Monday, March 7, 2011

What Does Expired Viagamox

Fred Schreiber about ... # 10 Fred

Integration policies in Austria?


integration is only over the path of middle-class immigrants. With success stories, which consists of the descendants of the goal. I want to see not only African taxi driver, but also African bankers and dentists. This of course their will to advance, but also the will of the local population, such success stories also allow.



This is largely not responsible for what is going on. The only sets the will of the majority of the voters through. And the majority will still prefer to keep to themselves. Blame for the rise of such figures are never the politicians themselves, but their voters.



the same. The fact that this is a corrupt careerists, you could see from the start. That it is a grim Westerwelle clown is nothing new. In both cases you need at revelations such as Wikileaks and phone logs do not be surprised.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Isalean Protein Shake

The gates of eternity - Richard Dübell

1250: With the death of Emperor Frederick II begins the time of the great interregnum.

A successor has not yet found the kingdom in turmoil.
dies In the Middle East, a young man in the arms of three Crusaders. With his last breath, he tells of a secret that the emperor entrusted him shortly before his death.

Near Bamberg some intrepid Cistercian establish a new cell in the middle of the forest. You have the protection of loneliness urgently needed, because one of them has visions and is in danger of being burned as a heretic.
Crusaders and sisters meet in the city Wizinsten.

hand in hand to build a new monastery, a magnificent building, which is to provide the community under the protection of the new emperor and open the gates of eternity ...
Richard Dübells great medieval novel about a monastery, a brave young nun and the love in the face of doom.

A promising, historical novel. I'm excited and looking forward to the title.

Michael Sterzik

EUR 19.99
bastion Lübbe
hardcover, 861 pages
first appearance: 17.03.2011
ISBN: 978-3-7857-2422-4

Friday, March 4, 2011

Kates And Raven Stream

the blood column (Iris Kammerer)

The blood column - Iris Kammerer

The Domhauptstadt Cologne is always worth a visit and the 2,000 year old city on the Rhine has much to tell. Of course, mastered the art and the culture of this city and of course the Cologne Cathedral, the traditional destination for many tourists.

The Cologne Cathedral is one of the world's largest cathedrals in the Gothic style, and since 1996 this impressive building is a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

1248 was the construction of the Gothic cathedral builders started by Gerhard Rile. His model was the Cathedral of Armies. He was the first of the master builder of Cologne.

Iris Kammerer already brilliant historical novels such as "varus" and including "The Tribune" successfully wrote and in several Editions have appeared, can in her latest novel, "The column of blood," the city of Cologne and the cathedral builders of Rile Gerhard play a major role.


Cologne 1248: The still very young architect Gerhard von Rile in the city on the Rhine has accepted the job of building a magnificent cathedral. The city of Cologne is developing rapidly. It has become a magnet for artisans and merchants, the smell in the shadow of the cathedral wealth and rum. The conflicts between the clergy and citizens to take and also Gerhard von Rile and his nephew come quickly Gerwich between the opposing fronts, just as the city itself, Mr. - the Archbishop.

As Gerwich is a direct witness to a murder, and this remains an isolated case, roll over the intrigues and events within the city walls. The two monks, preachers of Lauingen Albert and his younger pupil Thomas Aquinas Gerwich help in the investigation. But no secular judge will be able to judge the suspects. For the "column of blood," the final decision on the fate, guilt and atonement of the potential suspects.

as "God's verdict" is this column was martyred at the Jesus Christ and whipped, to serve. For the holy blood shall have impregnated the stone and expose the true absolve sinners or can. want to have

The Cologne at last the peace of the cathedral city, and the act, not least by the worship of relics of Tourism and Commerce make good money by superstition rushed somewhat prematurely. As the regularly exposed by the blood column perpetrators identified and is caught, and still more murders happen, turn over the events ....


Iris Kammerer has chosen their venue excellent. Cologne spray so formally on history, not only by then already in 1248, there was extensive intrigues among the merchants, artisans, the city councils. Even the church fathers sought to increase their profits continue to tourists, and the acquisition of power and influence but cried out secular motivations.

The author has researched well as was expected, and who knows Cologne, in reading taken by the hand and almost equal Walking through the cathedral city. Hjer adopts the medieval figure, the lanes, the different streets and squares, the construction of the Cologne Cathedral - all of which developed into an extremely dense atmosphere.

