Thursday, May 27, 2010

Acrostic Poems R.e.s.p.o.n.s.i.b.l.e.


people from more than a dozen countries were at the 1 Pentecost in Jerusalem who heard of the great deeds of God. People from seven nations had gathered on Pentecost Sunday 2010 in the basement of the Conservatory Theater in Alanya. They experienced a religious service in two languages, Dutch and German. After the service, told me a woman from Ireland and a man from Poland, they had simply felt that they were in the mind totally been there, even if they do not speak or understand German or Dutch could. It's also in our day, probably as much beyond our understanding. Especially when we join in the great Pentecostal Please

Veni Creator Spiritus - Come Holy Spirit

least three Protestant, Roman Catholic and Anglican denominations were represented. Nothing prevented us to call together the Kyrie eleison, and the praise Laudate omnes gentes tune. Somehow, all that which constitutes Pentecost, totally present. The Spirit of God, interpreted by Jesus and his work combines, denominations and nations. Experiences that we do not want to miss.

Some pictures show below our Pentecost 2010 in the "Christian community of St. Nicholas German language" in Alanya.

Whit Monday was again all about the encounters of our two parts of Alanya Municipality and Antalya in the church in the garden of tolerance in Belek The church was up to the rafters .. The two priests (Roman -. Kath and evang.luth) in a familiar fraternity and the ecumenical community, which has long since denominational boundaries crossed, and exceeds, celebrated together.

And then the mandatory sharing of food. This year, in a pub in Sorgun on a terrace built on the Manavgat. We feel and experience that body and soul are inseparably linked. So we are one body in Christ over all that we

- still - off, away.

Some pictures of the church.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How To Makesip In Sony Ericssion W 595

A Diva comes from

© Photos: S. Schroeder

© Video on, set of trout solo

Everyone I spoke in recent months, I would go to Whitney, moved slowly hissing air durcht teeth: "Tchrrrrrrchssschhh. You know, the noise, which provides a silent, to have done something completely wrong.

Well, in my defense I was able to say that Michael Buble was sold out and we ordered Whitney card before your tour.

But from the beginning:
mid-December my friend Steffi submitted a voucher for a Bublé concert in Antwerp on the birthday table. Since she lives in Brussels, we wanted this event with an extended weekend associate with her, it was about time that I once visited. By train it takes only 5 hours and a rail card owner is a trip not really expensive.

was then sold out Michael Buble and we browsed, what else is on offer would be around Whitsun. Alicia Keys did not like me, and when Steffi wrote "Whitney is Whit Monday to Antwerp," I clapped my hands in delight.

Whitney Houston!
"The Voice"!
six Grammy Awards, a Bambi, the Woman's World Award for lifetime achievement, the International Artist Award! In 1988 she sang
than 21 years of the theme song for the Olympic Games!
7 No. 1 singles in a row on the Billboard charts!
4 movies!

It would be an unforgettable experience!

* muahaha *!

Then began the Tour start in Melbourne and Steffi sent me a press release after the other to e-mail. A message comes after the horror, it has been written about booing, angry spectators left the concerts, some of which were canceled appearances and recordings, which I saw on Youtube could then shudder me. When I was with a friend that "I will always love you" - looking at recording from Melbourne on the PC, he laughed out loud: "And are you going?".

joker! There was no question of wanting more, we had to!
the tickets were already paid.
So I grabbed
Whitsun my trunk, got into the car and five hours later I Steff gathered at the railway station in Brussels.

I felt like in Harlem. I think I've seen in my life not many people of color in the half-hour walk from the metro to Steffi's house.

Brussels is a melting pot of cultures, an absolutely fascinating, if dangerous city. The crime rate is shockingly high, and so I kept my bag and clutching, always ready to ram into a bag snatchers my fist in his face if he should dare to address me.
There are actually in Brussels neighborhood where not even more pure trust the police, except with tank guns and water cannons in the trunk.

