Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chennai Checking Land Transaction Value

Nephilim (Asa Black)

Nephilim - Asa Black

Greenpeace is famous, almost infamous, the actions of environmental activists. Including Nova Barakel, the young woman rushes together with some like-minded "colleagues" the home of the CEO of Vattenfall, to give one of the biggest climate sinners a lesson. However, the action proceeds as planned anything. The businessman and his wife are at home, only Nova finds these two people brutally murdered and raped before.
Nova Barakel recently lost her mother in an accident and has recently lost both parents and only sees the chance to prove their innocence in a rather hasty flight. Nova's problems are even more diverse - their mother has shared her heritage in the assets, has considered an organization called FON and these claims stiff and firm, that their mother and themselves direct descendants of fallen angels .....
here who suspects a Ă–kothriller, is totally wrong. Here are lined up like lemmings to a variety of genres hand. Thriller, Horror, Fantasy, Mystery of something for everybody, but each too much or too little.
Certainly, there are acute environmental problems that can not be dismissed out of hand, but in this novel, they are thematically redundant. With few details, the author plays Asa Black skillfully their own International has made and points with the pointing finger on the problems and possible solutions are not the only one every heard before. She also is an excursion into Biblical history and catapults the reader into the heart of the Old Testament events of Noah and his ark.
The angels and their offspring have anything but a clean slate, is readily apparent here, but their motive is so far-fetched that an emerging atmosphere nipped in the bud. The plot rolls over to escape, danger, intrigue and a subsequent personal problems of a police officer, whose "Dearest" Pathologist also the descendant of a fallen angel is.
was really the author does not seem to decide, and so is "Nephilim" is nothing more than a poorly woven, patchwork full of holes.
Well, and anyone who expects a little more about the flood, their causes and the surviving "Angels" and their descendants, to learn, that is, except a few, few reasonable and fact-based explanations . encounter
Although the issue of "supernatural" will be taken up in novels like always, it is here, but rather abused.

The story is predictable, illogical and totally one-dimensional told. The protagonists few really tangible, and all because neither sympathetic nor unsympathetic, and they are just acting, but true compassion is felt here in any situation.

"Nephilim" by Asa Black is absolutely not recommended. One of the few writers to produce the voltage it does not understand or have not, then at least the protagonists to develop interesting and versatile.
exciting is not the novel, and rather disappointing for me personally it was a waste of valuable time.

Michael Sterzik

Friday, February 25, 2011

Chicken Wing Wholesale Brampton

Mo Hayder: Corruption

True evil comes from within
in a cool November evening in the parking lot of a Supermarket near Bristol a car stolen. By force - and with the eleven-year Martha Bradley in the back seat. Detective Inspector Jack Caffery initially hoped that the perpetrators wanted to the car and not the child. But it are wrong. Martha Bradley remains disappeared without a trace. And the perpetrators lets him know that he will do it again. Jack Caffery feels that he is dealing with a very strong opponent, an opponent that presents him, he is always one step ahead. And his threat makes. Shortly afterwards, he kidnapped another little girl. And with every hour that passes, it is unlikely that Caffery and his team, the children still alive can save ... (Publisher Info)
He is watching you. Waiting for you. then he picks you up!


Mo Hayder was born in 1962 in Essex, left her home at fifteen to London in the adventure search. She later spent many years abroad, including in Tokyo, where she worked for a time in a night club and wrote for an English newspaper. She studied film at the American University in Washington DC and later Creative Writing at Bath Spa University. With their debut, the psychological thriller "The bird man," she became an overnight into an internationally acclaimed best-selling author. Since then it has its reputation "as a brilliant writer with a tension the novels" The treatment, "Tokyo," "ritual murder" and "skin" further consolidated. The author lives with her partner and her daughter near Bath.

Mo Hayder
corruption psychological thriller

Original title: Gone From
English by Rainer Schmidt
bound book with dust jacket, 448 pages

, 13.5 x 21.5 cm

ISBN: 978-3-442 - 31212-2

€ 19.99 [D]

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Andrea By Sadek Porcelain Birds

Marina - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Carlos Ruiz Zafon has created three phenomenal international bestseller -> \u0026lt;The Shadow of the Wind, 'The Angel's Game, "and finally in German:' Marina '.
We all have the top floor of the soul a secret under wraps. This is mine. "So begins Oscar Drai his story. The young hero of the novel longs to participate in the life of Barcelona, and touches on love through the enchanted villa district of the city. One day he meets an intriguing girl. Her name is Marina and she will change his life forever.

be drawn together, the two journey into the mystery surrounding the former richest man in Barcelona. Pain and grief, anger and delusions of grandeur they seize a hellish combination of devastating force. But Marina is surrounded by a mystery. When Oscar discovers finally, is the sudden end of his youth.

