Thursday, May 27, 2010

Acrostic Poems R.e.s.p.o.n.s.i.b.l.e.


people from more than a dozen countries were at the 1 Pentecost in Jerusalem who heard of the great deeds of God. People from seven nations had gathered on Pentecost Sunday 2010 in the basement of the Conservatory Theater in Alanya. They experienced a religious service in two languages, Dutch and German. After the service, told me a woman from Ireland and a man from Poland, they had simply felt that they were in the mind totally been there, even if they do not speak or understand German or Dutch could. It's also in our day, probably as much beyond our understanding. Especially when we join in the great Pentecostal Please

Veni Creator Spiritus - Come Holy Spirit

least three Protestant, Roman Catholic and Anglican denominations were represented. Nothing prevented us to call together the Kyrie eleison, and the praise Laudate omnes gentes tune. Somehow, all that which constitutes Pentecost, totally present. The Spirit of God, interpreted by Jesus and his work combines, denominations and nations. Experiences that we do not want to miss.

Some pictures show below our Pentecost 2010 in the "Christian community of St. Nicholas German language" in Alanya.

Whit Monday was again all about the encounters of our two parts of Alanya Municipality and Antalya in the church in the garden of tolerance in Belek The church was up to the rafters .. The two priests (Roman -. Kath and evang.luth) in a familiar fraternity and the ecumenical community, which has long since denominational boundaries crossed, and exceeds, celebrated together.

And then the mandatory sharing of food. This year, in a pub in Sorgun on a terrace built on the Manavgat. We feel and experience that body and soul are inseparably linked. So we are one body in Christ over all that we

- still - off, away.

Some pictures of the church.


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