The next morning Steffi feverish and completely vergrippt on. As such, we would like to visit the harbor festival the channel, but on extended trips with her health was not the question. I made the less than Steffi, who had set out to show me thoroughly Brussels, I had come to rest and to me it was could not care less whether we were lying on the sofa or the city made uncertain.

has Nonetheless I like the stripped-sightseeing tour well, Steffi and I went on after a leisurely breakfast. We wandered idly strolling a widely landscaped park in the heart of the city photographed each other under the triumphal arch, rounded the European Parliament (Steffi's work) and comfortable at night we put your feet up in front of the TV to give us some very spectacular betting on "Wetten ... that?" view.

I felt very comfortable in Steffi's apartment, the view from the roof terrace was breathtaking and I even had my own bedroom plus bathroom with 2 (!!!) sink. The refrigerator was overflowing and I was treated very well.

The next morning I was kotzübel. I do not think it was at the concert in front of us lie, I just had my tablets on an empty Stomach taken and so we left after half an hour to rest on the sofa then to Antwerp in the afternoon, there to wander through the pedestrian zone.

sat about half past eight, we then in the well-stocked sports palace, but the anticipation was limited. We would also agree it was when the concert had been canceled. Then we could have the 140 € for the ticket in the Brussels nightlife hit on the head, but we were at prices like 7.90 euros for a glass of beer also came close to.

I love the crackling, buzzing, tense atmosphere that comes when you are waiting for the artist. The Audience was mixed, people of all age groups from different ethnic groups were closely packed in the stadium and it went very quickly going on with 2 artists, should stimulate us.

The first was a colored American who allegedly made his live debut, fasznierende voice smoochy with a Soul. He was also applauded very friendly.

Then came a young man, who is in the first season of "Holland's Got Talent" for third place. I would like to know me, sounded like the first two, though the third place has such a sensational voice. Here come Dieter Bohlen's "American Idol" - would-be superstars not against. I was staggered breath. His Fankurve sat right behind us and I had their ears at the frenetic applause and shrill whistles.

After a very bombastic, cheerleader video clip (we had pretty good seats, although quite high, but right next to go a big screen and even if we Whitney saw only very small, we had a good overview on from the events of the stage) with a sensational light show was Whitney then on stage!

Steffi and I also like clapping, but the excitement had yet to come. This was not in the performance of the first issue, she began very well, but simply from the fear that she might someday "Upset" would - because we had read online that it was in past concerts number for number is always bad and somehow we could not shake off that fact.

was after the second number they already drenched in sweat. I have no idea who she designed the clothes, these people I had thrown out without much ado. The bacon rolls swelled only way out of the satin shirt, jacket pailettenbesetzte did not close on their heels, and she came several times to stumble.

On the floor were glued paper with instructions, so that after a short while, also their audience with "I am glad to be in ..." (View on the ground), "Belgium!" was welcome. How should you be confused, so as not 10 minutes from the show until the end of the second point to remember the country in which they occur?

I think that was generally what scared us most: the woman was completely disoriented. Vocally it was really okay and much better than expected, they mastered the high notes with a lot of start-up, the mezzo-soprano as her voice was still really early and it is the soul numbers were more than satisfactory. In "I look to you" I held my breath, so present and strong was her voice and she wears really deserves to be called "The Voice".

But it was seen as a man more than tiresome. It felt physically painful to see how they struggled to make the notes to remain in the text and to divide the air. Several times she knocked firmly on his chest, took over again between the numbers for asthma spray and gasped to himself. Thank God belched and coughed loudly into the microphone, they do not like the concert in Berlin!

went to five numbers, they change clothes, which was understandable, she ran down the sweat in streams. Her brother took the stage, it broke out in the stands lively chatter, the spectators were in rows to the toilet and drinks to recharge, my poor fellow was almost sorry and I hope the lights blinded him so much that he not paying attention to that none for his presentation interested, but he sang not even bad.

The Backround singing alone without Whitney "Queen of the Night" and the first whistles and jeers rang around the room. The audience became impatient.