But not only art and culture plays in "The column of blood," a supporting role. Even the people who lived in this metropolis, the author has revived a realistic and versatile. Iris Kammerer also very example and let us admit it, very lively we can share in their daily lives. Because as always, the church launched their sheep out and wanted to be the subject of superstition here also strongly addressed.

could expose the one pillar of a criminal or save an innocent man is, for our intellect is difficult to understand, but for many people in the 13th century and later had the belief in miracles and relics an immense weight . But not everyone was so in good faith, of course, there were people treated with a degree of skepticism such miracles, but the danger was not, of course. Either way, that the Middle Ages was a formative period, a period in art and culture, and of course the architecture of true quantum leaps led.

"The column of blood" by Iris Kammerer is a varied and very, very exciting novel knows convincing. The city on the Rhine lives on here, the people and their fates are thrown wide and convincingly to the early medieval stage.

It is not a historical detective story as the reader might expect him here. Iris Kammerer's style is far more diverse. The focus is on social ties, the intrigues of the dealers, the struggle for power and influence in this city that does everything we can to grow

The reader will encounter from Gerhard Rile, the first builders of the cathedral of Cologne of it is not really much known, but much is expected. Iris Kammerer gives these and other historical figures a certain face that the past could well meet. Thomas Aquinas and Albertus Magnus are two of those priests here are the author an opportunity to play along in this story.


"The column of blood" by Iris Kammerer is grandiose and impressive not only excitement and variety in her novel, but also a safe and realistic description of the medieval Cologne and its inhabitants. On

never wants to go fast on their way to Cologne, to feel the atmosphere near the cathedral, to understand how fascinating and exciting it can describe an author of "Cologne".

Michael Sterzik

The Blood column

Iris Kammerer
Paperback, 473 pages Paperback

Iris Kammerer
Iris Kammerer, born 1963, studied in Munich and Marburg, works as a writer, editor and consultant and lives with her family in Marburg. In addition to the novel "The priest king" (atb 2295-8) are also from her "The Tribune" The sword of Tiberius, "" Wolf and Eagle "and" varus "available. More on the author under-www.iris


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What To Write On A Shower Cake?

Philip Le Roy - Phoenix

in ice-cold Fairbanks, Alaska, in a secret laboratory, the bodies of two Nobel Prize winners, an FBI agent and a nurse. Even more puzzling is the fact that the fifth body has the features of two deaths, between which required considerable time will have elapsed. Allen apparently was successfully retrieved the man after his death to life?

Is it managed to fool the scientists of death? Only - who might be interested, the traces of such a sensation to ? Cover up Ex-Profiler Nathan Love, an expert in martial arts is a professional for such a mysterious crime, but here he comes up against opponents who are powerful enough to control everything and everyone and for the murder only a means to an end.

A hard, exciting and surprising thriller of the new best-selling author Philip Le Roy

For me, one of the surprises of the year 2010 with one of the most exciting books. I hope that soon Love Nathan gets his second appearance. But first read the paperback. :-)

Michael Sterzik




Original title: Le Dernier Testament
Original Publisher: Editions Au diable Vauvert
from the French by Michael
of Killisch horn
Hardcover, Paperback, 656 pages , 12.5 x 18.7 cm
ISBN: 978-3-442-37726-8
€ 8.99 [D] This song appears on: 16th May 2011

Automatic notification via e-mail
Other types of expenditure:
"Hardcover Book

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chennai Checking Land Transaction Value

Nephilim (Asa Black)

