Friday, January 1, 2010

Dreamcatcher Components

Happy New Year

© all photos: Tristesse

29.12.2009, at night, the phone rang. Drea, the best former roommate of all was in it: "Do you want to Celebrate New Year with our home group we meet and bang with Kathi and Thorsten to eat a little play, chat, the guys of course and we will have fun Think it to you.. and let me know. "

Hm ..
2 couples with one baby and a third pair, which had just got engaged at Christmas - I was not really sure if I enjoy would have only one single under noisy pairs? Usually becomes a matter terribly frustrated, but I had one more day to think.

The best boss of all immediately said: "Of course, you go man, take on not so, that's certainly more fun to hang out than at home".

I first went to work in the city and stormed the jeans department of a clothing company was liable, and an hour later I walked out, heavily burdened, but happy again. Then another short all my trust in the drugstore and I had a good mood :-)

Because I was just in a bad mood, I said to the party. Jean would be the purchase been less successful, I would certainly have been canceled. I'm terrible in my decisions depending on my mood. Then when I

yesterday by 19 clock with a bottle of sparkling wine under his arm through the slush to the tram slipped, I was not really convinced that the evening would be funny. But to cancel was definitely not appropriate, it would have been cowardly anyway, because who "a" says, have to say "b" (stupid saying, I know!).

I was greeted by Kathi cheerfully: "Come in, I thought, you come with Drea and Volkmar". I got a small apartment tour, a beer, I was pressed into his hand and I was immediately faszniert from the little Zoe, who was playing happily with her new teething ring in his hand. As such, I am not the friend of children, but the little girl is really cute to bite.

Drea and her husband came with little Tom (see photo!) A little later, we have the stomach to go through, that was first eaten. Roast beef (your choice "bloody" or "well done"), beans, potatoes and then ice with fruit and fruit salad with vanilla sauce on top. Volkmar had brought a strange-smelling herb to "complete", Thorsten and I were confident after the first trial that he, like 'UHU twist & glue "smell and actually tasted!

It was so delicious so that I slammed on my normal level. As such, I can cook well (and also plastered the cooked perfectly fast!), But I always notice that it is in good company somehow tastes better than when you sit alone in front of his plate.

There was coffee and tea for everyone and then brought the boys out of their small, remote-controlled cars and on the dining table was "football" is played. You have to imagine that are infected with coffee cups a "field" and "goals", a little star in the Christmas crackers (the first child twisted in the crash tearful face!) Is the "ball" and then you try using the remote Cars to tow the asterisk into the goal. You go backwards way better. What a nonsense, but I laughed broken!

We were so absorbed in the game that we almost slept through the year. Each clock shows something else and so we will already have initiated 23:57 to 12:03 clock with real champagne.

On the balcony we then lit sparklers, watching the fireworks (from the economic crisis in the New Year did not noticed much money on firecrackers seems somehow always left to be!) And then we walked to the next bottle of champagne down at arm, to pop by.

I admit, I do not slam. I'm shooting an extremely frugal man and his hard-earned money in the air seems absurd to me still, but I'm still looking forward when I see the rocket rise.

The boys had a blast, every rocket was captured with the camera and I just had my pleasure to observe the adult men in how they were to young children.

course there were Berlin and lots of coffee.

As I said, I'm always a bit critical when I'm on the road with only one single pair, but I had not ruled out a minute, the feeling to be. Well as talks about children and relationships, but always the subject came to other things and I was able to participate myself. I think there is hardly anything worse than couples who have no other topic of conversation, as their relationship status.

I would give me peace of mind! I felt comfortable and safe with this loving and vibrant people.

initial two-thirty, we packed our things, I was pressed again and passed with love. The cats were waiting for me reproachfully at the door ("So really, Mama! It" Boom! "Made and you have left us alone. That was very inconsiderate of you! Meow !!!"), but after an extra charge Whiskas she felt better.

I smiled and went to bed and I was smiling again. I do not know when I last New Year's Eve had such a fun! I had the feeling from the minute to be truly "welcome" and I appreciate very much!

course, I stood alone on the balcony, when the couple gave a New Year Bussi. And yes, I felt somehow strange, as I sat there alone among all the happy couples. I regretted not to have children and to know someone at my side, who shares his life with me. But that's just my life right now and I will make every effort not to waste it.

I wonder what I will bring the new year. The therapy continues, I remain uncertain about my career, far and no partner in sight. That makes me now that 2010 is now just one day is over, and I am afraid I do not really new on the year. There is still so much to me and I was wondering where to take the power.

other hand I have the hugs and yesterday's talks, which made many good wishes, the numerous emails and SMS courage not to give up. I am very rich and I would not lose sight of.

I am convinced that God does not allow his children to be robbed and so will the things I miss and what I yearn, eventually become a reality. And if not, I will find a way to cope with these. As long as God on my side, can not go wrong there.

I am glad that you accompanied me on my way again next year.

The Lord bless you and may keep 2010, and support. May He shine his light upon you and give you his peace.

your Trissi
© Tristesse


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