Thursday, November 11, 2010

Simi Garewal Exposing From Mera Naam Joker

Sermon from 11/07/2010

None of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself
we live, we live unto the Lord.. if we die, Therefore, we die to the Lord. we live or die, we are the Lord For this end Christ died and over again. become alive, that he might be dead and the living Lord.
(Letter to the Romans 14, 7 - 9)

Dear community,

an exciting text! However, he does not fit the theme that we were down by the Gospel and the liturgical pieces to my heart. The Gospel and this "third last Sunday in the church year" talk from the last day, or from the first day, when one is optimistic. The second coming of Christ, the Last Judgement, the eternal life.
The Apostle says, however his three sets of weights in another, I think simpler context. Not only the wicked world outside the church door, but also the ecclesiastical world tears Texts out of context and it adds a context in which it fit.
No one lives to himself, no one dies to himself. We live, we live unto the Lord. If we die, we die to the Lord ... What should be better adapted to the Articles of Faith: From thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead? Paul says, but in the entire 14th Chapter of the town, more of the strengths and weaknesses in it.
because I get something further. The expert, well clearly only the experts, the non-experts have no mystery, the appreciators of Romans, guessing about whether our letter has really gone to Rome. There are interesting theories raging over whether the name of Rome has been a cover address. Quite radical even think "Rome" was a code name for Jerusalem was.
me it seems certain that Paul, the county, which he said did not know. Then you may ask, how can the apostles to the church in Rome to say something that he did not know?
This is always the most interesting question. How can Catholic priests say something proper to marriage and family, who have no experience as yet. Or how can an atheist say something clever about the faith he had never, or at some point lost?
The point is, dear brethren, such people may well say something proper to do so. Many a Catholic. Priest says to better family and marriage failed as the five Saturated and marriages experience some atheist can say about faith cleverer things than the pious church Springer.
Paul knew the church in Rome not when he still could say something clever and right on the town, this could be important for another. For example, like a community like ours in Alanya. -
Strong and weak. Who is strong in us, who is weak? The priest, indeed, the pastor must be strong in all cases. Strong in faith. Strongly in morality, strong in the insertion, strong in handing out, if he tilt for those who should be the be threshed. A robust health, he should have. On the sounding board he should be appropriate. Funny he must be, always ready to talk. Strong on ideas, always present, a leader, a lantern that lights up even further if they anpinkelt below.
And who is weak in the community? This is a really common question. This should nevertheless not afford and no one in the community - weakness. Correct weakness I mean, not those that is so quickly comforted when she is told, you're not that weak. That's like out there, no one is allowed to show weakness. Who is weak, comes to the false pity. Who has to show weakness, because he can not hide it, is pinned with a pitying smile in the right drawer.
Strong and weak in the Community, a hot topic that is ultimately why not tackled seriously, because the strong must remain strong and the weak are held down. And so
seen, dear brethren, is the only real way to talk about strong and weak in this congregation, that speaks to a community that you do not know. Just as our Apostle.
So, what the apostle meant by strong and weak?
He looks at his body that would be critical to a Christian church to faith. He speaks of the strong and weak in faith.
Maybe we think that should not hurt most. Even the Muslims, where such things are still in course, are very suspicious against a strong faith. If the entrances its belief that people, when he conquered all that life must be regulated, if the faith a man can know no relatives, then the chaos there. And at first
us, as even the one who is suspicious of faith-radikalinski, does not break the marriage for religious reasons, not drinks, goes to church regularly and tears do not even jokes about prayer.
The apostle takes a different, very different. The strong in faith, he says, eats everything, even to very specific terms. The weak in faith do not eat pork, maybe even no meat. The weak in faith needs holidays, holds strong in faith every day for the same. The strong keep the faith for all pure, the weak in faith will never be finished with the testing.
so strong, now say in their hearts the most, we can be easy if need be, we even eat insects, the Sundays, we celebrate anyway as it allows our work and the cleanliness question, Jesus has also said that the purity question is done for us long ago. But be careful! The strength of the strong in faith in Paul is that the strong can push back all their liberties, when it comes to the conscience of others, their existence in the community.
We talk about the reality of the Christian community that we are, dear brethren. If your sister faith exception to your freedom, then so be free to dispense with such freedom. If your brother in faith can not cope with the fact that you think homosexuality is a normal human possibility, not organizing demonstrations. The sum of all this is
: be your freedom in it, the other to his lack of freedom not to be shattered. Elsewhere, the apostle expresses it this way: Everything is allowed, but not all built the church.
Therefore, we are come to the end of a decisive statement. For Paul's parish, which is the force that moved by Jesus Christ, a new development in our old world. Teams are established and dissolved, the community is God's personal creation. I conclude with a summary sentence from the context of our sermon text: Destroy not the work of God's sake feed.


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