In> Marina \u0026lt;evokes Carlos Ruiz Zafon first time in his inimitable Barcelona, a city full of magic and passion, and told in an incomparable manner the dramatic story of a young Man who fights for his fortune and his great love. (Publishing information)

Michael Sterzik
Carlos Ruiz Zafon was born in 1964 in Barcelona and now lives in Los Angeles. With the great novels Barcelona> The Shadow of the Wind "and" The Angel's Game \u0026lt;he inspired millions of readers around the world, his books have been translated into over 40 languages. > The Angel's Game \u0026lt;stood for weeks on the SPIEGEL bestseller list. Only a short time ago> The Shadow of the Wind \u0026lt; Carlos Ruiz Zafon's novel created> Marina, "who already exudes the same magic and narrative power.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon



price € (D) 19,95

He is brilliant. He knows no fear. And he is a ticking time bomb: The brilliant strategist and occasional rogue Gideon Crew has an aneurysm in the brain that can kill him at any time. But just what makes him an ideal agent for a secret organization which always begins to determine if a case for the U.S. government is too dangerous - because Gideon has nothing to lose and is willing also to the greatest danger. His first assignment: He must find out what has just been smuggled into the country, a Chinese scientist. The man is a turncoat - or he is planning to build a super weapon to attack America? During his investigation notes Gideon quickly that even someone else is behind the scientist and his mystery ago - and prepared to stop at nothing ...
(publishing information)

Michael Sterzik


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Going To The Cinema With A Guy

Mission - Snake Eyes (Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child)

Sven left the straight and narrow and has arrived at our destination: the bottom. He spends his days in a frenzy, his nights with either sex or fights. In this case it would be open all the doors, says his father - Sven would not have struck five years ago. is threatened when his sister, is found in Sven's worst nightmare again: The only way to save Lina is to become like his father.
Oliver Uschmann novel "Not far from the tree" told bluntly and honestly lost targets, false friends and the power of confidence.
Uschmann Oliver was born in 1977 in Wesel, belonged to the school to the ten special eccentrics and completed his community service in a Catholic hospital urological surgery. He worked at UPS, a training burst from the booksellers for a day, studied literature and English at the Ruhr-University Bochum and tried there, incidentally, as a punk singer, protester and editors to create an angry mini magazine revolution. Today he lives with his wife Sylvia Witt, including cats and fish pond in the country and creates with her every day new books, including the novels of Hartmut and I series and the humorous thriller "The opposite of above." He also helps as a "Word Guru" Young Authors on the jumps and writes regularly for the magazine GEE and VISIONS. He is well acquainted with gangsta rap, but never himself been a gangsta.


edition 2011, 528 pages, ISBN 978-3-8390-0120-2, Softcover, 14,95 € (D)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Dogrubbing On Furniture

book: Oliver Uschmann: NOT FAR FROM THE STEM

The belief in witches is widespread worldwide. Magic skills and the pact with the devil were ideal conditions for Europe to accuse in the era of the Middle Ages women of witchcraft, they extort by torture to nonsensical and impossible confession to then murder by burning at the stake cruel.
(But) faith has certainly a kernel of truth and his secrets to long lost knowledge that you can use for good or for evil. The myth probably originated in the Greco-Roman period, there have been dubbed as the witch Medea or Circe.
In the New Age scene is often spoken of the Wiccan religion, which is now widespread in the U.S. and provides a natural religion. In the magical, paranormal world, there are also men who can be regarded as wizards or magicians, and also "magic formulas" from Books and fonts. Such "Grimoires" are magic books with magical knowledge.
incantations, rituals, including lists of recognizable demons, angels and other creatures are probably the most likely sources but also recipes for medical remedies and potions can be listed there. And as always, and everywhere there are white and black "magic books" that deal with magic and knowledge.
In the literature, especially in the fantastic, there are a number of witches and wizards with very different sentiments. The Canadian author Kelley Armstrong has "Night of the Witches" which is published by Knaur, a exciting and varied novel written.

Paige Winterbourne is the daughter of a witch and even a magically gifted woman, even if they do not have such great talented skills, such as the woman has Mama. Strictly and conscientiously motivated and she tries hard to increase their potential by learning from their grimoire (spell books) and tries to make practical application of their formulas.
In the human world and her guardian from professional web designer. The former requires a lot from her just because the 13-year-old Savannah Paige himself is as a witch, albeit a very young, and already she has an extraordinary Force in itself. What is more, that Savannah can be quite headstrong and stubborn, and in addition to their pubescent species may be the already exhausting.

