Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Poster Templates Free Powerpoint

6 hours from home Marburg ...

... I've used yesterday. But unfortunately, because congestion was, but because my little red car has let me down. But first things first: I must
make my room key on Thursday and is still clean and deleted before I'm yesterday so set off around half past six at night to be in Marburg. Here I wanted to meet me at half past nine with friends to spend a great game night.
But unfortunately nothing was out of the ... For short
from Frankfurt, I was traveling with just 130 on the left hand lane, began the speedometer needle to fall further and even though I have given gas. A slight hint of panic arose in me, because finally I was just very far away from the hard shoulder.
A short but meaningful prayer: "Dear Daddy, help me safely get out of here!" before I've tried to come to the emergency lane. And my prayer was answered: I am certainly arrived on the fleeing verges safe there and when I got up, went from the engine and not again!
After I recovered from the initial shock, I then immediately called the ADAC times. After all, I already paid regularly for about five years my review then I can not now time to help!
After the issue was resolved, if I had enough fuel in the tank (I have first before I set off with a full tank!) And I could tell after some back and forth when I'm right (because who cares about the individual exits when he knows where he wants to go), then came the promise: "A Golden Angel is now with them!"

was quickly said "Yellow Angel" found that the ignition coil is broken on my car. He had unfortunately no longer there, but he could ask his colleagues in the area, whether from this one for me in the car had. However, said ignition coil is 100 Euro and I would have to pay immediately. But unfortunately I had no 100 € here and not on my account.
stayed So I have no other choice than to wait for the tow ... This should
me on to the next workshop fahren.Da but it was soon eight in the evening, was also realized that I could not expect as much nowadays. Therefore, I then after brief reflection on Tobi and Heidi called and asked if they could get me. The two were my knight in shining armor! They were actually willing to sacrifice their night for me! A big THANK YOU at this point! With
Friedhelm meantime I had already phoned and he said, he would come today (ie Tuesday) to Marburg and then take me along to the workshop.
Yes and then I could wait almost 1 1 / 2 hours on the

. Meanwhile, it was clock 21:15. Until then my last car at a workshop in Frankfurt rose and Heidrun and Tobi had found me, was half-past eleven and I just wanted to eat home and what. For I had long gone!
Shortly before midnight, I was finally released in Marburg and I will forget this, my last trip in my great room to Marburg, definitely not as fast!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sayings About Super Owl


are now again a few days passed and so I read once, what was going on in the last weeks with me.
After the exams passed, of course, celebrated vigorously.
on Friday after the tests prepared by the lower age groups a hugely fantastic gala evening for us: It was super delicious food, the room was beautifully decorated, a specially assembled for this evening band has accompanied the evening with great music and the program team has a great great program for prepared us. A totally beautiful evening that we have completed three years of full time super.
on Saturday morning was then the final service in which our director has said goodbye with a kind word and a little melancholy after Christine and Toby together Faix preached had. According to the official parties
have enjoyed our third graders as our last time together yet, spent quality time together and reminds us of our time together.
With tears of farewell, but also because of anticipation I went down last week on Monday with a fully loaded car to my parents. Here I now enjoy the days off with nothing, visiting friends and relatives and get ready for my probationary year.
Because that begins on August 4 in Steinbach. I look forward to now and I'm curious what it will bring can do.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wrestlers Breast Cancer Awareness Singlet

Gone !!!!!

Since my last entry is done a lot: I have four wonderful days
enjoyed at home, doing nothing-down time except on Saturday to Steinbach in the community in order to get information for the Children's Week. I received a very warm welcome from the people of the community who have all told me that they are very happy for me! How well this does, to know that you expect! Since I the goodbye is here but the same light.

Yes, speaking of leaving, the moves become closer. Because yesterday I had my oral exam in project and I've done it: I get one! YEAH !!!!!!!! In
and that I'm learning now behind me, I've been looking forward already. But unfortunately this also means, I'll be here much longer. My parents come tomorrow and on Friday my best Meli. On Friday evening, then our graduation party on Saturday and church service. Yes and many will do on Sunday or Monday already on their way to their new home. Bibs are then past three years and see you "only" four times a year for the BP-week. This thought occurs to me just been pretty hard, but I'm looking at my place in the community.
The next day I'll definitely still enjoy the community here!