Nephilim - Asa Black

Greenpeace is famous, almost infamous, the actions of environmental activists. Including Nova Barakel, the young woman rushes together with some like-minded "colleagues" the home of the CEO of Vattenfall, to give one of the biggest climate sinners a lesson. However, the action proceeds as planned anything. The businessman and his wife are at home, only Nova finds these two people brutally murdered and raped before.
Nova Barakel recently lost her mother in an accident and has recently lost both parents and only sees the chance to prove their innocence in a rather hasty flight. Nova's problems are even more diverse - their mother has shared her heritage in the assets, has considered an organization called FON and these claims stiff and firm, that their mother and themselves direct descendants of fallen angels .....
here who suspects a Ökothriller, is totally wrong. Here are lined up like lemmings to a variety of genres hand. Thriller, Horror, Fantasy, Mystery of something for everybody, but each too much or too little.
Certainly, there are acute environmental problems that can not be dismissed out of hand, but in this novel, they are thematically redundant. With few details, the author plays Asa Black skillfully their own International has made and points with the pointing finger on the problems and possible solutions are not the only one every heard before. She also is an excursion into Biblical history and catapults the reader into the heart of the Old Testament events of Noah and his ark.
The angels and their offspring have anything but a clean slate, is readily apparent here, but their motive is so far-fetched that an emerging atmosphere nipped in the bud. The plot rolls over to escape, danger, intrigue and a subsequent personal problems of a police officer, whose "Dearest" Pathologist also the descendant of a fallen angel is.
was really the author does not seem to decide, and so is "Nephilim" is nothing more than a poorly woven, patchwork full of holes.
Well, and anyone who expects a little more about the flood, their causes and the surviving "Angels" and their descendants, to learn, that is, except a few, few reasonable and fact-based explanations . encounter
Although the issue of "supernatural" will be taken up in novels like always, it is here, but rather abused.

The story is predictable, illogical and totally one-dimensional told. The protagonists few really tangible, and all because neither sympathetic nor unsympathetic, and they are just acting, but true compassion is felt here in any situation.

"Nephilim" by Asa Black is absolutely not recommended. One of the few writers to produce the voltage it does not understand or have not, then at least the protagonists to develop interesting and versatile.
exciting is not the novel, and rather disappointing for me personally it was a waste of valuable time.

Michael Sterzik

Friday, February 25, 2011

Chicken Wing Wholesale Brampton

Mo Hayder: Corruption

True evil comes from within
in a cool November evening in the parking lot of a Supermarket near Bristol a car stolen. By force - and with the eleven-year Martha Bradley in the back seat. Detective Inspector Jack Caffery initially hoped that the perpetrators wanted to the car and not the child. But it are wrong. Martha Bradley remains disappeared without a trace. And the perpetrators lets him know that he will do it again. Jack Caffery feels that he is dealing with a very strong opponent, an opponent that presents him, he is always one step ahead. And his threat makes. Shortly afterwards, he kidnapped another little girl. And with every hour that passes, it is unlikely that Caffery and his team, the children still alive can save ... (Publisher Info)
He is watching you. Waiting for you. then he picks you up!


Mo Hayder was born in 1962 in Essex, left her home at fifteen to London in the adventure search. She later spent many years abroad, including in Tokyo, where she worked for a time in a night club and wrote for an English newspaper. She studied film at the American University in Washington DC and later Creative Writing at Bath Spa University. With their debut, the psychological thriller "The bird man," she became an overnight into an internationally acclaimed best-selling author. Since then it has its reputation "as a brilliant writer with a tension the novels" The treatment, "Tokyo," "ritual murder" and "skin" further consolidated. The author lives with her partner and her daughter near Bath.

Mo Hayder
corruption psychological thriller

Original title: Gone From
English by Rainer Schmidt
bound book with dust jacket, 448 pages

, 13.5 x 21.5 cm

ISBN: 978-3-442 - 31212-2

€ 19.99 [D]

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Andrea By Sadek Porcelain Birds

Marina - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Carlos Ruiz Zafon has created three phenomenal international bestseller -> \u0026lt;The Shadow of the Wind, 'The Angel's Game, "and finally in German:' Marina '.
We all have the top floor of the soul a secret under wraps. This is mine. "So begins Oscar Drai his story. The young hero of the novel longs to participate in the life of Barcelona, and touches on love through the enchanted villa district of the city. One day he meets an intriguing girl. Her name is Marina and she will change his life forever.

be drawn together, the two journey into the mystery surrounding the former richest man in Barcelona. Pain and grief, anger and delusions of grandeur they seize a hellish combination of devastating force. But Marina is surrounded by a mystery. When Oscar discovers finally, is the sudden end of his youth.

