Friday, May 14, 2010

Dawson Cody Honda Corbin

buried teenage romance

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I should have my fingers on it, I admit it! I would have to be content with simply knowing that a young woman deserves outrageous in my age a lot of money, brought by a couple of novels about a vampire on paper, falls in love with a mortal.

I would have saved me a lot of time, money, and yet another thing I'll write the same, if I would have just left.

But after a year of waiting but flew the first "Twilight" - Film of my love-movie-subscription list into the house and true to the motto "Expect nothing," I was doing the movie then.

I should have left.

I was blown away.

The history of the 17-year-old Bella Swan innocent who meets the mysterious, unspeakably beautiful vampire Edward Cullen and undying love flares up to him, has blown away.

Six weeks later I had both previously released movies five times (including bonus material!) Seen and read the first three novels twice.

I have no excuse for it, I'm not a stupid teenager. I have always thought that I was a mature, adult and against any Teenage romance immune young woman who knows how life is so and how silly it is to get lost in daydreams about good-looking vampires and werewolves, hot-blooded.

I even on the "Twilight" - made fun of hype. There are terrible legally Barbie dolls of the series, how silly is that? T-shirts, jewelry, CDs, books, posters, bedding, shoes ... and I found myself one evening, as the Internet for a "Twilight" - researching calendar. No, I have not bought so much pride I could muster just yet.

What is it about this story that they could win me over in a few days ago, and my mind left aside?

I tried to analyze the merits.

I believe the author Stephenie Meyer has made himself acquainted with what's driving the little girls of today, compiled a meticulous list and executed point by point in her novels. And she then sold for a lot of money very well.

The whole thing is still underpinned by a well sophisticated merchandising machine, film rights and attractive young actors and then went on to the bill.

I've already fallen and it annoys me still. When reading turned me partly to the stomach, it was all so terribly thick applied:

"Have you Afraid? "
" No! "
" But you should be afraid! "
(long silence, deep eyes)
" Now I'm scared! "
" Good! "
(more deep insight, more silence)
"I'm afraid to lose you !!!!"

" I have no strength to stay away from you! "
" Then do not! "
(And again the deep eyes!)

I would actually have to laugh out loud, instead I devoured these dialogues, which therefore came to be so embarrassing hanebüchernd and with a longing to let go of me no more.

I found myself reading it, I wanted to be Bella.

I wanted to have this deep, incomprehensible, ineffable and immortal love!

I was torn be between the illogical attraction to a mysterious, terrifying and beautiful vampire and the passionate, pure and powerful love of a no less attractive werewolf with long hair and dark eyes (still, I am convinced that Bella chosen the wrong person has, I would have taken the werewolf!).

I wanted to be so popular and loved.

I longed for passion, purity, immortality, dangerous and deadly threat.

honest times when I was in the last few years taken once a real man in the arm and gave me a "You are my life without you I can not be!" breathed into his ear? I can not remember. My relationship ended as quickly as they had started and I was buried under a pile of rubble back my feelings alone.

My life seemed so boring, unimpressive, and dreadfully insignificant compared to that of Bella Swan. I dove into this fantasy world, and it satisfied my secret desire for concentrated teenage romance. I happened to me in the bombastic, ridiculous and far-fetched love scenes, I with a fever, if Bella had to be protected and fought over, as they themselves so weak and clumsy was. I imagined what it would be incredibly exciting to be wooed by hot-blooded men. I did that and I have in this land ashamed.

Basically, it's silly and ridiculous and I'm annoyed that I fell for it.

Of course it's all just pure fantasy. There are no werewolves or vampires. I do not believe that there can be only in approaches, a woman who is so innocent, selfless and helpless as Bella. And I'm not so stupid to believe that it could thus give a love, this is all just too contrived and too improbable ... but sometimes the little girl longing in me for a Happy End. This is certainly not wrong as long as you stay with the ground on the reality that I've always been.

But nevertheless I am grateful. I am glad that I dig these buried teenage romance, and could see again.

I'm in the last few months become very cynical in terms of "true love". I could only see in others, I went to nothing. I was the long-term single, knalhart and savvy. I knew how to run life and I was aware that it could never give me eternal love. I was hard, unromantic and realistic. Maybe I had that too, to deal with my everyday life.

"Twilight" has me aroused, despite all the ridiculous dialogue and the even more painful story again. I finally laughed again, cried and dreamed. I opened my imagination and my dreams the door wide. It may be that it hurt a little doing, but on the other hand, it makes me alive.

And that would be me. Lively, full of hope and romance.

I'm not so old that I would not dream of true love. The chapter on "partnership" is far from over. I would look forward to the time where I can experience that I surrender to someone.

As Whitney Houston in her song "All the Man I Need" sings..

"He love fills me up, he gives me
More love than I ever seen He's all I've got

He's all I've got in this world,
all he is the man, that I need. "

too long because I believed that love must be painful to be real. For that they need not. I believe that there is running around somewhere in this wide world a man who is right for you and the person I love.

This is certainly neither a vampire nor a werewolf, but maybe it goes so easy that it's a nice, good-hearted and crazy guy who dares to put me a ring on her finger and says, "You are my life without you I do not want to be! ".

We may still dream, right?

your tris
© Tristesse


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