Friday, June 5, 2009

Hard Worm Like Bugs In Basement

Brilliant Fast-Food Order - Video Chillout Zone

Brilliant Fast-Food Order - Video Chillout Zone

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Mario Salieri Movie Online To Watch

So in Love ...

I'm not in love again and have no friends!
Or rather, I am new love in JESUS!

The whole thing happened on the weekend in Linz. I went there on Thursday with teens and friends from the community to take part in a 24hour Worship Project.
And it was not a "normal" worship are "only" to describe with singing, but praise of a very different kind of dance, proclaiming common and more difficult-so here. You might just have seen. Was it on Friday evening for me but a little strange, I can get involved more and more time on it and then really enjoyed it. God spoke to me again and I'm just still touched and amazed at God's love and greatness! Many prophetic Zusprüche, but also simply times in prayer, in which I felt myself drawn back again to Jesus. I'm so new in love with Jesus! Has not yet strengthened following song:

Yes, I have nothing selected, and Jesus has stolen my heart this weekend!

addition to this we had Worship Project, despite constant rain, which is at a campsite really uncomfortable, a really super great time together. I know the people here just totally grown fond of and I'm looking forward even more to stay I can not go in two months already has, but at least another year!