Sunday, May 2, 2010

Do Heaters Cause Sinu

Will not forget these days

© all images Tristesse

© Song: Nena set on Youtube by 69mitt69

© Song : Fury in the slaughterhouse, on Youtube Listed by PychobillySweety

A week ago today I was sitting comfortably with my 5 friends at the cabin together, the first beer had already gone through, we had grilled and made to us to storm the party bungalow and to celebrate their reunion after a year. This seems again to be all that far away.

was In itself it like every year:
Kilian was seized last Thursday in the evening in a car filled to the stop and we go to the injected grades Revival party in the beautiful Bad Arolsen.

All Blog Newcomers: Abi 1994 I made and just before the exams, we rented a couple of bungalows in the green Sauerland and celebrated together the last School year. At that time almost everyone was from our stage performances and because it was so funny, we decided to repeat a year later, this great experience. Since then we have every year at the same time, same place.

We have shrunk considerably. Of 80 high school graduates are "only" 25 left, but if you asks around at what others hold Abi-born so to stay in touch, we are probably unique. Everyone I tell this falls down to the jaw and he is impressed.

It is impressive that we now have at 17 Times have made. I only skipped twice, otherwise the Arolsen weekend is one of my must-attend events and when Nils The invitations sent out, I wear a holiday.

Last year was pretty chillig. We had bomb weather and so were the nights shorter. If you all day in the sun keeps his face and opens a beer after another, one is at night but rather tired. Well, I have less. I usually stay until the end at the other and then I the last one to fall at dawn in her bed.

This time was held back for more. Friday was relatively quiet, but on Saturday there was no stopping. The music was sensational and I was dancing myself to five clock from efficient. The weather was reasonably tolerable, it marked not active and according to the forecasts, we could ensure be more than grateful.

On Saturday there was a karaoke show ("Twistesee Idol") and 70's Party (the costumes were incredible!). I was allowed to be judge make really sleep on a Dieter Bohlen. Was fun. Some numbers were supernaturally bad, but then I found one or two surprises. I have sung this time a little, otherwise I may not so sing to, before a horde of people who know me since my childhood, but somehow this time it was very beautiful.

was otherwise filled the time with barbecues, speeches, dancing, partying, playing volleyball, listening, reading and conference Bundesliga. I had brought a book and really enjoyed the quiet moments in the story of Bella and Edward to sink. Because I felt like a teenager sometimes intermediate times.

Like every year I've slept too little, drank more than adequate and for the next half year, my need for salads and grilled food covered. As usual, I brought two bags full of debris and still eat it.

Two songs are for me the Twistesee as singing, dancing and celebrations.

"Will not forget these days" takes me back to the previous blog post where I wrote about how much I regret decisions of my life and what questions remain over when you think that you have missed a thing. It is my anthem and remember that not everything in my life went wrong, because the times when I can celebrate with my friends, are the best of my life. Each Arolsen weekend is different, but it is always special and I would not miss the life.

When morning dawns and I'm left as the only one with Ralf and Frank in the party bungalow, the fatigue and "satiety" is spreading, I just want this one hour, just before I go to bed, hold on and not forgotten. I want to turn back the hours and arrive back in order not to miss not just a second.

Laughter, chatting, sitting together, partying, dancing, the jokes, the little embarrassment, the cozy cocktail round, hanging out with people who support me more than half my life already, which means to me so much. You have made me sad already, turn up, happy, singing, dancing, crying and laughing seen. You have seen me at the breakfast table with tousled hair and rasping voice, they are somehow always "there" was.

We are all older, get the first gray temples, it is also quiet with time, but otherwise has not changed much. This would

I just capture moments.

"Somehow, somewhere, at some point" The song is what I wish for every year. Except for once Frank and Nils have also fulfilled my desire (which I throw them again like before, that last year the number was!) Without Arolsen this song for me is not "complete" and I am the first on the dance floor. Saturday night as Frank said, "One number I play for you this!" that was my wish. After that I could safely go to bed, even though we were only three on the dance floor.

"In the fall through space and time, towards infinity
moths fly into the light, just like you and me.
somehow captures some point, somewhere in the future,
I do not wait long.
love of courage made, think not long after, we are driving on
fire wheels toward the future through the night.

the fall through time and space, awakened from a dream.
just a short moment, then returns to the night. Somehow
begins sometime, somewhere in the future,
I do not wait long.
love is made out of courage, think not long after, we are driving on
fire wheels toward the future through the night.

Give me your hand, I'll build yourself a castle of sand,
somehow, somewhere, sometime.
The time is ripe for a little tenderness,
somehow, somewhere, sometime. "

If I it think what I wrote in last blog, sounds of the text as a promise: "The future begins, somehow, somewhere, sometime, and then it occurs to me that I have a few years ahead of me where I can do better than before. And what I do not want to do better, then it stays how it is.

Sun disappeared this weekend, the melancholy and the gloom as fast as they had come. I have the mourning, the missing, danced away the tears and weggesungen.

Sunday afternoon and when I completely turned my door unlocked and bleary-eyed, still sounded as "Will not forget these days" in me by:

"Will not forget theses days
and I never thought I would! ".

What remains now after 3 wonderful days?

first time it has me very happy that my friend Steffi years again it was (what I have been told to them to register!). Since she lives in Brussels, I see them very rare and I have enjoyed it even more just to see me.

I have decided that in future the bungalow, which we have always had, no longer would accept. The interior of each year, meager and fell down the baking sheets (you have ever tried to bake for 15 rolls at the lowest rail? We got gray hair while waiting!), we investigated throughout the house functioning bulbs together to make it reasonably light, have the shower was over, the electrical installations were more a fire hazard, the whole hut had a disquieting inclination angle, in the refrigerator we had with the help of a mustard glass to keep the balance, it was a disaster ! There were 20 Schnapsgläse (Jippiejahyeah! "). I will never sleep again in that garbage!

I will definitely stop when it comes to write the shopping lists. We could not eat in the approaches that we had been towed.

I'll take more time for the people I see only once a year. I would like taken the opportunity to ask, how are the details, but I was probably too much with myself busy.

Like every year I'm going to enjoy every second, as I have enjoyed this year.

And maybe if I feel like it, but I may sometimes walk around the lake. I was not 13 years down and allegedly supposed to be a very nice hike.

And I would like to sign up immediately when I get mail from the Nile.

There are only 11 months and 3 weeks, I get even more rum. And what does all terms before: I make the most of it!

Thank you accompanied me on my way.

your Trissi ©


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