Paige is incidentally still somewhat controversial head of the American witches circle, despite her young years. Your life is but a custody battle of the natural father, a powerful mage, a little out of joint. Supported by a Halbdämonin - Leah - an arch-enemy of Paige, the threat of intimidation with secular and magical means constantly life-threatening. From the coven on a limb left alone by law on weak pillars, all resistance seems to be useless at first. Since they must fight in the human world for custody, it takes a lawyer who is later murdered little cruel. And of course Paige is blamed, nor is added that the police finds a satanic-looking altar in their garden and think hordes of journalists and curious people had no intention to withdraw from their house.
is even less likely and less transparent the spectacular location, as a lawyer, to the magical side of Paige and Savannah will - Lucas Cortez, the youngest son of the most powerful magician families of the country. Arrogant is not that talented and confident and magical Cortez as an ally of the duo, but Paige wonders what he intended with his selfless nature ... criticism
Kelley Armstrong has written with her third fantastic book "Night of the Witches" a truly "magical" novel. Complex and extremely sarcastic Paige tells the story from their perspective. Armstrong's magical world is a colorful mix of people and paranormal magic, witches and wizards and also demons cavort on stage. Modern times and ancient magic traditions with ur-enemy stereotypes are interwoven, so that creates an impressive venue with plenty of room for ideas that are driving an exciting plot always magical.

designed at the beginning the story rather opaque and confusing, even if you feel the tension rising as always. The origin of the magic of witches and wizards remains somewhat in doubt, for the mutual and somewhat complicated relationship, despite some statements still much room to be worked up, perhaps in later novels. Charming and humorous, moving all the protagonists of the story. Paige's thoughts and cynical dialogue pursued by the reader always with a smile on his lips. Her foster daughter Savannah is fairly direct and brisk, but puberty helpless and can definitely be a gifted 13-year-old girl.
Lucas Cortez has with his past even the most interesting, even if he almost does not assume the lead role, so it is very likely that in the near future everything can revolve around the latest addition to the Cortez family. Paige and Lucas were raised as a team rather dar. Paige very emotional and always on the edge of hysteria, always concerned about Savannah and go straight to the feelings. Lucas, however, is always master of the situation and find, no matter how tricky the confrontation with the enemy and is always a way out. And yet there are some questions and an aura of mystery surrounding the young man, a touch of magic and power. Savannah is the key, the focal point of the story, but self-confident and stubborn, equipped with magical powers to, can understand it is far from control and she has lost something and needs to assert itself constantly, against whomever. Who here "good" and "evil" is not quite easy to see, because each party has interests that may well be understood. The magicians are more interested in political and economic power and use their magical powers to get their influence and wealth. The witches but appear uncertain and not really well organized, torn and afraid they do not know how they have to deal with their abilities, even if they strive for something higher and see the good of all in the foreground. "Night of the Witches" is written consistent and simple. There are just a storyline that will be continuously developed and described but always from the perspective of Paige. The dialogues between the protagonist and also Paige's ideas are original and funny. Do not be silly, but the undertone is always intended ironically, what the whole story well, it does not diminish in the least dramatic but serious action. Kelley Armstrong has written an impressive novel that is clearly designed for adults. In "Night of the Witches" will be killed and murdered in revenge malice, greed and true. Armstrong's linguistic style has matured and adapted the story, no exaggerations or content of murky logic error reading pleasure. Solely as a point of criticism is to say that the magical world described is restructured, the history of witches and wizards will indeed be torn down and makes you curious, but does not (yet) in depth. Conclusion "Night of the Witches" I can highly recommend. The novel has everything that an exciting and distinguished above all entertaining story. self-contained, still leaves much room for more events and spaces for action and the protagonists seem content and character even more expandable. I'm curious to many more parts from Kelley Armstrong's spring and am looking forward to the next part of "Brotherhood of the witches".

The Canadian fantasy author Kelley Armstrong was born in 1968 in Sudbury, Ontario as the oldest of four siblings. When she was nine months, her family moved to London, Ontario. She studied psychology and computer science at the University of Western Ontario, before becoming a writer. She lives with her husband and three children in Ontario, Canada.

Paperback: 522 pages ISBN-13: 978-3426632024
Kelley Armstrong

"soul night" (The dark forces 2)

Michael Sterzik

Doe5 Below Sell Xbox 360 Games

Night of the Witches - Kelley Armstrong

two missing children. A brutal murder. What if you were the one who has seen the victim alive?

When little Jenny Shepherd disappears without a trace, her teacher Sarah Finch knows only too well that fades with each passing day the chance to rediscover the girl alive. She herself has had to learn as a child, as her brother Charlie did not return from playing. And then It is just Sarah, who finds the body of the little Jenny. In no time she is at the center of media storm - and the focus of investigators. But not only that they have in their sights. Also the culprit is lurking nearby ...

