Thursday, June 24, 2010

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told God, Christian Church German Language, St. Nicholas Antalya / Alanya

On 6/25/2010 Our flight left from Antalya to Hamburg. We look back on 15 months' service in Alanya. What remains? Us has been a real pleasure, after long years of service in Germany do here in the Diaspora to once again completely new experience. How can church in this situation is and lived. It depends less on the structures , since Nicholas is the club has a good roof. It's about people who meet each other and the living God. And in many ways. We think of the well-attended church services, the cheerful and sometimes moody Church Cafe, the journeys of the greater community and the good contacts and cooperation with the Dutch and Norwegian fellow Christians. We think of volunteer employees who stand up without asking, what do I get it. We also think of the friendly Turkish hosts, the mayor of the forestry administration, the Müdür House of Culture, to the employees of the Security.
All this and much more remains in your memory. We think like to Alanya and want some good times under the sun of a kind and merciful God. And so once again:
God commanded.

Marlies and John Wein

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farewell to Pastor Johann Wein

with a mass, a common coffee table and a subsequent tour took their pastor Wein and his wife of Alanya
Acknowledgements spoke on behalf of the community, Rolf Rutter and in the name of St. Nicholas Church Association, Mr Korten prelate.
For the coffee table in the foyer of the city. Conservatory could replace the numerous community members from Alanya and Antalya.
the conclusion of the farewell was a concerto for piano and mezzo-soprano
Prof. Hans-Jürgen Schnoor and Mrs. Maike Albrecht from Lübeck.
Frohgemut Alanyaner the Christians went home and climbed the visitors from Antalya richly endowed the bus to ride home in the 140 km Antalya.
pastor Wein and his wife have left this successful evening
another track in Alanya.

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farewell sermon of Pastor Weingartner on 13 June 2010 in Alanya town trip to

Dear community,

"integration of Turks and Germans in Germany and Turkey" - that was the subject of a conference last year in Konakli, where Rev. Korten and I attended together with community members from Antalya and Alanya. A contemporary theme - an old issue. "So you are no longer strangers and aliens -. But fellow citizens and of the household" So we have heard in the Epistellesung this Sunday, which is also Predigtext.

That was apparently at that time an issue here in Asia Minor with its various communities at very different places. In Ephesus, Sardis, Philadelphia and Colosse, in Perge and Antioch, in Cappadocia and who knows where else. Letter to the Ephesians is indeed addressed to these communities.

Why must be so written by the apostle: You're no longer strangers and aliens. Apparently they used to be. As elsewhere: guest workers and foreign nationals, asylum seekers and citizens with an immigrant background, and all must live with the many who think they have the old vested interests. This is more or see human societies in their diversity.

the time of the Apostle, the trenches were broken between the Christians who came from the synagogue, and therefore directly with religious roots in the belief which also came from Jesus: The Jews and the so-called Gentile Christians. Gentile Christians are the equivalent? They know but not the tradition of the God of the fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and not the message of the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah and all the others. They're equally through side entrances into the Christian community come without the legitimation of the sacred tradition. Are not such a thing as spiritual seekers and therefore more or less at the mercy of the owner of the actual civil and domestic rights? Moreover, they were also often from the lower social strata that are now summarized under the term precariat. After all - they had become Christians, had the gospel accepted and were baptized. But even more than that. Everything else was missing. Above all, the rite of Judaism - circumcision. And many said: They either get the to and they adapt to - or are, at best, strangers and aliens, and if all goes well: be tolerated. But nothing more.

integration or adaptation - a technical term assimilation - that is the question. And it is not only in today's Germany or here in southern Turkey - it is also an issue in the church. Who belongs to who is a full member, so fellow citizens and of the household and who is a guest and stranger.