In> Marina \u0026lt;evokes Carlos Ruiz Zafon first time in his inimitable Barcelona, a city full of magic and passion, and told in an incomparable manner the dramatic story of a young Man who fights for his fortune and his great love. (Publishing information)

Michael Sterzik
Carlos Ruiz Zafon was born in 1964 in Barcelona and now lives in Los Angeles. With the great novels Barcelona> The Shadow of the Wind "and" The Angel's Game \u0026lt;he inspired millions of readers around the world, his books have been translated into over 40 languages. > The Angel's Game \u0026lt;stood for weeks on the SPIEGEL bestseller list. Only a short time ago> The Shadow of the Wind \u0026lt; Carlos Ruiz Zafon's novel created> Marina, "who already exudes the same magic and narrative power.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon



price € (D) 19,95

He is brilliant. He knows no fear. And he is a ticking time bomb: The brilliant strategist and occasional rogue Gideon Crew has an aneurysm in the brain that can kill him at any time. But just what makes him an ideal agent for a secret organization which always begins to determine if a case for the U.S. government is too dangerous - because Gideon has nothing to lose and is willing also to the greatest danger. His first assignment: He must find out what has just been smuggled into the country, a Chinese scientist. The man is a turncoat - or he is planning to build a super weapon to attack America? During his investigation notes Gideon quickly that even someone else is behind the scientist and his mystery ago - and prepared to stop at nothing ...
(publishing information)

Michael Sterzik


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Going To The Cinema With A Guy

Mission - Snake Eyes (Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child)

Sven left the straight and narrow and has arrived at our destination: the bottom. He spends his days in a frenzy, his nights with either sex or fights. In this case it would be open all the doors, says his father - Sven would not have struck five years ago. is threatened when his sister, is found in Sven's worst nightmare again: The only way to save Lina is to become like his father.
Oliver Uschmann novel "Not far from the tree" told bluntly and honestly lost targets, false friends and the power of confidence.
Uschmann Oliver was born in 1977 in Wesel, belonged to the school to the ten special eccentrics and completed his community service in a Catholic hospital urological surgery. He worked at UPS, a training burst from the booksellers for a day, studied literature and English at the Ruhr-University Bochum and tried there, incidentally, as a punk singer, protester and editors to create an angry mini magazine revolution. Today he lives with his wife Sylvia Witt, including cats and fish pond in the country and creates with her every day new books, including the novels of Hartmut and I series and the humorous thriller "The opposite of above." He also helps as a "Word Guru" Young Authors on the jumps and writes regularly for the magazine GEE and VISIONS. He is well acquainted with gangsta rap, but never himself been a gangsta.


edition 2011, 528 pages, ISBN 978-3-8390-0120-2, Softcover, 14,95 € (D)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Dogrubbing On Furniture

book: Oliver Uschmann: NOT FAR FROM THE STEM

The belief in witches is widespread worldwide. Magic skills and the pact with the devil were ideal conditions for Europe to accuse in the era of the Middle Ages women of witchcraft, they extort by torture to nonsensical and impossible confession to then murder by burning at the stake cruel.
(But) faith has certainly a kernel of truth and his secrets to long lost knowledge that you can use for good or for evil. The myth probably originated in the Greco-Roman period, there have been dubbed as the witch Medea or Circe.
In the New Age scene is often spoken of the Wiccan religion, which is now widespread in the U.S. and provides a natural religion. In the magical, paranormal world, there are also men who can be regarded as wizards or magicians, and also "magic formulas" from Books and fonts. Such "Grimoires" are magic books with magical knowledge.
incantations, rituals, including lists of recognizable demons, angels and other creatures are probably the most likely sources but also recipes for medical remedies and potions can be listed there. And as always, and everywhere there are white and black "magic books" that deal with magic and knowledge.
In the literature, especially in the fantastic, there are a number of witches and wizards with very different sentiments. The Canadian author Kelley Armstrong has "Night of the Witches" which is published by Knaur, a exciting and varied novel written.

Paige Winterbourne is the daughter of a witch and even a magically gifted woman, even if they do not have such great talented skills, such as the woman has Mama. Strictly and conscientiously motivated and she tries hard to increase their potential by learning from their grimoire (spell books) and tries to make practical application of their formulas.
In the human world and her guardian from professional web designer. The former requires a lot from her just because the 13-year-old Savannah Paige himself is as a witch, albeit a very young, and already she has an extraordinary Force in itself. What is more, that Savannah can be quite headstrong and stubborn, and in addition to their pubescent species may be the already exhausting.