(Publisher Info)

Original title: The Missing Original Publisher: Ebury Press, London 2010 Translated from English by
Frank Reinhart

GERMAN FIRST EDITION Hardcover, Paperback, 512 pages, 11.5 x 18.3 cm ISBN: 978-3-442-37521-9 € 8.99 [D]

Sample: & ; fbm = false & sdi = true & edi = 335 747 # tabbox

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shock Absorbing Seats

The missing - Jane Casey

After the turbulent events surrounding the custody dispute over her step-daughter Savannah, the witch Paige Winterbourne, still hands their hands full. Since she was excluded from the coven and now lost in the paranormal world something stands, they even tried a magical combination of witches to launch what is not so simple.
But there are also many new and positive in their personal environment. Paige now has a man at her side, and this is anything but normal. Lucas Cortez is magic, a lawyer and heir to the most powerful mage clans. Sometimes he is a little stubborn and sees himself as a glorious knights and fought injustice wherever he can find it only, but it has unexpected talents and a self-consciousness that is difficult to shake.
The rest refers to a sudden end when Lucas Benicio's father, the head of the mage clans, while the absence of his son with Paige appears. Indirectly asks Benicio Cortez Paige and Lucas for help. In Miami, home of Cortez clansmen there is a murderer who threatens the children of the magician families, it has already come to the first death and a girl is still in a coma. Paige's internal alarm bells ring at already and together with Lucas, Savannah, she traveled to Miami. expected in the sunny city it but the "evil". Not only the Cortez clan has lived with the threat of killer fear and terror, and the Boyd-Nast and the clan are already of first attacks of a most likely murderer paranormal threat. Lucas and Paige, who both fear that could be killed Savannah, Elena and her familiar friends in Savannah Clay. Both werewolves and so well able to eliminate any threat. Together with a necromancer and a very old vampires who support Lucas and Paige for their hazardous investigations, they too are the target of the killer and get into mortal danger ...
"pact of witches" by Kelley Armstrong is the fourth installment of the series "Women of the Otherworld". Armstrong's protagonists are mostly women, which must appear in the stories of her husband. Whereas in the first two novels, female werewolves, Funny in the third and fourth part of Paige Winterbourne in their Being a witch, the main role in the fifth part is Eve, the deceased mother of Savannah, as a spirit guide the destinies. is certainly "pact of witches' independent from the other parts to read, but I recommend it to start with Volume 1 because all the protagonists, female and male, in almost all books sometimes even play a supporting role. Some dialogue and flashbacks are only saying so to the reader, if he can understand the past of the characters. Just something difficult and tense relationship between Lucas and his father Benicio found in Volume 3, a first statement, which will be intensified in this issue further. Lucas in the shelter and shade of his powerful father grew white to the structures and laws of the mage clans, but sees injustice in many situations that represent the entire system for his eyes as untrustworthy.
His father, however, holds the rebellious behavior of his favorite son to more youthful exuberance supported him financially and also hindered him. In Kelley Armstrong's magical world, of course, as in real people's lives but not without confrontations. On the one hand are the magicians who are arrogant and seemingly self-confident as leaders and thinkers, to exist alongside the witches that compete with the magicians since the early days, but from various fears can not gain ground, within this world then play necromancer, shaman, druid, and also demons that serve mostly with the Magi. Just off of it and responsible for themselves, the vampires and werewolves separate from the other groups and have their own problems. Even as a minority and the "extinction" at risk, they do not participate in the Vorherrschaftskämpfen and magical conflicts over economic and political power. It recognizes, Kelley Armstrong's magical world is complex and very complicated, which increases in the actions of individual novels, the excitement and variety very forward.
"Pact of Witches" is a magical thriller, with many different approaches, what the protagonist is expected to be positive. Each species has her own abilities and characteristics, and self-created human problems. Paige Winterbourne, a young but talented witch is rather arrogant and short-tempered, while her boyfriend Lucas as a magician, tries to calmly and objectively, to defuse the situation. A blend as a duo, which compensates beautifully and completed. But it is not without potential for conflict in the relationship. Paige's daughter has drawn enormous, magical potential, which she owes to her dead mother Eve, but with her young years and still far from completed training, she offers a light and highly regarded destination for some buyers. The author Kelley Armstrong has in the novel "pact of witches" of the tension that already in the third part can consistently stable and even rising was to give a further push forward. Because the characters and their individual stories deepen further and further, does the claim and the voltage and linear to grow. While there is always the same inner circle of paranormal people and there are always some of those, but there are also victims, according to their (un) natural death, probably not rise again. "pact of witches" is often exciting to surprise and white. In this Thriller, with its fantastic elements, the reader follows the murders of a serial killer and the paranormal investigations of our two protagonists blessed with magical powers. The reader should still try to identify either the perpetrators themselves, but from ignorance of the non-human suspects can not succeed at all. Despite everything, the voltage increases, for action is often taken care of and as a special treat is the humor certainly not too short. Paige's a little quick tempered and narrative perspective, as it cynically funny, as well as coordinated response to the situation. The novel is indeed a self-contained novel, but you know as a reader after the last page, that it still must go on. Just the family relationships within the clan of Cortez is a lot of leeway and ideas for future projects.
pact of witches I can highly recommend. Not only women, the novel be exciting, varied and interesting, even if in the novels each time, the female part of the reins. Surely here is also taken care of romance, and even if the undead protagonist, act weird and implausible, they are or were at least that even people. For dear reader, the complex linkages, intrigue and magic, this novel is ready many surprises.
Kelley Armstrong writes amazingly fresh and fluid, it does not keep long in descriptions, but is very particular about tingling, cynical dialogue and increasing voltage. The novel should, and I highly recommend, will not read the first book in the series, the previous titles - "Night of the Witches" - in which the witch Paige plays the main role should be at least read about. Better yet, it starts right with the two novels, "Blood of the Wolf" and "return of the wolf", it's because this is the beginning of the magical saga. Thus the reader is assured that he for some people to show up there, just as the werewolves, already know and have learned to love. Paperback: 576 pages title: Industrial Magic ISBN-13: 978-3426638071
Kelley Armstrong :
"soul night" (The dark forces 2) Michael Sterzik