I have received during the evening a huge respect for Whitney's band and their Backround choir! They wore their colleagues formally piggyback through the songs. Sometimes they sang only the verses and then let her do the rest singer, supported by a number of "Uhs" and "Yeah!". She improvised some totally without rhyme or reason and her musicians had their hands full keeping up. And "Queen of the Night" was absolutely nothing wrong with that three girls were probably even better than Whitney and I have this number very, very much!

When Madame condescended to then to appear again I closed horrified at her skin-tight lycra dress golden eyes. I spare you details.

followed a few ballads, a rather erratic, much too long and hardly understandable paean to Michael Jackson and then came the song, before I had been afraid the whole evening: "I will always love you".

We all know how difficult it is to sing these numbers, I think Whitney has learned to hate over the course of the Tour this song carefully, as it seems not easy to be in shape, this anthem to cope. She took a lot of time, was constantly breaks, let the audience and the Backround do their work and cheating until the last note through. I was surprised at how confident they mastered this, but I have so far not understood why the last one just before singing tone quickly what needs to go for a drink.

We had survived so well and then crack Whitney together again thoroughly and let the people to 'I want to dance with somebody "sing and dance. She also had, as they had before the text is no longer in my head and muttered something unspeakable things to himself. The text by heart and I can even so I was good from my chair and sang and clapped. Apart from the textual blunders in the verses I liked the final part with the fast numbers at best. I got an inkling of how it used to be was, and she has really been any trouble to the public einzupeitschen again and to inspire.

The audience was very, very merciful, and the celebrated diva working, perhaps they had no idea of good music, but I was very happy for Whitney, that she was not booed or jeered as in so many concerts before. In principle, they could do only one suffering and even if the Belgian press, it tore in two days literally in the air, were the guests of the concert, seemingly disagree.

After 90 minutes, was it a day. After all, they did move, after a quick change of clothes (and this time she was finally dressed appropriate and beneficial, why not this?) Bring an encore and then went to the lights.

Steffi and I were done all at our chairs as the hall emptied out and looked at her thoughtfully.

First of all we agreed that it was better than expected. But with an expectation of minus 100% of us would have nothing can shake. We also found it not bad vocally, as we had feared worse. What makes us so

proposed visited was the fact watch this confused, tired and bloated, old woman 90 Minunten long to have, as she fought desperately to live up to their reputation as a diva's voice and world justice. And filled us with great regret and compassion, we were ready. Then when we

while driving the "Best of" CD in the car heard, we got an inkling of what this woman once was and now no longer is.

What a voice, what a charismatic personality and what a presence! The woman has a career behind him, which others can only dream about and that can not be ignored, even if they are by years of drug use and scandals that ruined its own power thoroughly.

I hear they are still happy. I love the movie "Bodyguard" and get in "I Will Always Love You" is still the creeps. I would want Whitney simple that it appears from this disastrous trip either begins or in the consciousness of having done something really great, retire. You have to prove anything, they can last until the end of life on their laurels and I hope it does that too, even though I am sorry for them.

When I last night, then got off the train and thought on the train again over the long weekend, I was happy and satisfied.

Steffi and I had a great time. I'm still completely blown away by their generosity, their hospitality and the fun we had together. She gave me not only financed the concert ticket, I had to literally fight to be allowed to spend their time and a Coke! It has the invitation, "The train ticket you pay the rest, I accept!" truly and literally fail me to say the words how much I have their natural generosity ashamed.

your dry sense of humor has carried me through the formal concert and am looking forward to the next visit with her in the summer! Then, without Whitney, but Brussels is definitely without a musical rollercoaster ride worth the journey.

I wish each of you such friends as I do. I wish people like Steffi, which are close to your heart, where sometimes, a look or a gesture to break out in laughter or tacitly agreed to be. We singles need these friends, without them we would perish. We long for these special individuals who understand us without a lot of words and help us to bear our loneliness. And if you know these people, they hold on tight and let it go no longer.

Steffi and I have known for over 20 years and although we can see very rare, so is the distance between us only in space. I love her very much and am deeply grateful, as it strives to me, presented me, calling me and my life makes leicher.

