessboard.

"In war and in love" Everything is permissible for a creed that is for Johann II of Brunn already long been the motto and content. Elizabeth, however, transformed into a marginal figure in this political issue, it certainly is basically stayed true to themselves, but against the power of the influential rulers, they can not oppose and enforcement, we do not even talk at this point.

The reader will notice after a few pages that the band is much weaker than the first. The direction of this story is quickly identified and is in the many dialogues it only for power in the city of Wuerzburg. From the societal and social life of a woman in the Middle Ages you get with almost anything. Conflict or not - voltage is different, which seeks to unfortunately in vain.

And people should not resort to "The Face of the honor" without having read the first volume of "The girl and the bishop." The characters are complex, which of course still play a big role here, some dependencies, and without some prior knowledge usually much remains unanswered by the wayside.

praise, however, is the language of visual and good writer who tells it simply and vividly, even if they are here sometimes downright obsessed. In the epilogue, and chapter: fact and fiction - the author explains the historical background, so that this refers to the combination of the glossary and a final thanks a professional finish. Conclusion

Historical novels are to entertain, certainly can policy be told entertaining, but unfortunately Mrs Ulrike Schweikert lost with the figure of Elizabeth her exciting presence in the title.

The young woman seems helpless, out of place and is simply an extra, in a perfidious game for political power in Würzburg.

"The face of honor" should have been a stand-alone novel without a protagonist that is superfluous here, because the personality of the bishop believes that we are of the author and the historical facts, enough potential for exciting political

The Ulrike Schweikert is a very good writer who doubt their heroines exciting adventures and dramas can be made is beyond question. Although this novel was the weakest I've read so far, I'm looking forward to another historical novel by her reading, which I determined would be happy again.

Michael Sterzik

bound book with dust jacket, 480 pages, 13.5 x 21.5 cm

ISBN: 978-3-7645-0317-8
€ 19.99

Publisher: Del Rey


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