Tuesday, December 23, 2008

2004 Suburban Tire Reset

Pimp my life

In October we had a Teensgodi on "Pimp My Life." We have filmed a video that clearly shows that it is important to pimp his life when his car ...
But see for yourself:

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Slogan,fire Prevention

My Day ...

... tends slowly to a close. I enjoy the last few hours on my sofa in my living room and I'm once again glad to have my own four walls. Otherwise it would have I can not enjoy the day today Sun I have used Ta g and am since long time is very long in bed still. Otherwise, I also did not do much more except that I'm gone shopping in between times. My great friend and neighbor, namely, Sigrid has opened in a few days, birthday and so I am to look for a gift.

Since I have not done much, I've also been thinking a lot about God-my life, the world. Yesterday I had the junior leadership training Advanced course (what a word) about my calling of God. Even in preparing me is was very hard and even when I raise it , I am advised that one time or another to a standstill. Not least because my boss was sitting across from me and it went by, too far n pieces about my future. Yes he has also asked me whether I think that I
in the community doing just that, which is my profession, and therefore, if I think I could stay longer here ...
It was therefore to me and my gifts yesterday. Yes and I've just enumerated the gifts that are gifts of the test came out a month ago. After I finished, I was then asked how it looks with the gift of teaching. This was in fact present. I could not give a really good answer, my impression at least).

Yes, and I just about me today so made my mind: Is this really my gift? Me as my colleague correctly? What is before God with my life? Should I stay after the year here in Steinbach? So really I got answers to these questions yet, but God answers also do not like a Colaautoma
t, where I throw money above and below what comes out ... I'll have to wait even further and see what God gives me for answers.

Maybe he used so you too, dear reader, to give me an answer ;-) I think that one or other of you know me for some time and can well ...
I'm on certainly grateful for any suggestions from your side!

So, I greet you from the beautiful Steinbach and wish you a beautiful holiday season!

Welcome Greeting For Church With Flowers

And once again, a funny little stick

again today as I cheer on the blog love Jana 've stopped by, I got this little stick with her questions to read. While reading it I still thought this way: "Please let them not have this baton thrown at me." When I then reached down, I then had "unfortunately" read that she has done just that. Because I do not want to be, I will answer these questions now, times:

1) Grab the book, which is the closest you suggest on page 18, line 4 to quote!
"Nearly a quarter of Uganda is covered with large lakes and rivers."

2) With the exception of the computer, which you can hear right now?
the rain pattering on my roof window

3) What is currently in your fridge. Call max. 5 Things!
pesto, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, sausage

4) What are sheep when they want to sleep?
The other sheep to get around 5th

If you had your own country, what would it mean?
boah-what kind of question ... That reminds me of nothing so spontaneous a

6th What is your favorite and your hate metal?
favorite metal: silver, hate metal: in fact all the others because they remind me too much of the teaching of chemistry ;-)

7th What did you just wallpaper on your screen?
Colorful huts on the beach with Psalm 4.8: "You have given joy to my heart."

8th What is the craziest book, what do you ever read?
I've read so many books in my life, there were certainly some among them who were mad. However, I can say exactly the reason not just what was the weirdest book.

9th In which of your favorite television shows you would want to live?
Without TV you can have bad a favorite TV show, then, in no ...

10th If you were a Pokemon what would you be?
Pokemon? So I can start anything!

So, and since I'm now plagued by the questions, I'll throw the stick now on to Meli, Janine and Bruno .