And I wish you the very time when the summer begins many friends, lots of sun, fun and rest, as I did this weekend.

Thanks for reading, your

© Tristesse

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dawson Cody Honda Corbin

buried teenage romance

© Image:

© Video on , set of Didieeeee


© Video on, twlt4hcore

I should have my fingers on it, I admit it! I would have to be content with simply knowing that a young woman deserves outrageous in my age a lot of money, brought by a couple of novels about a vampire on paper, falls in love with a mortal.

I would have saved me a lot of time, money, and yet another thing I'll write the same, if I would have just left.

But after a year of waiting but flew the first "Twilight" - Film of my love-movie-subscription list into the house and true to the motto "Expect nothing," I was doing the movie then.

I should have left.

I was blown away.

The history of the 17-year-old Bella Swan innocent who meets the mysterious, unspeakably beautiful vampire Edward Cullen and undying love flares up to him, has blown away.

Six weeks later I had both previously released movies five times (including bonus material!) Seen and read the first three novels twice.

I have no excuse for it, I'm not a stupid teenager. I have always thought that I was a mature, adult and against any Teenage romance immune young woman who knows how life is so and how silly it is to get lost in daydreams about good-looking vampires and werewolves, hot-blooded.

I even on the "Twilight" - made fun of hype. There are terrible legally Barbie dolls of the series, how silly is that? T-shirts, jewelry, CDs, books, posters, bedding, shoes ... and I found myself one evening, as the Internet for a "Twilight" - researching calendar. No, I have not bought so much pride I could muster just yet.

What is it about this story that they could win me over in a few days ago, and my mind left aside?

I tried to analyze the merits.

I believe the author Stephenie Meyer has made himself acquainted with what's driving the little girls of today, compiled a meticulous list and executed point by point in her novels. And she then sold for a lot of money very well.

The whole thing is still underpinned by a well sophisticated merchandising machine, film rights and attractive young actors and then went on to the bill.

I've already fallen and it annoys me still. When reading turned me partly to the stomach, it was all so terribly thick applied:

"Have you Afraid? "
" No! "
" But you should be afraid! "
(long silence, deep eyes)
" Now I'm scared! "
" Good! "
(more deep insight, more silence)
"I'm afraid to lose you !!!!"

" I have no strength to stay away from you! "
" Then do not! "
(And again the deep eyes!)

I would actually have to laugh out loud, instead I devoured these dialogues, which therefore came to be so embarrassing hanebüchernd and with a longing to let go of me no more.

I found myself reading it, I wanted to be Bella.

I wanted to have this deep, incomprehensible, ineffable and immortal love!

I was torn be between the illogical attraction to a mysterious, terrifying and beautiful vampire and the passionate, pure and powerful love of a no less attractive werewolf with long hair and dark eyes (still, I am convinced that Bella chosen the wrong person has, I would have taken the werewolf!).

I wanted to be so popular and loved.

I longed for passion, purity, immortality, dangerous and deadly threat.

honest times when I was in the last few years taken once a real man in the arm and gave me a "You are my life without you I can not be!" breathed into his ear? I can not remember. My relationship ended as quickly as they had started and I was buried under a pile of rubble back my feelings alone.

My life seemed so boring, unimpressive, and dreadfully insignificant compared to that of Bella Swan. I dove into this fantasy world, and it satisfied my secret desire for concentrated teenage romance. I happened to me in the bombastic, ridiculous and far-fetched love scenes, I with a fever, if Bella had to be protected and fought over, as they themselves so weak and clumsy was. I imagined what it would be incredibly exciting to be wooed by hot-blooded men. I did that and I have in this land ashamed.

Basically, it's silly and ridiculous and I'm annoyed that I fell for it.

Of course it's all just pure fantasy. There are no werewolves or vampires. I do not believe that there can be only in approaches, a woman who is so innocent, selfless and helpless as Bella. And I'm not so stupid to believe that it could thus give a love, this is all just too contrived and too improbable ... but sometimes the little girl longing in me for a Happy End. This is certainly not wrong as long as you stay with the ground on the reality that I've always been.

