Monday, October 18, 2010

Elongated Mucus For Nose

camera crew from ZDF time to make the community

two days we were accompanied by a camera crew from ZDF. For all the onlookers, the result can be 19:10:10 on ZDF on Tuesday in the midday and evening show seen in the 21.45 clock news. The sermon of our "worship television is down here.

We ask and exhort you in the Lord Jesus because you have received from us, how you should live to please God, whatever you do, too - that you will is always perfect. For ye know what commandments we gave you through the Lord Jesus. Because this is the will of God, your sanctification, that you abstain from fornication, and every one of you looking to win his own wife in holiness and honor, not greedy Lust like the heathen, who know nothing of God. No one goes too far and defraud his brother in business, because the Lord is a judge of all that, as we have said before you and testified. For God has not called us to uncleanness, but unto holiness. Those who now despises, despises not man but God who gives His Holy Spirit within you
(1.Thess.4 0.1 to 8)

Dear brethren, dear guests.

"with the second one looks better," said ZDF, celebrate by the representatives of this service today. I just do not understand why it is in these words the other eye, the first one, then, must be recorded. Two heads are better than one and is it the second, I think.
But as only a small start, yes it would be up to date. We do not go around the eyes but the ears.
listening ears two more than one? Or is the second ear more often there to allow through the fast, which has entered through the first ear?
Someone said at the beginning of my entry into employment: Well, you know, much of what is spoken in the community, you can be in one ear and out the other quickly. One probably good advice only, you have to figure out first, and you have to want to draft. I confess, because I learn some decades and fall, daily new items to it. I hear if it's not worth it and I turn to draft, if I was to hear.
On passage, dear brethren, I turn very quickly if I remember. I think it must have the understanding of the world.
an old bone of 65 years of age, you should still can safely leave it alone right? On the other hand, if I am really happy when I am left alone? I feel not really actually quite good in my murmuring against admonitions. Is it not the life of being able to complain about the apparent alls? Ah, basically you feel but also may eventually come to his annoyance.
If we are left alone, then we are still close to zero. Those who have no more reason to get excited, is somehow fallen quite deep. I would imagine that there are quite a few German-speaking in Alanya, who long after that to really be reminded once again to get excited about someone that one has in fact quite happy. To chat from the parish beautiful sewing box, on Thursday I stood in the cemetery and buried an old German man, the mourners had four grave graves, the Undertaker, two photographers and me, sweating in the gown. If there had still been a few people. Whether they have been in a friendly or tense relationship with the deceased. The main thing that they think along the Our Father, pray with, maybe even an old and it was able to sing a funeral song trite. As we stand there in the Muslim environment, swears so on the family. What about the Judeo-Christian works of mercy to bury the dead and to console grieving?
I just wanted to say you do not even know which one is rewarded in this world. It may be the warning voice of a spouse. It may be the petty criticism of a neighbor.
Who is reminded of who is criticized, is not quite dead
And so taken, dear brethren, the New Testament, the Epistles of the Apostle are one-life messages, because they remind us again and again, so that many have on the other ear comes out.
Let's listen to the exhortations in our text. In my Bible is already a heading "exhortation to holiness" and then it starts: We ask and urge you, as sure as we sit in the same boat, the Spirit of Jesus Christ means. Everyone should get his own wife. No one is to cut down his neighbor over the ear. From complying with this exhortation is life and death, and does your relationship with Christ.
I took a long time until I realized sheep's head, which is why the apostle page after page in his letters, written warnings and why his listeners or readers have picked up something so carefully. Oh, I almost forgot, we heard a passage from an incredible document. The first document that we have the Apostle Paul, the 1.Brief to the Thessalonians. How many million people have read the full respect? How many thousands have been inspired by it? We have almost forgotten but unfortunately, what a treasure we have been placed in the hands. We deal with it as our parents, our traditions, all just a nuisance, all freiheitsverhindernd.
So, why the Apostle exhorts page after page and here on two very important areas of sexuality and possession? He exhorts
because he and his congregation did an incredible experience of freedom. A new reality, a reality in the strongest sense of the word had taken it, the reality eternal life through the encounter with Jesus Christ. Their existence was a once and for all been decided in favor of life.
The result was all the bonds fell.
You could say the Apostles, his whole previous existence is to nothing, has become a mess due to the encounter of Damascus. And the community in Thessaloniki by 50 of our era similar had happened. What counted after the arrival of life, ethics and morality, which was holding trade and commerce? Everything had shrunk before the gift of life to nothing, a waste, like a translation formulated very elegantly.
The brilliant and sometimes terrifying Martin Luther has what I tell formulated incredibly accurate. He says: "A Christian man is a free lord of all things and no one subject. A Christian is a servant of all things and subject to everyone. " Is through Jesus Christ to heaven raised human-free, freely to his Lord Jesus Christ and thus free to the service to all creatures.
So we are so free that we remind ourselves and ask can, indeed, that we long for out for warning and request to keep our feet on the ground.
Somehow I would like to conclude now, dear brethren. And a halfway decent conclusion after you read it in the media, a passable conclusion inevitably comes back to the beginning.
"With the Second one looks better! "That was the beginning. We use for centuries already on the ear. We can say that we are loved, where we are also going to lose or fall as we have become free men. But the outside. Of which the apostle writes quite scary that they were pagans, the waste in "greedy desire" their lives that do not hear so much what we say that we see the sure who we are in everyday life, in the encounter, in our swagger. And if I have to quote this passage from the "greedy desire" of the Gentiles, I can say from my experience, that the Gentiles restrained me much, much happier life than I would often meet me. We must learn to use our freedom, so I beseech you. Amen.


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