In the house where my wife and I since April 2009, used to be very beautiful show, which can drive the flowers occasionally called facts: Since Norwegians live and Danes, Dutch and German and of course Turks under one roof. And there are house meetings, which are in groups: Those who to whom to whom? This is often the question. Having an existing doorbell system comes out - this is not reached today. Now, after a few years ago a Turkish woman president. Maybe you can reach my successor by then bell and must no longer with the phone log on from outside, if you want to the pastor. Yes, those flowers, it can drive, when people gradations in the valence . Make

But back to the church: the apostles, it clearly states: All this behavior - and ways of thinking that limit exclude and - depending on the position - you have no room. For He, the Christ, came and proclaimed peace to you proclaimed that you were far off and peace to those who were near.

"For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.
're So you are no longer strangers and aliens, but fellow citizens with the saints and the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ is the cornerstone upon which the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy Temple in the Lord. "

The limits are lifted with it. However, not just random. The connection is shown, it is now the focus must be addressed. What unites Christians in the community?

first The peace of God
He has made peace between themselves and the people. This peace is sealed by the death of Jesus. Peace always requires sacrifice. As people are not in a position were - and still barely have - God has brought this sacrifice themselves. People always cause casualties in the other, or they are called senseless. However, the cross now stands as a sign that no victims are no longer necessary. Who stands under the cross and the power of nonviolent Love of and in itself can contribute, to learn the power of peace, we may ask for. Thus the cross is here on the altar and it is present in our worship spaces. The peace of God is the peace of the cross of Jesus. No one is excluded from this love and peace. And therefore no limits are more important. The peace of God is the binder of the Christian community.

second The message of the Apostle
We hear the same Gospel, we read the same letters and writings of the Bible. Binds us together. This experience I have made repeatedly - especially in ecumenical dialogue. I like to remember a great moment in this regard. We have the place of my had previous workplace as a pastor in service many ecumenical discussions. Closest we have come to us during an ecumenical Bible Week. We have done nothing other than read Bible texts, and told each other what they mean to us what they tell us in the current situation. Well we were never closer to us, the Roman Catholics, Lutherans and Free Churchmen. Much we have learned theologians of the laity, their approaches to writing are often much more direct than our exegesis and dogmatic theology of embossed thinking. And we always had the experience, the closer we get Christ, the closer we are together. He is the keystone everything with and ensure that the vault of the Church has fallen, but a good roof is for all who gather under it.

how we achieve the goal in fraternal solidarity, which to be aimed at:

third The spiritual and spirited home
"----- grows on which the whole structure is joined together into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are builded together for an habitation of God in the Spirit. "
a spiritual house. We could also say: A house full of spirit. Each house, each apartment is marked by the spirit which in him or her to blow. We feel that fast when we enter an apartment and meet the people, at home in it are. Is this a cheerful spirit? The Spirit of God is a cheerful spirit. Is there a peaceful mind? The spirit of God is a peaceful mind. Is that a liberal mind? The Spirit of God breathes freedom from all constraints. What spirit is blowing now here in our community on the southern Turkish coast Nicholas between Antalya and Alanya, and in both places even beyond - from Gasipasa up to Kemer?

Some experiences:
We have no churches in the traditional sense, even apart from the chapel in Belek. We have houses in which we celebrate religious services. Because discussion groups meet, there is coffee and cake Community maintained with all the trimmings. The buildings are hardly the binding, they are only available for rental or other provided. The church - which is not the building with a bell tower, these are the people who gather in the name of the triune God. They complain and praise, pray and sing, listen and celebrate the Lord's Supper. And the limits? They are hardly felt or little. The binding, the connecting element is present here, though not without error and shortcomings. We are only human and Christian people who, if they "have mercy Lord," the "Kyrie eleison," which, on Sunday to sing, even and especially to think of themselves have. But

much of the peace of the cross and the common ground of faith and a spirit that breathes the freedom I have felt and witnessed. May it remain so in time to come. The fact that I can take some of them with in North Friesland, for which I am grateful. Amen

Monday, June 14, 2010

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Time to say goodbye

© Robbie Williams video on set of musicforever1987

"My way is

And now the end is near, and I
see the final curtain fall
My friend, I tell you clearly,
I'll explain what I am convinced.

I have had a full life
I was on every single highway.
And more, much more than the
have self managed my way.