But nevertheless I am grateful. I am glad that I dig these buried teenage romance, and could see again.

I'm in the last few months become very cynical in terms of "true love". I could only see in others, I went to nothing. I was the long-term single, knalhart and savvy. I knew how to run life and I was aware that it could never give me eternal love. I was hard, unromantic and realistic. Maybe I had that too, to deal with my everyday life.

"Twilight" has me aroused, despite all the ridiculous dialogue and the even more painful story again. I finally laughed again, cried and dreamed. I opened my imagination and my dreams the door wide. It may be that it hurt a little doing, but on the other hand, it makes me alive.

And that would be me. Lively, full of hope and romance.

I'm not so old that I would not dream of true love. The chapter on "partnership" is far from over. I would look forward to the time where I can experience that I surrender to someone.

As Whitney Houston in her song "All the Man I Need" sings..

"He love fills me up, he gives me
More love than I ever seen He's all I've got

He's all I've got in this world,
all he is the man, that I need. "

too long because I believed that love must be painful to be real. For that they need not. I believe that there is running around somewhere in this wide world a man who is right for you and the person I love.

This is certainly neither a vampire nor a werewolf, but maybe it goes so easy that it's a nice, good-hearted and crazy guy who dares to put me a ring on her finger and says, "You are my life without you I do not want to be! ".

We may still dream, right?

your tris
© Tristesse

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Do Heaters Cause Sinu

Will not forget these days

© all images Tristesse

© Song: Nena set on Youtube by 69mitt69

© Song : Fury in the slaughterhouse, on Youtube Listed by PychobillySweety

A week ago today I was sitting comfortably with my 5 friends at the cabin together, the first beer had already gone through, we had grilled and made to us to storm the party bungalow and to celebrate their reunion after a year. This seems again to be all that far away.

was In itself it like every year:
Kilian was seized last Thursday in the evening in a car filled to the stop and we go to the injected grades Revival party in the beautiful Bad Arolsen.

All Blog Newcomers: Abi 1994 I made and just before the exams, we rented a couple of bungalows in the green Sauerland and celebrated together the last School year. At that time almost everyone was from our stage performances and because it was so funny, we decided to repeat a year later, this great experience. Since then we have every year at the same time, same place.

We have shrunk considerably. Of 80 high school graduates are "only" 25 left, but if you asks around at what others hold Abi-born so to stay in touch, we are probably unique. Everyone I tell this falls down to the jaw and he is impressed.

It is impressive that we now have at 17 Times have made. I only skipped twice, otherwise the Arolsen weekend is one of my must-attend events and when Nils The invitations sent out, I wear a holiday.

Last year was pretty chillig. We had bomb weather and so were the nights shorter. If you all day in the sun keeps his face and opens a beer after another, one is at night but rather tired. Well, I have less. I usually stay until the end at the other and then I the last one to fall at dawn in her bed.

This time was held back for more. Friday was relatively quiet, but on Saturday there was no stopping. The music was sensational and I was dancing myself to five clock from efficient. The weather was reasonably tolerable, it marked not active and according to the forecasts, we could ensure be more than grateful.

On Saturday there was a karaoke show ("Twistesee Idol") and 70's Party (the costumes were incredible!). I was allowed to be judge make really sleep on a Dieter Bohlen. Was fun. Some numbers were supernaturally bad, but then I found one or two surprises. I have sung this time a little, otherwise I may not so sing to, before a horde of people who know me since my childhood, but somehow this time it was very beautiful.

was otherwise filled the time with barbecues, speeches, dancing, partying, playing volleyball, listening, reading and conference Bundesliga. I had brought a book and really enjoyed the quiet moments in the story of Bella and Edward to sink. Because I felt like a teenager sometimes intermediate times.

Like every year I've slept too little, drank more than adequate and for the next half year, my need for salads and grilled food covered. As usual, I brought two bags full of debris and still eat it.

