Monday, September 27, 2010

How Build Horizontal Timber Slat Fence

sermon by Rev. Martin Brunnemann

God not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind .. Not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but suffer with me for the gospel in the power of God.
He has made us happy and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, is now revealed, however, by the appearing of our Saviour Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life power and immortality to light through the gospel. (2.Tim.1 0.7 to 10)

Dear brethren, the apostle begins

negative. God has not given us a spirit of fear talking negative than positive is easier to talk. Lines we sometimes equal to the top! It is easier to say what God is not than what it is.
God is not the unmoved director of the international theater. God is no first cause, which nudged at everything that has to then pull back. God is King and we are His slaves. Or, God is not like us humans, he is incomparable ... We can continue this negative number. But come one day certainly the impatient call - say's positive. And we need to let this remarkable apostle Paul, he has to offer because all kinds, to say positively what is the spirit that he and be got across from God. Although he started negatively, God has not given us a spirit of fear ... but then, but a spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind! This one should still remember, not the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. If this is not a pound that can grow you, dear brethren!
Now our Apostle has not known his letters written in German but Luther in Greek. And even then there are the holy Luther sometimes translations that are quite far from what is written in the original text in Greek. And Luther is the remarkable manner often do not side issues but key phrases. Since the mind has gifted Giant of the Middle Ages continued to be built on the text, quite ingeniously, to this day better than anything else. And then you are unfortunately forced to Scripture as a theologian obligor to say what he witnessed there. We, in our text, it is the word "fear" that Luther enters into the text. God has not given us a spirit of fear ... In Greek there is "cowardice."
fear and cowardice, can stand in between worlds. Fear is human, even if claims in the Bible, it was no use. Fear is forgiven, I almost said, fear must be forgiven. Not for nothing is it in the Bible again and again, "Fear not!" The fear remains without encouragement swallows and gags us humans.
cowardice. In contrast, cowardice is not forgiven. Cowardice spoil the image of a man down to the roots. Cowardice secretes. Religiously speaking, cowardice contaminated. And - God has not given us the spirit of cowardice. But the problem, dear Christians, is this that is both soul. Spirit of fear and a spirit of cowardice and it is damned difficult to separate the ghosts, yes, God himself must be involved if the distinction is to succeed the spirits.
fear - cowardice. They know much better where we live, love ecumenical community. Are the Christians with their Christianity in Turkey so quiet because they fear have or are they so quiet because they are cowards? A common question that I can make just because I am intensely with her past in the GDR at least three decades employed. If my wife and I walked away with family and bag and baggage, once out of a society because the people there were humiliated to cowardice, now to voluntarily go back into a world where you can hear coughing and bugs have not been learned is that there is more than a religion? Where does the cowardice, where does the fear of God will stand by? These are questions remaining questions, even if they sometimes have adopted a rhetorical nature.
The apostle begins overwhelmingly negative, and then positive - God gave us a spirit of power, love and sound mind. Listen to the order, dear brethren? First, a spirit of power. If you could explain it as such series come about. Power, love, prudence. Are these coincidences, is it intentionally or even more mysterious is that for some deep layers of our lives that we do not speak, but what we have in hand?
Whatever the reason, the spirit of power, the dynamics, ie the dynamics of faith is the beginning of the series. That I will now remind you to make you glad of that fact.
your faith is power is dynamic. It can carry. He can keep you afloat. It keeps you from and all that what do you think to yourself can not stand.
Here is at least the power of the love and prior to deliberation, and that's good! Our faith has to do with security but with the "salvation" as "Turquoise" loose, flaky formulated, but also inevitable struggle with self-overcoming and with the public, the need for such a life force.
says Amazingly, specifically encouraging the apostles not only negatively but also positively dangerous. So the part of God. he speak in us, incorporated its Holy Spirit. Our faith compels clarity and creates concretions, because its start and end points in a single "yes collapses. This Yes, and is ultimately nothing more than a first name, the name Jesus Christ. This name, this concreteness of life appeared, we celebrate in our worship services. In our world of questioning and palpation and miss there, is there really that name which is above every name.
Our text is in a very personal letter, at least in comparison with the other biblical letters. The theological science has the name "Pastoral Letter" was coined. And an explanation of the letter is said with a happy turn, the pastoral letter was the pastor. It is worth noting here, that the one who cares about the soul of Timothy is in prison and that he maintains his great Pastor is one who triumphed on the cross dying. And the apostle has to charge in his pastoral courage, his clients by inviting him to be classified in the line of life, crucifixion, jail, compared to the world ... suffer with me for the gospel ...
There are a lot of modesty with us Christians have much Getrickse to look to the what so called "Christianity" is to be understood, many are looking for a gap in which they can come with it and a little faith to make ends meet. I may say again just because I have to those who belong are weak, although they were made strong, isolate those who donated against all the love and to those who cut down on the table because they forgot the spirit of a sound mind.
But we are more than we think. Our life is in the light through the gospel, amen.


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