I have a few things
regret but too few to mention worth it.
I've done I had to do.
I've been through everything, without exception

I set each course;.
each careful step along the path side
And more, much more than the
have ego in my way done.

Yes, there were times that you know certain
in which the eyes were bigger than your stomach.
But despite all that, when doubts arose about
have spooned ego and spat out.
I've fixed everything and I just stood and
habs done my way.

I have loved, laughed and cried.
I had my fill, my share of losses.
And now, as tears subside, I find everything amusing
Sun To think

that I've done it all
and I can say - not a very shy manner.
No, oh no, not me, I
on my habs Art done.

So what is a man, what he has?
If not himself, then he has nothing. To say what he really feels

and not the words of a kneeling man. The
Recorded shows
that I have much plugged -
and that have done it my way "I" "

© Text: Paul Anka, German transmission of

When talking with a man for 5 years long 40 hours a week together in service works hand in hand down, and after work drink another is to call in and writes from holiday cards, then one can truly say that this man has become a friend.

I know my as of today former colleagues now have two thirds of my life. We have compressed the school and after we had lost us 10 years out of sight, he suddenly became my colleague. I have him to thank for letting me come to him in the company and I enjoyed every second with him.

Now our separate professional ways. The day today I was really hard to cry and then I'm gone into the next room to him and not to make me even harder.

But then as we passed, I lost it for a moment, as amended, and shook my hand and let me go, I just looked back and his eyes I will never forget.

This would I also do not. I would not forget him and I want to remember what this man has given me. I would not say just turn the next page of my life and the book: "So, that was five wonderful years, what's next?" I would remind myself that we had a great time.

course, it was primarily the job, we were not for fun at work (and we worked well!) But it was also during the breaks and after work enough room for personal conversations and shared laughter. Sometimes we have been crying.

I do not know how it will be if I tomorrow to the door someone else come in and greeted me in his place. The work will of course be the same, as are the customers and my new colleague is not foreign to me. We will get along. And best of all colleague will be there too ... but it will never be the same today, because "he is" simply no longer there.

tonight I canceled all my appointments, I come home and have allowed me to grieve. I do not think that I am ashamed to say, I will miss him and cry for him.

I want this man who I have become precious, worthy in this blog, like "Thank you for everything!" pay my respects to him and say, even when words are probably not enough to express to all that he has become to me. There are few people who have me so excited, challenged and shaped like him.

I take my leave of 5 years with the ravishing beautiful song by Frank Sinatra (he loves that song!) And wants him just saying, "You've done your way"

And Thou hast done well !

you've made that I felt in my job well. You did it, that I could laugh in spite of my grief. Did you looked after me, cared for and brought me further. You told me on many, many made little easier because my life. And you showed me that as it is to take not so important.

I love you and will miss you!

But the nice thing is: You're a
as a friend not be lost just because we no longer work together. I'm curious to see how it goes with us and I do not worry that I may still be your friend for many years.

Your Trissi
© Tristesse

Thursday, June 10, 2010



Once a year we take a community tour with the aim of Turkey to meet and bring together Christians from Antalya and Alanya. This year was the 45-member tour group by plane to Istanbul. Focus should be the former Constantinople, that era of the city, in the Turkish view is often too short. A small picture gallery to give you a modest impression convey the many impressions that could accommodate the participants in the 4 days of stay in Istanbul.

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visit to the Protestant community

Walk through Istiklal Caddesi

visit the Sultan Ahmet Mosque - also known as the Blue Mosque

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The Hagia Sophia - Mary and John the Baptist bow before Christ

Hagia Sophia - neck

summer residence of the German ambassador in Tarabya

We all were there

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boat trip on the Bosphorus, in the background Ortaköy Mosque and the Bosphorus Bridge

visit to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate

prelate Korten and R. Wein priest in conversation with a Greek Orthodox priests

Chora Monastery - rear view

Baby One Month Old With Hernia

Chora Monastery

Chora Monastery - astonished faces

Chora Monastery - Mosaic of Hl.Petrus

Chora Monastery - Mosaic of Hl.Paulus

Mariella Kate Nash Piano Tabs Letters

devotion to the military cemetery in Istanbul

devotion to the military cemetery in the garden of the German ambassador in Tarabya
Dear sisters and brothers, Rev.

