Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can You Buy Community Service Hours

The numbers of the dead - Linda Castillo

Sancti Apostoli Petrus et Paulus, de quorum potestate et auctoritate confidimus, ipsi intercedant pro nobis ad Dominum.

Precibus et meritis beatæ Mariae semper Virginis, beati Michaelis Archangeli, beati Ioannis Baptistæ et sanctorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli et omnium Sanctorum misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus et dimissis omnibus peccatis vestris, perducat vos Iesus Christus ad vitam æternam.
Indulgentiam, absolutionem et remissionem omnium peccatorum vestrorum, spatium verae et fructuosae penitentiæ, cor semper penitens et emendationem vitae, gratiam et consultationem sancti Spiritus et finalem perseverantiam in bonis operibus, tribuat vobis omnipotens et misericors Dominus.

Et benedictio Dei omnipotentis Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti descendat super vos et maneat semper.

Urbi et Orbi
 - der Stadt und dem Erdkreis: Damit verbindet wohl ein jeder Christ oder zumindest gläubige Katholik den apostolischen Weihnachts- und Ostersegen, den das Oberhaupt der Römisch-katholischen Kirche, the Vicar of Jesus Christ and successor of the apostles, on time each year to send billions of people around the globe.
"Urbi et Orbi" is also the title of a novel by the author Steve Berry. The Lore of groans: Not again a novel that deals with the Vatican, a secret society, conspiracy theories and followers of Christ! Looking at the expenses of the large and small bookshops, then pushed the literary interested people the impression that there are a number of authors who want to move in the sphere of a Dan Brown (Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons ") to show perhaps a similarly promising commercial success to.
have few of them managed to date to arouse my interest and I really positive to be remembered. This novel is recommended and gives the reader much more insight into the Curia of the small church state, as I did at the beginning as possible, because the spine does not promise much really surprising.
author Steve Berry is concerned with ancient prophecies, the "Three Secrets of Fatima", applied as a miracle and therefore for many people of faith as evidence of the existence of God. The "authenticity" was confirmed by the Roman Catholic Church.

The Story

13th July 1917. Cova da Iria in Fatima, Portugal. The three poor shepherd children Lucia dos Santos, Jacinta Marto and Francisco Marto received from the Virgin Mary three messages, three visions, three revelations that are in fact a prophecy. Publish these were "three secrets of Fatima", not the Vatican gave the three children initially no faith. The reason was that the Pope and only the full truth of God proclaimed, and that his words could never be doubted.
until 1927 Lucia dos Santos should have permission directly obtained as a message from God to reveal these secrets and to write down. But here also forbade the church to publish the secrets.
1941st Fourteen years later, she handed over the transcript of the secrets of the Bishop of Leiria. A year later, the first two secrets were published by the Vatican. The three children had several visions, several encounters with the Virgin Mary. played the important and supporting role in Lucia dos Santos, which not only saw the Virgin in the flesh, but also spoke with her as the only one.
The third secret is publicly read by Pope John Paul II in 2000. He sees the prophecy, and interpreted this in the public that the assassination attempt on him directly relate to such. But why
Believers, scientists and even priests, doubting the third secret of Fatima? Withholding by the church something which their existence, their credibility would be called into question, or concern the words of the Virgin Mary, the whole world, whether Christian or not?

Rome, Vatican City, in the present. Colin Michener, the Irish-American private secretary to the ailing Pope Clement XV. takes care of the Vicar of Christ. The Pope takes place more often back in the Secret Archives of the Vatican state and enters a space that is accessible only to the popes. Here, at a place that see very few mortals ever, are the original documents of the secrets of Fátima - the original recordings of Lucia dos Santos. Pope Clemens cares about these dark and difficult to interpret words of a shepherd girl, and sent his private secretary Colin Michener on a mysterious journey to distant Rumania. There lives a very secluded, the last surviving witness, an old priest, who translated the prophecies of Lucia into Italian.
But the fear of the Pope observed, other Supreme Roman Church. These do not worry about the head, but are hungry for the ring of the fisherman, according to the infallibility of the papacy and the sole power.
A potential successor, an Italian cardinal, the pope directly with their fears faced the greatest danger to the secretary Colin Michener, the self innehätte like the cardinal and not through a dark point in his past come across.
In Romania, he can not resolve the mystery of Fatima with the last witness. More questions were raised against him and more and more suspects Colin, that the third secret was not published in full. On the contrary, it has even changed?