Paige is incidentally still somewhat controversial head of the American witches circle, despite her young years. Your life is but a custody battle of the natural father, a powerful mage, a little out of joint. Supported by a Halbdämonin - Leah - an arch-enemy of Paige, the threat of intimidation with secular and magical means constantly life-threatening. From the coven on a limb left alone by law on weak pillars, all resistance seems to be useless at first. Since they must fight in the human world for custody, it takes a lawyer who is later murdered little cruel. And of course Paige is blamed, nor is added that the police finds a satanic-looking altar in their garden and think hordes of journalists and curious people had no intention to withdraw from their house.
is even less likely and less transparent the spectacular location, as a lawyer, to the magical side of Paige and Savannah will - Lucas Cortez, the youngest son of the most powerful magician families of the country. Arrogant is not that talented and confident and magical Cortez as an ally of the duo, but Paige wonders what he intended with his selfless nature ... criticism
Kelley Armstrong has written with her third fantastic book "Night of the Witches" a truly "magical" novel. Complex and extremely sarcastic Paige tells the story from their perspective. Armstrong's magical world is a colorful mix of people and paranormal magic, witches and wizards and also demons cavort on stage. Modern times and ancient magic traditions with ur-enemy stereotypes are interwoven, so that creates an impressive venue with plenty of room for ideas that are driving an exciting plot always magical.

designed at the beginning the story rather opaque and confusing, even if you feel the tension rising as always. The origin of the magic of witches and wizards remains somewhat in doubt, for the mutual and somewhat complicated relationship, despite some statements still much room to be worked up, perhaps in later novels. Charming and humorous, moving all the protagonists of the story. Paige's thoughts and cynical dialogue pursued by the reader always with a smile on his lips. Her foster daughter Savannah is fairly direct and brisk, but puberty helpless and can definitely be a gifted 13-year-old girl.
Lucas Cortez has with his past even the most interesting, even if he almost does not assume the lead role, so it is very likely that in the near future everything can revolve around the latest addition to the Cortez family. Paige and Lucas were raised as a team rather dar. Paige very emotional and always on the edge of hysteria, always concerned about Savannah and go straight to the feelings. Lucas, however, is always master of the situation and find, no matter how tricky the confrontation with the enemy and is always a way out. And yet there are some questions and an aura of mystery surrounding the young man, a touch of magic and power. Savannah is the key, the focal point of the story, but self-confident and stubborn, equipped with magical powers to, can understand it is far from control and she has lost something and needs to assert itself constantly, against whomever. Who here "good" and "evil" is not quite easy to see, because each party has interests that may well be understood. The magicians are more interested in political and economic power and use their magical powers to get their influence and wealth. The witches but appear uncertain and not really well organized, torn and afraid they do not know how they have to deal with their abilities, even if they strive for something higher and see the good of all in the foreground. "Night of the Witches" is written consistent and simple. There are just a storyline that will be continuously developed and described but always from the perspective of Paige. The dialogues between the protagonist and also Paige's ideas are original and funny. Do not be silly, but the undertone is always intended ironically, what the whole story well, it does not diminish in the least dramatic but serious action. Kelley Armstrong has written an impressive novel that is clearly designed for adults. In "Night of the Witches" will be killed and murdered in revenge malice, greed and true. Armstrong's linguistic style has matured and adapted the story, no exaggerations or content of murky logic error reading pleasure. Solely as a point of criticism is to say that the magical world described is restructured, the history of witches and wizards will indeed be torn down and makes you curious, but does not (yet) in depth. Conclusion "Night of the Witches" I can highly recommend. The novel has everything that an exciting and distinguished above all entertaining story. self-contained, still leaves much room for more events and spaces for action and the protagonists seem content and character even more expandable. I'm curious to many more parts from Kelley Armstrong's spring and am looking forward to the next part of "Brotherhood of the witches".

The Canadian fantasy author Kelley Armstrong was born in 1968 in Sudbury, Ontario as the oldest of four siblings. When she was nine months, her family moved to London, Ontario. She studied psychology and computer science at the University of Western Ontario, before becoming a writer. She lives with her husband and three children in Ontario, Canada.

Paperback: 522 pages ISBN-13: 978-3426632024
Kelley Armstrong

"soul night" (The dark forces 2)

Michael Sterzik