"The Night of the she-wolf "

02" Return of the Wolf "

03 "Night of the Witches"


"pact of witches"

05 "Night of the Spirits"

06 "blood of the she-wolf "

07" call of the dead "

08" Night of the demon "

09" Living with the Dead "(still without title dt)

10" Frost Bitten "(still without title dt)
11" Walking the Witch "(still without title dt)
12 "Spellbound" (still without title dt)

Excuse Letter , Attend Wedding In School

24.02.11 16.00 clock

Norwegian Seamen's Church

Hannes Hinrichs:

"Personal Impressions of Islam"

(lecture and discussion)

interested are welcome to attend.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Aloe Vera Mouthwashes

invitation is here every Sunday at 11.30 clock service in the German language

Every Sunday we meet in this House, the Conservatory of Alanya

pulpit and altar are not filled because the pastor replaced every 9 months is

thank God, the (Dutch) is in any organ Sunday occupied by Mrs. E. Unger

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Radeon 9000 Screen Resolutions

pact of witches - Kelley Armstrong

When we hear the term voodoo, we always interpret black magic and zombies and soul-will-as a servant, slave to serve somebody. Often acts as a symbol called a voodoo doll that is supposed to represent the victim and who is bewitched by dark magic and curses. Here facts are often combined with fiction. Voodoo, there are real and it is a recognized religion that is practiced active in Haiti, Africa and in southern parts of the United States.
came through the slavery of this faith, which includes many magic - black as well as white, West Indian to the islands. Voodoo is not a "wicked" religion, or a fanatical delusion, Voodoo also deals a lot with medicine, trance and alternative, natural therapies. Meanwhile, the voodoo faith in many regions with the religious teachings of Islam is mixed. Often, especially in African countries in addition to the Christian faith is practiced voodoo cult, and many people there believe in God as well as its traditional spirits of the Netherworld.
Like other religions, there are priests and priestesses and bewitch the people, or scare by black magic and rituals, and manipulate. There are many exaggerations by the media, but just as surely it is that here there is also a true core. Of course, there are herbal substances which are treated or in combination can cause different reactions in the human body: for example, possession, trance, hypnosis, suggestion. know as Europeans, we certainly like religions, which are based in ghosts or even more like cults, but this is very strange to us entirely. Voodoo falls into the category of "nature religions". The mere fact We struggle from education for reasons to deal with it or believe in something that at first sight can not be explained or is not visible. The English author Nick Stone in his first Novel "Voodoo", published in 2007 in New American Library, addressed this cult. Now in the Goldmann Verlag "The dead master" was released in which Mingus and Max plays a key role. content
Miami, the sunny city in central Florida in 1980. Ronald Reagan is the 40th President of the United States. Miami, once for many retirees and business people the recreational paradise that has become a dangerous, criminal city. Cuba, the small communist country ruled by Fidel Castro and to reorganize his country, he emptied his "Cuban toilets" and send masses of criminals and psychopaths gene Florida. After teeming short time in the former paradise city by criminal Latin and South Americans and the city is transformed quickly into a hell. In tent camps, the center-less people who have been hoping for a better life to live, crammed tightly together in a confined space. The daily violence and the drugs come from South America, can the police despair, overwhelmed as it is.
But the police adapts to the new threat. New elite units entered the stage of the crime and go just as hard and rough, as we got them even met. Max Mingus and Liston Joe are members of the police unit of the Miami Task Force. If you are a good team and best friends.
As in the zoo of the Miami severely decomposed body of a man is found, this is the beginning of a struggle between Solomon Boukman, the brutal king of the underworld of Miami, who reigns with black magic and fear and intimidation across the city. The victim, who was found dead at the zoo has previously apparent reason shot his entire family, cruelly and in cold blood. Also, his business partners are among the victims. In the post-mortem in the stomach is a rare, mysterious Tarot card is discovered showing the "King of Swords. What symbolism and ritual that is behind this brutal crime? As Mingus and Liston identify all tracks lead to Soloman Boukman and his voodoo witch Eva Desamours who diabolically well versed in black magic rituals, and this also practiced. Max Mingus is an experienced police officer, but the more he identified in this murder case, the tighter the noose used is also his own fears and sins he has committed in the service, too. As a police officer and had he wanted to fight the "evil" with "evil"; evidence and false evidence scatter, use violence and abuse as a last resort to persuasion, and so the list is long and slowly, he realizes that he is in the mill of the law loses. Not