He does not know whom he can trust more, the pope sent him again to the shrine of Medjugorje (Bosnia Herzegovina), in which young people since the 80s also had Marian apparitions and this Messages were also sent. The Pope is on an official letter to the visionaries and sends Colin again to the journey in order to bring light into the darkness of mystery.

criticism Neither does Steve Berry everyday topics and scandals of the smallest country in the world. Dogmas such as celibacy, the infallibility of the Pope and even the sexual and homosexual excesses of the Catholic priests to be addressed. And this is neither extravagant nor influenced by prejudice.
Pope Clement XV. Embodying so only a fictional character in the novel, is presented very human, with all faults and fears that a man, be he the head of the world's largest church, participate. has also the second and the actual main character in the person of private secretary Colin Michener Author of the draft given that the protagonists in thematically similar novels, just as "sacrilege" or "Illuminati" can appear pale.

"Urbi et Orbi" lives of the dialogues and brings the reader to follow a tension that is stored differently than most clerical thrillers. The secrets of Fatima, and I'm still at the end of my review will give attention to reading here, so interesting that you like to learn more about it - even if, like me, just such phenomena confronts skepticism.
The hidden world of the Vatican appears here for the laity a little more apparent and brings the reader understand suggests why the church leaders fear overwhelmed by the secular power. Without losing detail due to tension, the novel reads smoothly and contains no logical errors.
A good approach to the success of the work, is that Steve Berry clear effort has taken upon himself to research exactly how other authors without grossly exaggerating. Details have also been taken up as the ritual of excommunication of a priest who is the dogma of celibacy in question and should be justified by a court to cardinals. Only a secondary theme in the story, but incredibly interesting, exciting and formative says. But this is just a jewel of the side stages.

edition: June 2006 Year: 2006 ISBN: 3442364051
Publisher: Del Rey Genre: Crime & Thriller
Michael Sterzik

Why Does My Return Require Further Review

First cappuccino in the mountain cafe in Grisons, Switzerland

Photo: Saskia Schultz-Marjanna

Friday, January 28, 2011

Free Online Planatarium Pinball From Funbrain

Urbi et orbi (Steve Berry)

The first volume of the new international hit series> & Cassia Ky '.

The system says, whom you shall love - but what does your heart say?

Imagine you live in a world that provides a completely secure life. But for that you have to bend up to the laws of the system, love the people, which is meant for you. What would you do? risk for the true love of your life? is

For the 17-year-old Cassia today the most important day of her life: She learns who they will marry at 21. But the results surprised everyone: Xander, Cassias best friend is as her partner has been selected by the system. When, however, apparently due to a technical defect, the image of another boy at the ceremony presented microchip appears, Cassia is suspicious. The system can really decide who they should love? have (Publisher Info)

"When I read> Cassia & Ky, 'I felt the same enthusiasm as in the' bite-novels'." Jodi Reamer, the discoverer of Stephenie Meyer.

a very promising title! Will it be in future a system that controls us, or maybe it already does?
The "glass" man of total control .... extradition. The author writes writes so realistic that one's fears are aroused. (Michael Sterzik)

Funny Get Well Comments To Write On Get Well Card

Cassia & Ky - The selection (Ally Condie)

» You know what? Let us pick them, "

A campsite in the woods. A hot summer day. Two women. Sacrifice for the teenager Ray, who wants to kill. A bloodbath in which his friends to watch passively. Ray gets away scot-free. Only two cops do not let up. They want the killer at any cost. Ray sees only one way out. His rampage exploded in an inferno of hate, violence and blood. A nightmare that all along with it.

The psychopathic Ray Pye is feared by his friends Jennifer and Tim and idolized. You have no idea how far is the megalomania of the charismatic Ray: On an idyllic summer day he is a murderer. Before their eyes, it deletes the brutal lives of two women. Five years later: Although Ray was the prime suspect, he was never convicted. That summer, in which America lost its innocence and the Charles Manson murders of Love & Peace-generation take all illusions, he is still one step away from the abyss. Then crumble his illusory world of drugs, sex and pathological selfishness. Ray turns by - and for Tim and Jennifer begins the horror all over again. Ray Pye is Jack Ketchum's symbol of wasted dreams of a lost generation. With psychological Sensitivity and linguistic finesse, he describes the pent-up aggression that lurk behind the facade of society - and to discharge in a violent explosion of nightmarish intensity

The great epic of the best-selling author of ". Evil and Off Season "- based on a true story.

