Monday, January 17, 2011

Mario Salieri Footballstreaming

The gift of celibacy

My sister has asked me to write something "funny" ... I am trying.

Since I have an idea:
people can be sooo cruel.
especially married men. Especially the Christian, married man. And the married people who have forgotten what it was when they were married. Which are also bad. And men! Married Christian men are particularly bad!

other day I came to the father of a friend (Christ! man! Already married FOREVER! Bad !!!!) conversation. He asked me after he knew that I stopped smoking with a., b. my treatment ended, c. forty pounds removed and d. using the Mini-Kids-Time Group now finally accepted a job in the town had what I would have taken the next project in the eye. I thought it was pretty original, something a "project" to describe what I called "make my messed-up life on the line." I found it quite enough, finally to live again. I would still have to be wise. I would just say nothing can - or can lie! But certainly not, never, I would not be allowed to say under no circumstances the truth. On KEI-NEN case! God had forgiven me determined.

"I now find me a husband!" I slipped out. I could have slapped me. My goodness, sounded the desperate and I could see it the dear friend and that he knew how that sounded desperate. Actually, I'm

seems not too desperate. I've been alone for so long that I'm not even sure if I would ever cope with a man but my therapist had warned me that you develop with the development of self-worth a slight megalomania. The were, however, in the course of time again. I'm waiting now for a good six months out that there was "reflecting" but either I stay as I am with my slight megalomania or I do not remember. Anyway, I was thinking that I even now that I am well again, it could look a man. We should implement the same good intentions into action! So I've

me at www. heavenly, www.christ wanted for,,, in my account and my Facebook Account Relationship status of "I'm in a complicated relationship with XY" in "Single" changed (this, with me anyway XY XY removed and no one even bleated know that the "good" (!!!!) girls would be put off any assumption that he in a "complicated relationship with Trissi" would, while we're just friends who had allowed a joke!). Anyway, I am now registered anywhere and wait. Maybe I should not have make the mistake of enrolling myself in any single market with a different name and password, at any rate, if only logging designed to be very difficult. But since then, I created an Excel spreadsheet I, I must ask more than once a day at sending my login information.

Back to the other day. I mentioned that Christian, married men can be especially cruel? After I had my friends say so cheerful, "I am looking for a man now!" blasted in the face, twinkling was made at once "pastoral". I do not like to be when people switch without warning in the spiritual mode, but I would have to know better and so can not say. Or lie. God had forgiven me for sure!

Actually, the best would do nothing at all to answer, because I knew which I had committed an unpardonable mistake: I had literally "I (!!!!) SEARCH ME (!!!) (!!!) a man!" said. Good Christian women "search" to "not men who can be found. Or they pray until they grow a guy on the sofa, no idea. But look for yourself does not work. Is not done, is doing "woman" and I had not now spoken the unspeakable. And that also brought before a Christian, married man

same so the advantage of his pastoral face a deep breath and before he could remember, I reacted very quickly, "No, ahem. I, uh, uh ... So of course I look for a husband! Hahaha! "(Pitiful bleating!)" I pray for a man, exactly! "And pushed another" If the Lord wants to give me a man at all! "Mumbling after.
the pastoral jaws escaped a barrage of pastoral air and pastoral disappointment was written to him in the face. Only too happy he would have pointed me of the difference of "despair" and "trust", but he still had an ace up its sleeve.

"Hm .. Trissi" (frowning slightly pastoral, but not too exaggerated!) "Have you ever had the idea that you maybe the gift of celibacy have received? ".

(Bare horror !!!!)

course you can not tell his pastoral friend n the moment, because that would only draw more discussions with them. I do not know anyone who has thought up by the celibacy of why this is just a gift that is beyond me, but I have not, or I do not want this one!

I am a friend of grade-oriented services and the common opinion of some dogged priest ("Christians have no fun! Froide Christians!") the conviction is that God gives only a service that really does hurt, I had always been suspect. And so it is my opinion, with the "gift" of celibacy.

I smiled at my friend. "I already have this gift, otherwise I could not do alone LIFE! But I do not think that will ever remain so. "

this I was standing facing the pastoral.
Although this sounds like a joke, but I have meant quite seriously. Of course, I can live alone, my goodness, I'll do it a good third of my life long, and get along well. Would be sad if not. And yes, I know now how dübelt a picture on the wall (and where you want them there and not where you can clean the nails easiest!), his tax return makes (I HATE it!) and wonder what is cooking (I LOVE it!). I wash my clothes myself, I have taken ever the drain of my sink apart and I certainly do not feel like a single than half of an indefinable whole. Nevertheless, I would like to

a partner. Not complete for me, but because I'm tired of always have to do everything alone. I want someone to ask for advice (if I hear it, then something else entirely!) And I want to be asked. I want to ride with someone on holiday and know that I must go alone to bed. I want a woman to be perceived as a sexual counterpart and children. I do not want only to pay the bills and I make alone in front of the DVD cozy. I just want to be "a couple".

There are wives and mothers who envy me my freedom. They sit next to me at weddings dreamy sigh and think "HACH! I envy you so for your freedom! What you can not do anything like that! "And I can reply only grudgingly," Yes, the freedom I now had long enough, I would like to try the other! ". I now really think I can, maybe I just do not WANT more!

The problem with the thing is that I've slept through the last twenty years somehow, and now I'm standing there with my new, light megalomania and the men are away. ALL! Well. Almost all of them. They have in fact almost all already married. Or are divorced. Or do not want me. In any event, designed the "Men seeking" to be quite difficult, I think.

But I'll tell you another time, I must first collect a few more experiences.

God bless you, your

PS: @ Melusine: I hope, now that was funny enough? :-) Tell


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