as Korten told me to stop here on the site of the German Embassy a devotion, as was the church provided below next to the summer residence for it. But which is being renovated, and now we are up here at the simple wooden cross on the cemetery. As more comes to the mood of the people's mourning day. What are the fallen soldiers from the 1st World War II that are here. Are they heroes or victims?

I quote some verses from the 27th Psalm:
The Lord is my light and my Salvation
of whom shall I fear?
The Lord is my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?
When an army superimposed against me, so afraid
nevertheless not my heart;
if war rises against me, so I
leave me for him.
One thing I ask of the Lord, I would have liked:
that I could stay in the house of the Lord all my life,
Lord, hear my voice when I cry
be merciful to me and answer me!
Hide thy face from me,
, and do not hand me down, God, my Savior!
as Lord, I
your way and lead me on level track.

Once again the Question: hero or victim?
I remember the first Worship service on Memorial Day as a young priest in my village community in the Spessart. Almost 40 years ago was. There were mainly two groups in worship and then on to the commemoration Ehrenmahl.
one hand, stood very erect the veterans. They thought of the fallen comrades who were probably more heroes for them. They said yes by the heroic and sometimes even from the Heroes' Day. in my predecessors as well - - glad you had at the end of the worship song of the good comrades of the organ part. The match I could not, for the organist played "O bleeding head wounds."

and then were there - more of a little bent - the war widows and also some of their parents. I did not feel that they moved the thought of heroes and heroic death.
you still felt the deep loss. They had made sacrifices, were themselves - or at least the husbands and fathers - have become victims.

And again the question that arises with particular attention to military cemeteries and to honor grinding. What are these fallen soldiers: heroes or victims?

And where is God? Its sign is the cross that looms here as impressive in its simplicity. God is always with the victims and will end up a victim himself. Caught between the fronts where the heroes behave. If God Make peace, he produced no victims - he sacrifices himself That is the other way. The Way of Christ. He is the absolutely non-violent hero. He knows - and this is reflected in Gethsemane: Who is heroism demonstrated by force, which also produces always victims.

In the Old Testament, the coming Savior, who is also the suffering Son of God. named with the following titles: God -, Everlasting Father - Prince of Peace. If

because the cross of Christ on the military cemeteries taken seriously and not just a decorative accessory, then soldiers' graves are the greatest preachers of peace. A peace that does not need any more victims. The Christ on the cross forgives his enemies and lavishes them with no hatred. And a desperate offenders, he takes with him into the middle of paradise. The talks like and acts, dear brothers and sisters, is the hero and the Prince of Peace.

We pray to the Prince of Peace:
To your strength to the peace we ask, good God
We recognize with gratitude that among us are people
- influential and unknown - bridge,
the tensions
not stop the deal,
looking everywhere for peace.
To your strength for peace, we ask, good God
To the courage to face all the
think of violent solutions
the drive with thoughts of war, their game, by playing down the
interesting descriptions of the war.

Ask for your strength for peace, we, good God
If we are even more aware,
where we - individually and as a German - are taking root,
where insecurity led to their own convictions us to
in dissent enemies to see.

Ask for your strength for peace, we, good God
That we do not forget the terrible consequences of wars
or conceal;
that we advocate for the Disabled, and Deranged,
for the victims of divisive borders,
for minorities and refugees -
that we understand and take amongst us.

Ask for your strength for peace, we, good God.
Our Father

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Café giftedness

Photo: Saskia Schultz-Marjanna

love gifted,

welcome to the Café e = mc ² for the gifted. Here there will be suggestions on the Theme "Café and giftedness: literature, music, movies - there are addresses of giftedness meetings and - yes, cake recipes!

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We look forward to.

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Café E = mc ²