(publishing information)

© Claudio Sforza
Jack Ketchum is the pseudonym of a former actor, teacher, literary agents and wood seller Dallas Mayr. His horror novels are in the U.S., experts alongside the works of Stephen King or Clive Barker of the absolute masterpieces of the genre, what were Jack Ketchum several notable awards.

Original title: The Lost

Original Publisher: Leisure Books
From the American of
Ioannis Stefanidis

bound book with dust jacket, 432 pages,
ISBN: 978-3-453-67551-3
19.99 [D]

Release Date: 10 January 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Diagram Small Sailboat Parts

The Lost - Jack Ketchum

The Duchy of Styria in 1385: A series of mysterious crimes into the residents of a remote mountain region in fear and terror. is killed cruelly as the family of Koehler's, gets the mysterious Wolf, who found the dead on behalf of the prior of a Benedictine monastery to find the perpetrators. He is accompanied by the beautiful Catherine
(publishing information)

AUTHOR (S) Peter Orontes PUBLISHING Knaur TB

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cervix Low And Hard And Open

The soul dealer (Peter Orontes)

dreams we do not always like this, turn back time? We do not often mistakes we have made to qualify or re-made not only to have? If we did not like to witness marked on the building of the pyramids, or the birth or crucifixion, or the odd historical moment that was important and essential humanity.

But if it were possible to travel into the past or the future, what impact would this then travel to our civilization and for us directly. Would we possibly execute itself, because of a stupid chance, how would this affect our present time waves. Probably we would not like a stone which a boy into the water throws, the waves would be higher by a multiple, and combined with so much unknown, we did not calculate the first place.
who lives in Madrid Author Felix J. Palma told in his novel "The Geography of Time," a story in which the meaning of time plays the main role and by the reader on a journey past sent and future.

content London 1896 - The era of industrialization, but also of poverty and social injustices. A time in which a human life in the slums around Whitechapel than three pennies was worth. Andrew Harrington, the son of a great entrepreneur is no point in his life. In the living room of his father's standing, he examined the collection of arms of his father. He still reproaches himself because his love for the prostitute Marie did not even admit to, and now there is no way to confess his love. Marie was killed in a bestial way of Jack the Ripper. By guilt, plagued even eight years after her death, the young man finds no peace and so does the idea, to choose suicide, growing stock of.

Meanwhile, Claire finds Haggerty, a young woman who is bored by life and yearns for the love of her life. Curious about how the young woman, is it can be a time travel to 2000 to do. Adventurous as she is, she does not want to used in a rigid future plans, the traditional way their parents have planned for it by long hand. The Agency for term iron Murray organized with great enthusiasm and even greater promise of these trips in a future where people are just before the destruction. By chance she met in 2000 to know the man who will save the world, and falls in love with him. And that hero happens to them for a journey that takes him in Claire's time of Victorian London.

quite different problems for the Scotland Yard Inspekt Colin Garrett. In a few days in London was found three dead bodies. The Sore point out that no known weapon could have caused this. So stay with only the possibility that someone has murdered these three people from the future. Garett to provide the person or persons responsible in the future by looking at ....


"The Geography of Time" by Palmar is based on the theory that there be parallel worlds and that these can also be visited and changed. Let us remember the many different movies and books so the understanding of the future is always a bit confusing.
is also in this novel is so worse - reading is the joyful expectation that one might read the text of the flap had stopped quickly brutal. Despite all the fantasy, the reader can not follow the narrative. To which the author of the story really getting at, what he would tell us, remains in the dark. Since it does not help the voltage is indeed established, but is scheduled on the following pages immediately.
The idea of time travel into the past or the future is so inclined, in spite of all philosophical thought, then leave it just smoke and mirrors. Palma served, of course, the HG Wells time machine and let the revived and in the second part we meet then maybe the "War of the Worlds"?
The works of both the readers and the filmmakers are fascinated by everything, is unfortunately sad but a fact.
All three strands and the final declaration are contrived by the hair such that one can not speak of the finest storytelling, but rather from arrogance and false self-assessment. A Variety of metaphors is that this was so unstructured hand, the reader, the voltage is no longer performs, but the maddens on the logical errors and ideas is.

fact and fiction may well be siblings, but they live here, light years apart. Only the different conception of the characters has to be mentioned with praise. Their motivation and strive for happiness, love, respect and meaning is to be commended. The reader learns much about the many unspoken words unfold in the respective characters. The reader can identify with one or two protagonists, but also when continue the ideas of the author's drift into the negative.


