Sunday, November 15, 2009

Make A R/c Model Submarine

© Video on of Mononoke100
© Photos: Tristesse

"talk to friends

It's nice to know you,
with you to hear
or music.
Even silence is never embarrassed
between us, and that's good!

hypocrisy and lying is pointless ,
because we mutually
see through almost like glass.
We make long now
no longer apply, and that's good!

you cried in my arms,
many a night durchträumt with me,
the last doubts resolved.
I know you and you me!

You're not tough, you're calm
not to like you is not easy!
You are not a Lone,
You are so wonderfully weak!
trust me and use me.
What are friends for after all that?

I read 'in your gestures and looking forward,
when a real laugh sounds.
The bridge between us is tough under pressure, and that's good! We

cost us nervous, exchange ideas and philosophy
sometimes the last shirt,

and drink and be with us forever foreign.
And that's good!

We have reconciled, fell out,
Sun laughed some crude humor,
each other courage made.
I need you, and you tell me "

© Music and Lyrics: PUR

Last week, Wednesday afternoon. Josh, my brother and my girlfriend Anna (now 10 years since his wife) sit comfortably with a coffee in my living room.

"Do you have this weekend what to do? Will not you come with us to Krefeld? and I found the idea excellent, at first glance.

I needed a Taptenwechsel come out, sometimes, do not just sit at home ... with two people I love beyond words, to be together ... my heart went on!

was less ideal, the fact no vacation than to have and somehow it was all so terribly spontaneous.

I told in the next sentence with coffee the next morning in the operation of the invitation and to Night I asked the best boss of all:

"When did you have before actually, I ask for the free afternoon tomorrow?"
"Uh ... no. I'm not on vacation anymore!"
"So what? Can you reproduce it?"
"Uh ... that would be very spontaneous!"
"TRISS! SKY ONE YET! Call your brother and I must commit?"
"Uh ... no, I'll do it!"

I love my boss!

And so we left Friday afternoon to Krefeld.

We had an hour to reach the first traffic jam, listening to music, chatted, laughed and said nothing. In zähflissenden transport laid his head on Josh Anna's shoulder and I said, grinning, "Hey, watch out for traffic!". Seeing how fond the two after ten years of marriage have, for me, which is in terms of "relationship" very disillusioned, very refreshing.

We arrived, unpacked, I moved into my bed and the heaters were first turned up. Mama took care of the cats and I wrote a short text message that everything was fine.

The man of my best friend wrote an enthusiastic text message that her baby had arrived safely and Josh and Anna were pleased with me about the new arrival.

was in itself not more exciting: the two days were filled with sleep, rest, watch movies, eat well, the two Clear out the watch and the many small and so important conversations in passing. I had the honor to cook again for more than one person, and as we clock at half past ten on Saturday night shifts into third film, we still giggling over the previous films. May have been guarding the wine that we were so silly.

As I sat on the train today, then home, I thought again about the weekend and I remembered the song of "pure" a, "What friends are for?" and I realized how nice it is to not have to be alone. Well, I'm often lonely, but I'm never alone. My friends, my family are there for me and take care of me in a loving way As I have not earned.

Josh gave me packing up my belongings got here! I have them bought for you, enjoy it, "a CD in hand. I could easily arrive at them and "be." I did not have them pretend that I'm tough and invulnerable. You see how it goes and I currently do everything to make it easier for me to make. My brother and sister listen to me, carry me, do my shopping, I put down the coffee and are just there for me.

No more, no less.

But that's what I'm good.

your friends, it was incredibly nice to spend the weekend not to be alone with me, but once out of my to 'everyday' may tear. This is important for me. I'm so good, that challenges me, gives me strength.

When my therapist at the last meeting asked me what would be the most important moment in my life because it was shot like a shot: "My social life, my friends, my family." Singles

We need friends. How do community, conversations, laughter, tears, silence and shared food.

and I wish you all that we have these friends.

© Tristesse


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