Friday, March 4, 2011

Kates And Raven Stream

the blood column (Iris Kammerer)

The blood column - Iris Kammerer

The Domhauptstadt Cologne is always worth a visit and the 2,000 year old city on the Rhine has much to tell. Of course, mastered the art and the culture of this city and of course the Cologne Cathedral, the traditional destination for many tourists.

The Cologne Cathedral is one of the world's largest cathedrals in the Gothic style, and since 1996 this impressive building is a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

1248 was the construction of the Gothic cathedral builders started by Gerhard Rile. His model was the Cathedral of Armies. He was the first of the master builder of Cologne.

Iris Kammerer already brilliant historical novels such as "varus" and including "The Tribune" successfully wrote and in several Editions have appeared, can in her latest novel, "The column of blood," the city of Cologne and the cathedral builders of Rile Gerhard play a major role.


Cologne 1248: The still very young architect Gerhard von Rile in the city on the Rhine has accepted the job of building a magnificent cathedral. The city of Cologne is developing rapidly. It has become a magnet for artisans and merchants, the smell in the shadow of the cathedral wealth and rum. The conflicts between the clergy and citizens to take and also Gerhard von Rile and his nephew come quickly Gerwich between the opposing fronts, just as the city itself, Mr. - the Archbishop.

As Gerwich is a direct witness to a murder, and this remains an isolated case, roll over the intrigues and events within the city walls. The two monks, preachers of Lauingen Albert and his younger pupil Thomas Aquinas Gerwich help in the investigation. But no secular judge will be able to judge the suspects. For the "column of blood," the final decision on the fate, guilt and atonement of the potential suspects.

as "God's verdict" is this column was martyred at the Jesus Christ and whipped, to serve. For the holy blood shall have impregnated the stone and expose the true absolve sinners or can. want to have

The Cologne at last the peace of the cathedral city, and the act, not least by the worship of relics of Tourism and Commerce make good money by superstition rushed somewhat prematurely. As the regularly exposed by the blood column perpetrators identified and is caught, and still more murders happen, turn over the events ....


Iris Kammerer has chosen their venue excellent. Cologne spray so formally on history, not only by then already in 1248, there was extensive intrigues among the merchants, artisans, the city councils. Even the church fathers sought to increase their profits continue to tourists, and the acquisition of power and influence but cried out secular motivations.

The author has researched well as was expected, and who knows Cologne, in reading taken by the hand and almost equal Walking through the cathedral city. Hjer adopts the medieval figure, the lanes, the different streets and squares, the construction of the Cologne Cathedral - all of which developed into an extremely dense atmosphere.

But not only art and culture plays in "The column of blood," a supporting role. Even the people who lived in this metropolis, the author has revived a realistic and versatile. Iris Kammerer also very example and let us admit it, very lively we can share in their daily lives. Because as always, the church launched their sheep out and wanted to be the subject of superstition here also strongly addressed.

could expose the one pillar of a criminal or save an innocent man is, for our intellect is difficult to understand, but for many people in the 13th century and later had the belief in miracles and relics an immense weight . But not everyone was so in good faith, of course, there were people treated with a degree of skepticism such miracles, but the danger was not, of course. Either way, that the Middle Ages was a formative period, a period in art and culture, and of course the architecture of true quantum leaps led.

"The column of blood" by Iris Kammerer is a varied and very, very exciting novel knows convincing. The city on the Rhine lives on here, the people and their fates are thrown wide and convincingly to the early medieval stage.

It is not a historical detective story as the reader might expect him here. Iris Kammerer's style is far more diverse. The focus is on social ties, the intrigues of the dealers, the struggle for power and influence in this city that does everything we can to grow

The reader will encounter from Gerhard Rile, the first builders of the cathedral of Cologne of it is not really much known, but much is expected. Iris Kammerer gives these and other historical figures a certain face that the past could well meet. Thomas Aquinas and Albertus Magnus are two of those priests here are the author an opportunity to play along in this story.


"The column of blood" by Iris Kammerer is grandiose and impressive not only excitement and variety in her novel, but also a safe and realistic description of the medieval Cologne and its inhabitants. On

never wants to go fast on their way to Cologne, to feel the atmosphere near the cathedral, to understand how fascinating and exciting it can describe an author of "Cologne".

Michael Sterzik

The Blood column

Iris Kammerer
Paperback, 473 pages Paperback

Iris Kammerer
Iris Kammerer, born 1963, studied in Munich and Marburg, works as a writer, editor and consultant and lives with her family in Marburg. In addition to the novel "The priest king" (atb 2295-8) are also from her "The Tribune" The sword of Tiberius, "" Wolf and Eagle "and" varus "available. More on the author under-www.iris



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