Although the author has grasped the attention to detail obviously, he is also overshot the target, an entertaining and varied novel to . Leave The style of the author can be justified to describe embellish, but the author gets lost in the trials and tribulations of his own mind, the good he did so last not find a way out.

"The map of Time, "I can not recommend at all. Neither particularly gripping told, nor a sustained tension could captivate me. Instead, a dumb disappointment that might scare me, ever again take a book in the author's hand.

Read prefer HG Wells work - the time machine, because this work is timeless good.


Felix J. Palma was born in 1968 in Sanlucar de Barrameda and now lives in Madrid. He trained as an advertising man in Seville, but received for his first short stories and novels already so many scholarships and awards that he never exercised the learned profession.

"The Geography of Time" was a bestseller in Spain and is translated into over twenty languages. Palma was awarded the Premio Ateneo de Sevilla. (Publishing information)

Michael Sterzik

Félix J. Palma

The map of Time
novel ISBN 978-3-463-40577-3 from English by William Zurbrüggen
bound, 720 pages
€ 24,95 (D) Würzburg 1430: After the assassination of Elizabeth, her amnesia and the time they sold as a prostitute in a "shelter" their body, is the young woman to become formally others. Your entire world view, especially the social position of a woman has clearly shaken. Elizabeth now the deprivation, hunger and the feeling of the shows knows his mercy, now much more understanding of the women she does not look appreciated.
Avoid any tendency to luxury items, beautiful clothing and a carefree life they know as the bishop's daughter and has even learned to love, she now looks like a very different perspective. But time as a "prostitute" has also left other traces, traces the affect her innermost self and do not let them come to rest.

your fiance Albert of home value has not yet been entrusted to Elisa. He would not be able to understand and would probably distance themselves from her in disgust. It seems as if the whole world had conspired against her, because her father is losing power and influence.

Prince Bischoff Johnann II of Brunn is issued and must give up his seat to Marienburg and his office. The city of Würzburg had enough by the lavish lifestyles of its princes of the church and acted accordingly consistent. Too much was the debt burden and the number of pledges, so even in the diocese of criticism.
But appearances are deceptive, because now a ruthless battle breaks out for the power in the region, and Elizabeth is an important game ball between the opponents. In addition to the church the state and more importantly the personal interests they stand between her fiance Albrecht and any successor, and her own father. From his exile in the castle Zabelstein plans once powerful and still very influential bishop his next steps and the Fate of his own daughter in his hand, can be for his political schemers of high value ...

"The face of honor" by Ulrike Schweikert is also published by Del Rey.
The author of the enormously high value on good research work places, particularly in a historical novel is to be commended once again emphasized here. Facts and fiction about the life and probably very mundane and love-starved Bischoff Johann II von Brunn told that they sent here and with much precision in terms of political conflict. And these political intrigues of the major weak point in this novel.
"The face of Honor" is by far not so exciting as with "The girl and the bishop," in which Elizabeth played the lead role and in which the author, a diverse and multifaceted world described . But the conception of the characters is described here only one-dimensional and colorless. Johann II von Brunn stands out here, but clearly from the others. Fact, they are all about politics, for power and influence, the Elizabeth and even her fiance are nothing more than important, but quite interchangeable pieces on a chessboard.

"In war and in love" Everything is permissible for a creed that is for Johann II of Brunn already long been the motto and content. Elizabeth, however, transformed into a marginal figure in this political issue, it certainly is basically stayed true to themselves, but against the power of the influential rulers, they can not oppose and enforcement, we do not even talk at this point.

The reader will notice after a few pages that the band is much weaker than the first. The direction of this story is quickly identified and is in the many dialogues it only for power in the city of Wuerzburg. From the societal and social life of a woman in the Middle Ages you get with almost anything. Conflict or not - voltage is different, which seeks to unfortunately in vain.