last he met a woman who speaks his conscience and his Methods doubts. What distinguishes him from the wicked, which he fought? Is he just a puppet of his boss, who, as he suspects, does not even legal means? Does he even Soloman Boukman - the king of the swords in person? As Max's girlfriend is kidnapped, blurring its boundaries and desperate, he takes on all weapons at his disposal. criticism on the novel "Voodoo" by Nick Stone was able to be there to see how the story about Max Mingus, the bushes sparkled policemen, ex-prisoner and current private investigator. "Voodoo" played in 1996, the story threw quite a lot of questions, if only the mysterious past of the protagonists was touched on briefly in the dark. are now in "The dead master," whose original title "The King of Swords" is, answers many questions, because this story is about 16 years before the events of "Voodoo".
Nick Stones style is that of a James Ellroy quite close, even the actions of his previously published novels are similarities to Ellroy's work. But Stone is not in the shadow of the younger author. Skillfully develops the story of Max Mingus in a world of voodoo and rituals of gang warfare, of religions and traditions that are often the foundation, the agent of action. The Miami is the scene of the story together with all its dependencies and shadow governments. Organised crime, violence and the social problems of the city during the period of 80s of last century are depicted realistic and frightening. Nick Stone is exaggerating here, when he describes how public agencies and officials with the crime work hand in hand in order to enrich themselves and perhaps in order to fight fire with fire.
Criminal is everyone, including the police, led by Max Mingus and Joe Liston, does not stand pure spotless white vest. Even their chief of police enforces its own policy, and the like, if nothing else works on the back its officials, who do the dirty work for him. And he praises and either supported or destroyed.
Nicks Stones protagonists are complex and psychologically designed interesting. Like a complex engine, each component is important, here each character meets his end, there are not many minor figures or smaller stories that are told in parallel to the main plot. "The dead master" is a thriller not a thriller, and certainly not a novel with horror elements, or supernatural phenomenon. Although this is "voodoo" the base, but with this belief is only the terror reign of Solomon and his priestess Boukman Desamours Eva explained. These two negative characters are the mirror image of Joe Max Mingus and Liston. described complexities and interesting, we learn here, much of their way to the criminal milieu and their rule, which they exercise through bad spells and intimidation, and superstition.
Max Mingus, the eponymous hero, who many know from "Voodoo" is difficult and unapproachable. Desperate, but not intimidated, he is always looking for a solution, even if the trigger a dangerous confrontation. To his own fears REPRESENTATIONS he knows he has a penchant for self-destruction, but far from self-abandonment. With his new love Sandra he looks at an intersection, and directly as this is in danger, he turns as it were through and on. With the fight of the "King of Swords - Soloman Boukman he creates for himself a mortal enemy for life. has followed, "You give me reason to live" is a set of Mingus already in "Voodoo". Here in "The dead master" you can learn how it happened.
"The dead master" is the second novel by Nick Stone, but in order to understand the characters and the plot from the first part of "Voodoo" better, it is recommended only with the novel "The dead master" . begin
is exciting, dark and brutal the depiction of history. Miami is not only bright and heavenly, but also in the shadows dark and diabolical. "The dead master" separates itself favorably to other conventional thrillers. With a lot of room for the development of the protagonists, most notably Max Mingus and Soloman Boukman, creating the author an arena full of excitement, enhanced by a mystical one will look forward to reading the novels already on the third part, entitled "Voodoo Eyes "has been published in English. Nick Stone is not a literary ephemera, and that he understands his exciting and compelling descriptions to breathe life and not to rest on the success of shows with "The dead master" or also known as "The King of Swords.
Nick Stone was born in 1966 in Cambridge. His father is a renowned historian, his mother comes from one of the oldest families in Haiti, the Aubrey. Nick Stone spent his early childhood in Haiti, before returning to England in 1971. A later visit to Haiti finally inspired him to his debut novel "Voodoo". The work of enthusiastic readers and critics and was voted the best thriller of the year with the Steel Dagger Award, as well as with the debut thriller Macativy and received the award for best first novel. "The dead master" Nick Stone's second novel to Max Mingus. He is married and lives in London.
Paperback: 640 pages
title: King of Swords ISBN-13: 978-3442468669