Two songs are for me the Twistesee as singing, dancing and celebrations.

"Will not forget these days" takes me back to the previous blog post where I wrote about how much I regret decisions of my life and what questions remain over when you think that you have missed a thing. It is my anthem and remember that not everything in my life went wrong, because the times when I can celebrate with my friends, are the best of my life. Each Arolsen weekend is different, but it is always special and I would not miss the life.

When morning dawns and I'm left as the only one with Ralf and Frank in the party bungalow, the fatigue and "satiety" is spreading, I just want this one hour, just before I go to bed, hold on and not forgotten. I want to turn back the hours and arrive back in order not to miss not just a second.

Laughter, chatting, sitting together, partying, dancing, the jokes, the little embarrassment, the cozy cocktail round, hanging out with people who support me more than half my life already, which means to me so much. You have made me sad already, turn up, happy, singing, dancing, crying and laughing seen. You have seen me at the breakfast table with tousled hair and rasping voice, they are somehow always "there" was.

We are all older, get the first gray temples, it is also quiet with time, but otherwise has not changed much. This would

I just capture moments.

"Somehow, somewhere, at some point" The song is what I wish for every year. Except for once Frank and Nils have also fulfilled my desire (which I throw them again like before, that last year the number was!) Without Arolsen this song for me is not "complete" and I am the first on the dance floor. Saturday night as Frank said, "One number I play for you this!" that was my wish. After that I could safely go to bed, even though we were only three on the dance floor.

"In the fall through space and time, towards infinity
moths fly into the light, just like you and me.
somehow captures some point, somewhere in the future,
I do not wait long.
love of courage made, think not long after, we are driving on
fire wheels toward the future through the night.

the fall through time and space, awakened from a dream.
just a short moment, then returns to the night. Somehow
begins sometime, somewhere in the future,
I do not wait long.
love is made out of courage, think not long after, we are driving on
fire wheels toward the future through the night.

Give me your hand, I'll build yourself a castle of sand,
somehow, somewhere, sometime.
The time is ripe for a little tenderness,
somehow, somewhere, sometime. "

If I it think what I wrote in last blog, sounds of the text as a promise: "The future begins, somehow, somewhere, sometime, and then it occurs to me that I have a few years ahead of me where I can do better than before. And what I do not want to do better, then it stays how it is.

Sun disappeared this weekend, the melancholy and the gloom as fast as they had come. I have the mourning, the missing, danced away the tears and weggesungen.

Sunday afternoon and when I completely turned my door unlocked and bleary-eyed, still sounded as "Will not forget these days" in me by:

"Will not forget theses days
and I never thought I would! ".

What remains now after 3 wonderful days?

first time it has me very happy that my friend Steffi years again it was (what I have been told to them to register!). Since she lives in Brussels, I see them very rare and I have enjoyed it even more just to see me.

I have decided that in future the bungalow, which we have always had, no longer would accept. The interior of each year, meager and fell down the baking sheets (you have ever tried to bake for 15 rolls at the lowest rail? We got gray hair while waiting!), we investigated throughout the house functioning bulbs together to make it reasonably light, have the shower was over, the electrical installations were more a fire hazard, the whole hut had a disquieting inclination angle, in the refrigerator we had with the help of a mustard glass to keep the balance, it was a disaster ! There were 20 Schnapsgläse (Jippiejahyeah! "). I will never sleep again in that garbage!

I will definitely stop when it comes to write the shopping lists. We could not eat in the approaches that we had been towed.

I'll take more time for the people I see only once a year. I would like taken the opportunity to ask, how are the details, but I was probably too much with myself busy.

Like every year I'm going to enjoy every second, as I have enjoyed this year.

And maybe if I feel like it, but I may sometimes walk around the lake. I was not 13 years down and allegedly supposed to be a very nice hike.

And I would like to sign up immediately when I get mail from the Nile.

There are only 11 months and 3 weeks, I get even more rum. And what does all terms before: I make the most of it!

Thank you accompanied me on my way.

your Trissi ©