And people should not resort to "The Face of the honor" without having read the first volume of "The girl and the bishop." The characters are complex, which of course still play a big role here, some dependencies, and without some prior knowledge usually much remains unanswered by the wayside.

praise, however, is the language of visual and good writer who tells it simply and vividly, even if they are here sometimes downright obsessed. In the epilogue, and chapter: fact and fiction - the author explains the historical background, so that this refers to the combination of the glossary and a final thanks a professional finish. Conclusion

Historical novels are to entertain, certainly can policy be told entertaining, but unfortunately Mrs Ulrike Schweikert lost with the figure of Elizabeth her exciting presence in the title.

The young woman seems helpless, out of place and is simply an extra, in a perfidious game for political power in Würzburg.

"The face of honor" should have been a stand-alone novel without a protagonist that is superfluous here, because the personality of the bishop believes that we are of the author and the historical facts, enough potential for exciting political

The Ulrike Schweikert is a very good writer who doubt their heroines exciting adventures and dramas can be made is beyond question. Although this novel was the weakest I've read so far, I'm looking forward to another historical novel by her reading, which I determined would be happy again.

Michael Sterzik

bound book with dust jacket, 480 pages, 13.5 x 21.5 cm

ISBN: 978-3-7645-0317-8
€ 19.99

Publisher: Del Rey

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ray Diagram Of Camera

The Geography of Time - Felix J. Palma

sets in the last volume of the series Katniss once all their forces into battle against the Capitol. . For in it blazes
"Blazing Fury '

Suzanne Collins' novel, published now by Oetinger: May the best win! May love triumph! The grand finale! Katniss to the Capitol! Seriously injured was Katniss freed by the rebels and brought in District 13. But their only concern is Peeta, the Capitol has fallen into the hands. The government is all out to break his will to use it as a weapon against the rebels can. Gale however, continues to fight alongside the insurgents, and to Katniss' fear, regardless of the consequences. When she realizes that the rebels are trying to abuse them for their own ends, she realizes that they are all just characters in a treacherous game. She seems almost impossible to protect, she loves ... (Publishing information)
"Will be on a par with William Golding's" Lord of the Flies "or Stephen King's The Stand - The Stand" School Library Journal "a passion of social criticism '1984 ', the excesses of 'Clockwork Orange', the imaginative power of the 'Chronicles of Narnia' and the ingenuity of 'Harry Potter' "The New York Times hardcover, 432 pages Original title: The Hunger Games - Mockingjay

430 pages bound, EUR 17.95, ISBN-13: 978-3-7891-3220-9

The Tribute by Panem Trilogy:

Volume 1: "Deadly Games
Volume 2:" Dangerous Love "

Volume 3:" The Long Hot anger

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mario Salieri Footballstreaming

The gift of celibacy

My sister has asked me to write something "funny" ... I am trying.

Since I have an idea:
people can be sooo cruel.
especially married men. Especially the Christian, married man. And the married people who have forgotten what it was when they were married. Which are also bad. And men! Married Christian men are particularly bad!

other day I came to the father of a friend (Christ! man! Already married FOREVER! Bad !!!!) conversation. He asked me after he knew that I stopped smoking with a., b. my treatment ended, c. forty pounds removed and d. using the Mini-Kids-Time Group now finally accepted a job in the town had what I would have taken the next project in the eye. I thought it was pretty original, something a "project" to describe what I called "make my messed-up life on the line." I found it quite enough, finally to live again. I would still have to be wise. I would just say nothing can - or can lie! But certainly not, never, I would not be allowed to say under no circumstances the truth. On KEI-NEN case! God had forgiven me determined.

"I now find me a husband!" I slipped out. I could have slapped me. My goodness, sounded the desperate and I could see it the dear friend and that he knew how that sounded desperate. Actually, I'm

seems not too desperate. I've been alone for so long that I'm not even sure if I would ever cope with a man but my therapist had warned me that you develop with the development of self-worth a slight megalomania. The were, however, in the course of time again. I'm waiting now for a good six months out that there was "reflecting" but either I stay as I am with my slight megalomania or I do not remember. Anyway, I was thinking that I even now that I am well again, it could look a man. We should implement the same good intentions into action! So I've

me at www. heavenly, www.christ wanted for,,, in my account and my Facebook Account Relationship status of "I'm in a complicated relationship with XY" in "Single" changed (this, with me anyway XY XY removed and no one even bleated know that the "good" (!!!!) girls would be put off any assumption that he in a "complicated relationship with Trissi" would, while we're just friends who had allowed a joke!). Anyway, I am now registered anywhere and wait. Maybe I should not have make the mistake of enrolling myself in any single market with a different name and password, at any rate, if only logging designed to be very difficult. But since then, I created an Excel spreadsheet I, I must ask more than once a day at sending my login information.

