Saturday, March 20, 2010

T�ravesti Top Siki� Vido

Why do we need friends

© Video on, set of EinLiedgehtumdieWelt

Last Sunday after the service. Regina took me aside: "We absolutely have next Weekly samples, how about if you Saturday for breakfast, come and then we practice? ". I immediately agreed.

Eddie and Regina are a couple of my age with a very funny and adorable son and a relative newcomer in the community. As I they are passionate about music, body and soul, and they were delighted when I asked if we could try a song will do together in worship. As such, I was thinking only of Regina on the piano, but when I sent her the song said them, "You can sing along but since Eddie?"

over a year I have done nothing more solos in church and was therefore excited, all the better if there would be someone to lean on the stage and Eddie has a great voice.

Well, for me it is not normal to have to get up at eight on Saturday, but I peeled myself out of bed happy, fed my Knatterkissen, lay in the tub and shortly before 10 Regina was already with the engine running at the station.

It was the lively chat going on the road. Regina is lively, clever, funny and straightforward. We had decided after a trial ever shared the evening with McDonalds and as I could tell that she is a very pleasant conversation partner.

Her husband is no less funny. I have got used to that when he sings the front of the church, to his cheerful smile and very noisy . Sing I appreciate people who love music and get involved through their singing. He is getting better and I am delighted with him. When we

the bags of food into the house wearing and Regina started to unpack (Eddie put his first newspaper on the table if my "boring" would !!!), I wondered who would eat it all Schmunzel * *. Sausage, cheese, fruit, fresh vegetables, bread, meat, salad, eggs, and, and, and.

I made a short tour through the house, welcomed the five year old son ("He eats with Trissi?" "Sure!", "Cool!") And marveled at how beautiful and carefully arranged everything was. Well, Regina has a decoration business, it had me wondering if their homes would not have been tastefully decorated. I am in such matters entirely without talent, I could have been envious.

And then we had breakfast first extensively. It was so funny! I am used to eat on Saturdays my PC sections, usually falls in the breakfast anyway, but the principle is to eat alone but boring. We have not only laughed and gealbert, it was also about more profound issues such as family, marriage, holidays, community, and I enjoyed every second.

It was not strenuous or difficult, we had much to tell each other and I felt comfortable and "at home". As you know, I've got some families in the community and friends that give me the feeling of "family" and was pleased that I had with Eddie and Regina again found such a couple, where I felt comfortable.

In this house you can only feel at home: stylish furniture, candles everywhere, warm light, photos, small and beautiful things, creating the perfect ambience. My gaze wandered again and again over the walls and the many accessories.

After we were all tired of the little boy was in front of the "Lion King" DVD set (it is amazing that this film never have children!) and so we had to rest samples. We sang the songs for next Sunday "on" and for me, the other trolls always alone in the apartment or in the service in the third row, that was incredibly beautiful.

We have worked very hard on the duet. Again and again we stopped, plowing on tempo or music mistakes and slowly got a sense of how the song would sound like tomorrow. I was constantly interrupted and corrected, criticized, and beat, according to the clock. I was afraid again to perfektionitisch and "correct" to be, but eventually said Regina. "I think it's great how you do it you have a good way to give someone a Song to teach the fun! "And I sighed.

I have a reputation totuzuproben my musicians and had concern them to destroy fun. I'm relentless and sometimes very demanding and this has often caused resentment among the band members . But Eddie and Regina had as I desire to do it well and so we practiced over and over again the same place until it was good.

seized after an hour Regina me back into the car, took me to their decorative store, I could look around me and our mouth the whole time still. When they tell me then put down at the bus stop, I lacked the words to "Thank You" to say for this wonderful start to the weekend.

When I said goodbye at the door of Eddie, he said, "Thank you, that you were there!" and I was open to the mouth! Hey, I was picked up, has been sustained and entertained royally and he says to me "Thank you"? What for? The fact that I was forced into its tranquil Saturday morning? That they had bought lots of food and served on nice plates? That they are an hour for the sampling, where they had but few hours later again already? That they received me and listened to my stories? Why does this man "Thank you"? I was ashamed.

And when I started half an hour later came into my apartment, the cats anrannten and I was alone with me, because I was still smiling over our time together.

your loved ones, friends SO are important to us! Arrive, be there, feel good community have, that's something for people who have to cope with their everyday lives alone, is incredibly precious.

And I would encourage us, often times just to get up early on a Saturday to meet with you people that you love. Uses of your friends, invite one to you, invite them is not always alone with you.

I wish people on your side as Eddie and Regina. We need them and I hope they need us too!

The Lord bless us! Your


© Tristesse


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