Nick Stone on
book worm. info


Michael Sterzik

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Risperidona Getting Off

live love laugh - I'm fine

© Photo: Tristesse

© Song: Leila K., video on set of Anesz1

you have in the last blog I promised to report from my men search.

The now 4 weeks ago.

Tjoar ...

Yes, what happened. I have met some men who NOT suit me.

One asked me after the third mail if I would mind if he hits our children conceived not as a penalty on the not yet conceived, bare bottom.
I then further contact with the observation completed, that I no wickedness of my not yet conceived child could imagine that would justify the death penalty.

The other wanted to with me "rings funny" - I did not even know what "wrestling" is. This is such a good sport duel, where you throw each other on the floor.
Uh .... No?

The next was sixty years old.

Another was eleven years younger and when I saw his photo, I almost fainted. I've never seen such a nice man and why he just spoke to me, I did not understand. We email and chat now regularly and although I do not think that he is "Mr. Right", it flatters my ego, but very little rusty.

And then there were the two who wanted to persuade me after the first response to an "intimate" meeting (and it must be NOW !!!). Although I am a long time alone, but so badly I can not have it to me wild and strange men to throw at the neck.

yes I also search a steady partner and not a One Night Stand

Where eingentlich normal men out?

Somehow, most of those I meet, either disturbed or rightly still single and probably say the same about me.

I've made, do not move here in this blog about these single men and I will stay true to the intent. I'm happy about any query that addressed a single man in me happy and also like (and usually negative) responded, but the one I was looking for was not there.

And so I lived next to the Browse to Courtship my normal everyday life.

I went to work, have kept in my community, the children's hour (I still die a thousand deaths are there and remain little monsters!), Wrote in community hours logs, cleaned my bathroom, feed my cats and I am Saturday evening, gone.

I go dancing so much!

We have a nightclub here in town that my needs at a dance hall end fully satisfied: first
You have the possibility (if you're smart) to come in without paying admission.
second There is no dress code
third There are chilled Diebels
4th There is good music
5th No one stares at you silly if you mid-30s still on the dance floor standing
6th You will not angetatscht of horny late thirties. Since then I've

found some new friends, I go on Saturdays from midnight now always in the "Rilo" (we call the said night club) to dance. Once a month I set out, namely, when I on Sunday after the children's story to tell it. Small children and 3 hours of sleep are not compatible, forget it. I tried it once and I am very cruel to my visible components have been dismantled.

But three times a month you can find me in the Rilo on the dance floor and I rarely come home five clock. Of course I am then three hours later and go to church. Who can dance, can get up. "My" young people from the community already laughing when I come to the door "Well Were You? You dance again?" Because I am plenty tired. Nevertheless, I take out a lot with the services.

Often I have taken one or the other young people the night before on the dance floor and there is a big "hello" the next morning.

"Ca plane pour moi" is French and means "I'm fine" and if so I think my being the last few weeks, I can sign the full.

I'm fine.

When the treatment was over, I realized that it is possible to have fun in life - for over twenty years I have rumgetragen pain and grief with me and now I like my life at once.

Well, I live alone. I am every Saturday alone on the dance floor and go to bed alone, but I'm fine. Of course, I would like a partner, and yes, I'm really overdue, but the fact remains that I like my life as it is currently running. I'll get really good without a man and I feel in any way "needy".

I'm curious to see how it goes with me and my men search and will report. There is something!


your Trissi
© Tristesse

Free Speech Father 60th Birthday

The dead master - Nick Stone

Nobody plays Paganini such virtuosity as the famous violinist Ane Larrazábal. But this was their last concert - after the performance of the Capriccio No. 24, the most difficult violin piece ever, they are found strangled in the rooms of the Concert building. Emblazoned on their chests "in bloody writing the Arabic word for" Satan, and their unique Stradivari carved with the devil's head is found.

should be the instrument actually laden with a curse, as connoisseurs whisper to you? Commissioner Perdomo, one of the most experienced investigators of the Madrid police power, set out to pursue a trace - to the macabre death of the master Paganini himself, almost 200 years ago ... (publishing information)

" On these Title I am "- Michael Sterzik

Publisher Knaur - April 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Model Question Paper For Nebosh Course