Back to the other day. I mentioned that Christian, married men can be especially cruel? After I had my friends say so cheerful, "I am looking for a man now!" blasted in the face, twinkling was made at once "pastoral". I do not like to be when people switch without warning in the spiritual mode, but I would have to know better and so can not say. Or lie. God had forgiven me for sure!

Actually, the best would do nothing at all to answer, because I knew which I had committed an unpardonable mistake: I had literally "I (!!!!) SEARCH ME (!!!) (!!!) a man!" said. Good Christian women "search" to "not men who can be found. Or they pray until they grow a guy on the sofa, no idea. But look for yourself does not work. Is not done, is doing "woman" and I had not now spoken the unspeakable. And that also brought before a Christian, married man

same so the advantage of his pastoral face a deep breath and before he could remember, I reacted very quickly, "No, ahem. I, uh, uh ... So of course I look for a husband! Hahaha! "(Pitiful bleating!)" I pray for a man, exactly! "And pushed another" If the Lord wants to give me a man at all! "Mumbling after.
the pastoral jaws escaped a barrage of pastoral air and pastoral disappointment was written to him in the face. Only too happy he would have pointed me of the difference of "despair" and "trust", but he still had an ace up its sleeve.

"Hm .. Trissi" (frowning slightly pastoral, but not too exaggerated!) "Have you ever had the idea that you maybe the gift of celibacy have received? ".

(Bare horror !!!!)

course you can not tell his pastoral friend n the moment, because that would only draw more discussions with them. I do not know anyone who has thought up by the celibacy of why this is just a gift that is beyond me, but I have not, or I do not want this one!

I am a friend of grade-oriented services and the common opinion of some dogged priest ("Christians have no fun! Froide Christians!") the conviction is that God gives only a service that really does hurt, I had always been suspect. And so it is my opinion, with the "gift" of celibacy.

I smiled at my friend. "I already have this gift, otherwise I could not do alone LIFE! But I do not think that will ever remain so. "

this I was standing facing the pastoral.
Although this sounds like a joke, but I have meant quite seriously. Of course, I can live alone, my goodness, I'll do it a good third of my life long, and get along well. Would be sad if not. And yes, I know now how dübelt a picture on the wall (and where you want them there and not where you can clean the nails easiest!), his tax return makes (I HATE it!) and wonder what is cooking (I LOVE it!). I wash my clothes myself, I have taken ever the drain of my sink apart and I certainly do not feel like a single than half of an indefinable whole. Nevertheless, I would like to

a partner. Not complete for me, but because I'm tired of always have to do everything alone. I want someone to ask for advice (if I hear it, then something else entirely!) And I want to be asked. I want to ride with someone on holiday and know that I must go alone to bed. I want a woman to be perceived as a sexual counterpart and children. I do not want only to pay the bills and I make alone in front of the DVD cozy. I just want to be "a couple".

There are wives and mothers who envy me my freedom. They sit next to me at weddings dreamy sigh and think "HACH! I envy you so for your freedom! What you can not do anything like that! "And I can reply only grudgingly," Yes, the freedom I now had long enough, I would like to try the other! ". I now really think I can, maybe I just do not WANT more!

The problem with the thing is that I've slept through the last twenty years somehow, and now I'm standing there with my new, light megalomania and the men are away. ALL! Well. Almost all of them. They have in fact almost all already married. Or are divorced. Or do not want me. In any event, designed the "Men seeking" to be quite difficult, I think.

But I'll tell you another time, I must first collect a few more experiences.

God bless you, your

PS: @ Melusine: I hope, now that was funny enough? :-) Tell

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Does Dvring A Show Count Towards Ratings?

heroes and philosophers

Photo: Saskia Schultz-Marjanna

If we do have political heroes and philosophers, we must first produce educated women.
Abigail Adams (1744 - 1818), wife of the 2nd U.S. President

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Dentist Saturday Austin Texas

"Christmas, the Christian community in the German language Antalya / Alanya"

Advent in the town center of Antalya

The district administration sent to the delight Pf of M. Brunnemann this
gift just before Christmas Eve church service

In Belek, we celebrated with our friends from Antalya on 2 Holiday
                                                         provides a festive worship

So it not only with the Advent celebration with us from