The violin of the devil - Joseph Gelin

The Lost - Jack Ketchum

1965: It is the time of Love & Peace The generation time of the drug, the quiet revolution among teenagers to be in the turmoil of the troubled times in which politics and war, the emerging future appear bleak and strangely, the American.. Citizens Legal Malcolm X is shot in Asia, the Vietnam War soon the whole country turn into a mess and America is clearly a stand and intervene militarily.
have the American Jack Ketchum processes the rampage of a lost young man who stands as a symbol of a whole generation, drugs, sex and selfishness lived and loved. The novel "The Lost" is published by Heyne Verlag in the category "Hardcore".
The year 1965th In the small town of Sparta, New Jersey, life is peaceful and quiet. The local police have it less to do with violent crime, more experienced, this applies to traffic offenses, marital disputes, the cats is to save it from rain gutters and some minor scuffles between evening pubertal adolescents.

Ray Pye, a narcissistic and psychopathic teenager has his two friends Tim and Jennifer, within its spell. Ray is a tiny man, stuffing his boots with cans and newspapers, and a larger. His egomaniacal impulses lives by the son of a motel owner, as he lives out after his work in his parents' motel, his sexual desires. With the deal drugs, he rigged his buyer that looks the young women into submission. His self-esteem is a fraud on himself

Peace in Sparta will end dramatically on that day. Ray Pye of the camp next to Jennifer and Tom in the forest meets by chance on two young women. On this summer day Pye fired his gun without warning and subject to the two young women. Lisa will be shot down by several bullets in the head and chest and died in the forest. Elise the other hand, can get away with serious gunshot wounds, but died after four years in a coma stage.

Jennifer and Tim Ray and cover, four years later, the silent gruesome murders. Out of fear and respect for Ray, they are hearing, and Ray enjoying his power. Despite this he was the main suspect in the murder case, the two police officers Ed Anderson and Charlie Ray Schilling does not lead as the perpetrator. But Charlie is convinced of the guilt Rays, can not let go, and studied with a desperate intensity for evidence. He takes every opportunity to Ray to get him upset.


"The Lost" by Jack Ketchum is a shock. Anyone who has been Jack Ketchum have not read the novel, the repulsive and fascinating at the same time be.
Jack Ketchum brutal style of the murders, and even to describe the character, he combines disturbing detail. The mere characterization Ray Pye, who with his testosterone-driven development, as a cold and brutal manipulator become a killing machine, is disturbing, but brilliant. Ray Pye is the personified symbol of a time when the generation is fully felt left in the lurch and not really knowing what to do with himself. Again, the author describes very impressively, by what fears and hopes of these young people created their universe and the values they were running behind it.

But not only the Love & Peace generation has to carry her pack here, even the two policemen and the elderly who have their fates and not always aware of how and when they act. Ultimately describes Jack Ketchum aged in a long chain of escalation, as one would upset the first stone of a domino chain. The explosive wave of violence engulfs the end, the innocent and those who survive, in itself carry the guilt or innocence, they question again and again.

That the action on a true story is based, will contribute to the reader even more disturbing. And if one falls on the wording of the author, one can describe it as quite vulgar, but honest. The mental pictures of his characters think and consider the same language, even the dialogue is for the reader who otherwise is the preferred style of fine, more like getting used to.

The power is carried by the characters, and only this. The relationships and dependencies that Machspielchen and the limits of each person are the focus. The dialogue is as simple as credible, and described the choice to tell the chapter from the perspective of different characters, is a true masterpiece. One suspects though how will it turn out, but the road is told completely captivating.
The "evil" here is the sum of the company, that product of our fears and hopes and despondent helplessness that we can not explain.


"The Lost" is difficult to classify! Is it a social drama, horror, or rather, perhaps, but a thriller? It is what it is .... a brilliant novel of lasting effect for hours or even days.
"The Lost" is an explosive and ice-cold thriller in the genre of "hardcore" well placed and makes this title all the glory. The fear that has developed here, can the horror continuously growing, and even at the end of the novel, the reader does not really come to breathe.
Jack Ketchum's "The Lost" is not recommended, not so they leave it and follow the protagonists in a rampage of violence and feelings.
Michael Sterzik


Jack Ketchum is the pseudonym of a former actor, teacher, literary agents and wood seller Dallas Mayr . His horror novels are in the USA under experts alongside the works of Stephen King or Clive Barker of the absolute masterpieces of the genre, what were Jack Ketchum several renowned awards.
Original title: The Lost Original Publisher: Leisure Books From the American Ioannis Stefanidis of
GERMAN FIRST EDITION bound book with dust jacket, 432 pages, 13.5 x 21.5 cm
ISBN: 978-3-453-67551-3 € 19.99 [D]
for an order directly: